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Genius Tricks


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The idea, I think, is that if you had a Limit (Only Male Characters can Take It), it would not be a limitation at all, since the one who can use it, uses it unlimited, and no one else can take it at all.


As for this being a comparison of merit, I think it was a use of hyperbole, to jokingly say that the bolded limit in the post is not much of one.


However, is this not just like the Linked Limit, which basically says the Linked power only works when used with the Power to which it is Linked, and not by itself? If so, it seems valid, since Linked is -1/2 I think, right?

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The idea, I think, is that if you had a Limit (Only Male Characters can Take It), it would not be a limitation at all, since the one who can use it, uses it unlimited, and no one else can take it at all.


As for this being a comparison of merit, I think it was a use of hyperbole, to jokingly say that the bolded limit in the post is not much of one.


However, is this not just like the Linked Limit, which basically says the Linked power only works when used with the Power to which it is Linked, and not by itself? If so, it seems valid, since Linked is -1/2 I think, right?



I tried to respond using my 3DS, but it seemed it did not work.


Anyways, I was thinking about this after the post, and went back on my full writeup of If I Hit You HERE... to have that Limited Power now as a -0 Limitation (Just As Much An Upside As A Downside).

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This is my "Used My Copy Of Champions Complete And My E-Book Copy Of Champions Powers To Recreate That Power" version of that power I did. Coments are welcomed.


On an related note...is someone going to redo the Genus Trick printout as a PDF file?


"So If I Strike HERE..."


Effect: Blast 4d6, NND (Not Haveing Weak Points, Being An Non-Organic Being), Invisable Power Effect, Trigger (At Will), Variable Special Effect (Physical Strikes)

Target: One Charater

Duration: Instant

Range: Touch

END Cost: 7


Description: Your charater is skilled at knowing exactly where to strike your oponent for full effect. On a susessful Deduction roll, he can add a 'Nerve Strike' effect upon his attack, repersented as hitting the oponent at just the right place to cause extra damage. While this added damage is 'invisable', the original attack is not, nor is the effect hidden from the oponent. Note: The STUN does not add together for stunning purpuses.


Game Information: Blast 4d6, AVLD (NND: Not Having "Week Points" Strikable Upon His Body, Being An Non-Organic Being: +1), Invisable Power Effect (This Attack, But Not The One Attack It Is 'Linked' To [see Text], Inobvious To Sight And Sound: +1/2), Trigger (At Will, Activation At 0 Phase, Resets Automaticly, Trigger Can Misfire [Knocking Out/Stunning Charater Forces Power To Be Harmlessly 'Spent']: +3/4), Variable Special Effect (Physical Strikes: +1/4), Beam (You Can't Spread A Punch Or A Kick: -1/4), Cannot Use Targeting (-1/2). Limited Power (Can Only Use As The Second Or More Attack Of A Multiple Attach Against One Person: -0), No Range (-1/2), Requiers A Roll (Skill: Deduction, -1 Per 10 Active Points: -1/2), Restrainable (-1/2). Active Points: 70. Real Points: 22. END Cost: 7. Roll: -7 Maximum.


1) More Powerful "If I Strike HERE...": Increse the Blast to 6d6, makeing its Active Cost to 105 CP, its Real Cost to 32 CP, and its END Cost to 10.


2) Less Powerful "If I Strike HERE..."; Decrese the Blast to 2d6, makeing its Active Cost to 35 CP, its Real Cost to 11 CP, and its END Cost to 3.


3) Less Tiering "If I Strike HERE...": Add Reduce Endurance (1/2 END: +1/4) to the power, makeing its Active Cost to 75 CP, its Real Cost to 23 CP and its END Cost to 4.


4) Even Less Tiering "If I Strike HERE...": Add Reduce Endurance (0 END: +1/2) to the power, making its Active Cost to 80 CP, its Real Cost to 25 CP, and its END Cost to, well, 0.


5) Exhasting "If I Strike HERE...": Add Increse Endurance (X2 END: -1/2) to the power, making its Real Cost to 19 CP, and its END Cost to 14.


6) Leathal "If I Strike HERE...": Make shure you get the OK of the GM before you buy this version of this power. Add Does BODY (+1) and No Knockback (Only For This Power, Not The One 'Linked' To It: -1/4), which makes its Active Cost to 90 CP, its Real Cost to 28 CP, and its END Cost to 9. For an even more leathal version of this power, use Killing Attack instead.


7) Limited "If I Strike HERE...": Add Limited Power (Only Usable With [One Manuver]), with the cost set by the GM based on how limited he thinks the strikes used with the attack are. At -1/2 limitation, the Real Points becomes 19 CP, while at -3/4 limitation, the Real Cost becomes 18 CP, and at -1 limitation, the Real Cost becomes 16 CP. If it is only one manuver, use Linked instead (with the cost depending on the attack it is linked to)


8) Hard "If I Strike HERE...": Replace Requiers A Roll and place Requiers A Roll (Skill: Deduction: -1 For Each 5 Active Points: -1) in its place. This changes the Real Cost to 19 CP, and the maximum roll penatly to -14.


9) Easy "If I Strike HERE...: Replace Requiers A Roll and place Requiers A Roll (Skill: Deduction: -1 For Each 20 Active Points: -1/4) in its place. This changes the Real Cost to 23 CP, and the maximum roll penatly to -3.


10) Concentrated "If I Strike HERE..." Add Concentration (1/2 DCV: -1/4) to the attack. This makes the Real Cost 20 CP.


11) Inacurate "If I Strike HERE...: Add Inaccurate (1/2 OCV: -1/4) to the attack. This makes the Real Cost 20 CP. Note: It is not avisable to buy Inaccurate up to 0 OCV, cause then you can't use it as part of a multiple attack attack.

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Combat Preictions


Effect: OCV +4, DCV +4

Target: Self

Duration: Continuous

Range: Self

END Cost: 0


Description: By observing your oponent, you can deduce exactly how he is going to move in combat, makeing it easy to react and counter your oponent. It is sometimes called Holmesvision (or, alteritly, Morertievision for the more crimimaly inclined).


Game Information: OCV +4, DCV +4, Limited Power (Only Against Thoes You Preceve As A Threat: -1/2), Requiers A Roll (Skill: Deduction: -1 For Each 10 Active Points: -1/2). Active Points: 40. Real Cost: 20. END Cost: 0. Maximum roll penlity: -4.


1) More Powerful Combat Predictions: Increse it to OCV +6 and DCV +6. This makes the Active Points to 60 CP, the Real Cost to 30 CP, and the maximum roll penatly to -6.


2) Less Powerful Combat Predictions: Decrese it to OCV +3 and DCV +2. This makes the Active Points to 20 CP, the Real Cost to 10 CP, and the maximum roll penatly to -2.


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Logic Over Emotions


Effects: Emotinal Damage Reduction 50%

Target: Self

Duration: Continuous

Range: Self

END Cost: 0


Description: Your charaters mind runs on logic. There is no 'room' for emotions at all. This, attacks based on emotions have a reduced effect upon him. Even emotionaly laced Presence Attacks are reduced against him. This power uses the Special Effect Damage Negation/Reduction Rules (see pages 55 and 56 of Champions Complete for more information).


Game Information: Emotinal Damage Reduction 50%. Active Points: 30 Real Cost: 30 END Cost: 0


1) Logic Over Emotions...Sometimes: Reduce Emotinal Damage Reduction to 25%, makeing the Active Cost to 15 CP, and the Real Cost to 15 CP.


2) Greater Logic Over Emotions: Increse Emotinal Damage Reduction to 75%, makeing the Active Cost to 60 CP, and the Real Cost to 60 CP.


3) Spock-ish Logic Over Emotions: Increse Emotinal Damage Reduction to 100%, makeing the Active Cost to 120 CP, and the Real Cost to 120 CP. Normaly the GM should be wairie of someone with a 100% Damage Reduction against anything, but since it reduces Presence Attacks and only certan types of Mental Powers, the GM could give an exception. It uses the optinal 100% Damage Reduction rules from the Advance Players Guide page 87.


4) Alternate Logic Over Emotions: You can eather replace or supliment a non-100% Emotinal Damage Reduction with a Emotinal Damage Negation -6 DC, at the Active Points of 30, Real Cost of 30, and an END Cost of 0.

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Nothing really to add to the thread, except to say that this thread is brilliant. I love the ideas you guys have come up with and it really serves as character inspiration.
We realy hope so. I would hate for all our ideals going to waist.
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Let me continue on the road to enlightment with a new power.


Armor Of Logic


Effects: Ego +10, Only To Defend Against Emotinal Based Mental Attacks. PRE +10, Only To Defend Against Emotinal Based Presence Attacks. Mental Defence 10, Hardened, Impenetrable, Only To Defend Against Emotinal Based Mental Attacks.

Target: One Charater

Duration: Constant

Range: Self

END Cost: 0


Description: Simply put, the charater is not as affected by powers and situations which affect emotions in the same way as more ilogical charaters are, This is a less extream version of the concept introduced in the power Logic Over Emotions. You can even take both a lesser version of Logic Over Emotions and Armor Of Logic, if it fits the charater concept.


Game Information (since the effect is repersented by multiple powers, this segment is broken up by individual powers).

Armor Of Logic: EGO +10, Only To Defend Against Emotinal Based Mental Attacks (-1/2). Active Cost: 10 CP. Real Cost: 7 CP. END Cost: 0

Armor Of Logic: PRE +10, Only To Defend Against Emotinal Based Presence Attacks (-1). Active Cost: 10 CP. Real Cost: 5 CP. END Cost: 0

Armor Of Logic: Mental Defence 10, Hardened (+1/4), Impentrable (+1/4), Only To Defend Against Emotinal Based Mental Powers (-1/2). Active Points: 15 CP. Real Cost: 10 CP. END Cost: 0


1) Stronger Armor Of Logic: Increse eather/or each individual power which makes up Armor Of Logic to the following:

Armor Of Logic Change: EGO +20. Active Points: 20 CP. Real Cost: 13 CP.

Armor Of Logic Change: PRE +20. Active Points: 20 CP. Real Cost: 10 CP.

Armor Of Logic Change: Mental Defence 20. Active Points: 30 CP. Real Cost: 20 CP

2) Weeker Armor Of Logic: Decrese eather/or each individual power which makes up Armor Of Logic to the following:

Armor Of Logic Change: EGO +5. Active Points: 5 CP. Real Cost: 3 CP.

Armor Of Logic Change: PRE +5. Active Points: 5 CP. Real Cost: 3 CP.

Armor Of Logic Change: Mental Defence 5. Active Points: 8 CP. Real Cost: 5 CP.

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Where Are You Aiming?


Effect: Desolification, Invisable Power Effects, Reduce Endurance (0 END), Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects, Requiers A Roll (Skill: Deduction: -1 Pre 10 AC), Restrainable

Target: One Charater.

Duration: Continuous (as long as you keep making the requiered roll)

Range: Self

END Cost: 0


Description: If your charater is free to move, and he can predict his oponent's next move, he can always move in such a way as to avoid the attack. Only truly surprising attacks, attacks of the Chaos special effect (which, because of there nature, are truly unpredictable, even if there effect is set in stone), and area effect attacks (along with the standard powers which affect the desolidified) can affect him. Because of the special effect of this power, he can use his normal attacks against the 'real world' while he is 'desolified' without haveing to buy Affects Physical World for the attacks.


Game Information: Desolification, Inherent (+1/4), Invisable Power Effects (Fully invisable: +1), Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1/2), Cannot Pass Through Solid objects (-1/2), Requiers A Roll (Skill: Deduction: -1 Per 10 AC: -1/2), Restrainable (If He Can't Move Freely, He Can't Use This Power: -1/2). Active Points: 110 CP. Real Cost: 44 CP. END Cost: 0.


1) Tiering "Where Are You Aiming?": Remove Reduce Endurance, makeing the Active Points to 90 CP, the Real Cost to 36 CP, and the END Cost to be 4.

2) Easy "Where Are You Aiming?": Reduce Requiers A Roll to Requiers A Roll (Skill: Deduction: -1 Pre 20 AC: -1/4), makeing the Real Cost to be 49 CP.

3) Hard "Where Are You Aiming?": Increse Requiers A Roll to Requiers A Roll (Skill: Deduction: -1 Per 5 AC:-1), makeing the Real Cost to be 37 CP.

4) Dispelable "Where Are You Aiming?": Remove Inherent from the power, makeing the power cost an Active Points of 100 CP, and the Real Cost becomes 40 CP.

5) "Oh! So Are You Activating 'Where Are You Aiming?' Now?": Reduce Invisable Power Effects to Invisable Power Effect (Inobvious to Sight and Soung Group: +1/2), which then makes the Active Points to 90 CP, and the Real Cost to 36 CP.

6) "Ah! Now You Are Activating 'Where Are You Aiming?' Now!": Remove Invisable Power Effects to the power, makeing the Active Points to 70 CP, and the Real Cost to be 28 CP.

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Where Are You Aiming?


Effect: Desolification, Invisable Power Effects, Reduce Endurance (0 END), Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects, Requiers A Roll (Skill: Deduction: -1 Pre 10 AC), Restrainable

Target: One Charater.

Duration: Continuous (as long as you keep making the requiered roll)

Range: Self

END Cost: 0


Description: If your charater is free to move, and he can predict his oponent's next move, he can always move in such a way as to avoid the attack. Only truly surprising attacks, attacks of the Chaos special effect (which, because of there nature, are truly unpredictable, even if there effect is set in stone), and area effect attacks (along with the standard powers which affect the desolidified) can affect him. Because of the special effect of this power, he can use his normal attacks against the 'real world' while he is 'desolified' without haveing to buy Affects Physical World for the attacks.


Game Information: Desolification, Inherent (+1/4), Invisable Power Effects (Fully invisable: +1), Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1/2), Cannot Pass Through Solid objects (-1/2), Requiers A Roll (Skill: Deduction: -1 Per 10 AC: -1/2), Restrainable (If He Can't Move Freely, He Can't Use This Power: -1/2). Active Points: 110 CP. Real Cost: 44 CP. END Cost: 0.


1) Tiering "Where Are You Aiming?": Remove Reduce Endurance, makeing the Active Points to 90 CP, the Real Cost to 36 CP, and the END Cost to be 4.

2) Easy "Where Are You Aiming?": Reduce Requiers A Roll to Requiers A Roll (Skill: Deduction: -1 Pre 20 AC: -1/4), makeing the Real Cost to be 49 CP.

3) Hard "Where Are You Aiming?": Increse Requiers A Roll to Requiers A Roll (Skill: Deduction: -1 Per 5 AC:-1), makeing the Real Cost to be 37 CP.

4) Dispelable "Where Are You Aiming?": Remove Inherent from the power, makeing the power cost an Active Points of 100 CP, and the Real Cost becomes 40 CP.

5) "Oh! So Are You Activating 'Where Are You Aiming?' Now?": Reduce Invisable Power Effects to Invisable Power Effect (Inobvious to Sight and Soung Group: +1/2), which then makes the Active Points to 90 CP, and the Real Cost to 36 CP.

6) "Ah! Now You Are Activating 'Where Are You Aiming?' Now!": Remove Invisable Power Effects to the power, makeing the Active Points to 70 CP, and the Real Cost to be 28 CP.

Yes, the title of #6 above is ment to sound wierd.
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Eurika! Moment


Effect: Skill Levels +4 w/all Intellect Skills, No Conscious Control

Target: One Charater

Duration: Instant

Range: Self

END Cost: 0


Description: Sometimes, when and where you least suspect it, the answer to your question pops into your head. Normaly it hapens when your enjoying a non-intelagent moment (like, say, bathing). The GM controls exactly when and what skill the levels are applied to. (In fact, for thoes with this power, he should be free to roll all Intellect Skills for the charater, so the player dosen't know the power is being used eather). It just happens.


Game Information: Skill Levels +4 w/all Intellect Skills, No Conscious Control (-2). Active Points: 16 CP. Real Cost: 5 CP. END Cost: 0


1) Less Powerful "Eurika! Moment": Reduce the Skill Levels till it is only +2 w/all Intellect Skills. This makes the Active Cost to be 8 CP, and the Real Cost to be 3 CP.

2) More Powerful "Eurika! Moment": Increse the Skill Levels till it becomes +8 w/all Intellect Skills. This makes the Active Cost to be 32 CP, and the Real Cost to be 11 CP.

3) More Controlable "Eurika! Moment": You can control exactly where the plusses goes, but not when to roll. Reduce No Conscious Control till it becomes -1. This makes the Active Cost be 16 CP, and the Real Cost become 8 CP.

4) Versable "Eurika! Moment": Replace the w/all intellect Skills with w/All Non-Combat Skills. This makes the Active Cost to 40 CP, and the Real Cost to be 13 CP.

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Well, this is the later date. Enjoy.




Effect: Variable Power Pool, Only For Skill Based On Intelagence

Target: One Charater

Duration: Constant

Range: Self

END Cost: 0


Description: The charater, given an hours time, can create a "Cramming" effect beyond what the normal Cramming skill on page 28 of Champions Complete alowes. Heck, he can cram even beyond what the advance optinal Cramming rules alowes on page 36 of the Advance Player's Guide. The maximum roll is limited normaly to 16-, and has to start at a 11- base, and limited to Intelagence skills, and asumes the charater can have assess to a libary, the Internet, or some other source of knolage for an hours time.


Game Information: Variable Power Pool 20 CP, Control Cost 10 CP, No Skill Roll Requiered (+1), VVP Can Only Be Changed In An Hour ("Between Sceens": -1/4), VVP Can Only Be Changed In Access To Knolage (-1/2), Only For Intelagence Based Skills (-1), Limited Power (Skills Start At A Roll Of 11-, And Not At Base INT Roll, And Can Only Be Bought Up To A 16- Roll, And No Skill Levels Can Help To Improve The Roll: -1/2). Active Points: 20+20. Real Cost: 20+6. END Cost: 0


1) Super Hyper-Cramming: Increase the VVP to 40 CP and the Control Cost to 20 CP. This makes the Active Points to 40+40 CP, and the Real Cost to 40+12 CP.


2) Not So Super Hyper-Cramming: Decrease the VVP to 10 CP and the Control Cost to 5 CP. This makes the Active Points to 10+5 CP, and the Real Cost to 10+2 CP. (At this point, your charater might be better off buying just plain Cramming, othoe if the GM is not playing with the optinal Cramming rules, then this might be your only choice to get a roll beyond an 8-)


3) Rapid Hyper-Cramming: Your charater needs no hour to cram, just enougth time to scan through information. Remove the limitation VVP Can Only Be Changed In An Hour (-1/4). This makes the Real Cost to 20+7 CP.


4) Hyper-Cramming With No Maximum: The player no longer has a maximum roll of 16-, nor does he need to buy the skill starting at 11-. Remove the limitation Limited Power (Skills Start At A Roll Of 11-, And Not At Base INT Roll, And Can Only Be Bought Up To A 16- Roll, And No Skill Levels Can Help To Imporve The Roll: -1/2). This makes the Real Cost to 20+7 CP.


5) Some Rolling Requiered: The charater still needs to make a Power roll to change the VVP. Remove the advantage No Roll Requiered (+1), makeing the Active Cost to be 20+10 CP, and the Real Cost to be 20+3 CP.


6) More Intelagent Options...: The charater is no longer limited to just Intelagence skills, but also to Intelagence based Tallents and Powers also. Change the limitation Only For Intelagence Based Skills (-1) to Only For Intelagence Based Skills, Talents, And Powers (-1/2). This makes the Real Cost to 20+7 CP.

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Smartest Man In The Room


Effect: Change Enviroment (-4 to INT Rolls), Alterable Size, Cost END Only To Activate, Inherent, Invisable Power Effect (Fully), Personal Imunity, No Range

Target: One Area

Duration: Constant

Range: No Range

END Cost: 5 (to activate, 0 to maintain)


Description: Basicly, as long as your in the area, you charater makes smart men look like fools. (Some people beleve that a certan bat theamed superhero has this power with a limitation of it only working against a certan big blue boyscout). Only your charater can get there full raw INT roll, regardless of the raw INT scores of thoes around him.


Game Information: Change Enviroment (-4 to INT Rolls), Alterable Size (+5 CP), Cost Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4), Inherent (Once Turned On, Only The User Can Turn It Off, +1/4), Invisable Power Effect (What Brain Drain Field?, Fully Invisable: +1), Presonal Imunity (+1/4), No Range (-1/2). Active Points: 47 CP. Real Cost: 31 CP. END Cost: 5.


1) More Powerful "Smartest Man In The Room": Increse Change Enviroment till it is -8 to INT Rolls. This makes the Active Points to 80 CP, the Real Cost to 53 CP, and the END Cost to 8.


2) Less Powerful "Smartest Man In The Room": Decrese Change Enviroment till it is -2 to INT Rolls. This makes the Active Points to 30 CP, the Real Cost to 20 CP, and the END Cost to 3.


3) Realy The Smartest Man In The Room: Not only does he affect raw INT Rolls, but also Skill Rolls based on INT also. Add this power to the old power: Change Enviroment (-4 to INT Based Skill Rolls), Alterable Size (+5 CP), Cost END Only To Activate (+1/4), Inherent (+1/4), Invisable Power Effect (Fully: +1), Presonal Imunity (+1/4), No Range (-1/2), Linked (To INT Roll Change Enviroment: -1/2), Limited Power (Areas Of Effect Must Overlap Completly With Linked Power: -1/2), Limited Power (INT Skills Only: -1/2). Active Points: +47 CP. Real Cost: +16 CP. END Cost: +5.

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Intelegance Buffer


Effect: INT+20, Limited Power (Only To Increse INT For Purpuses Of Drains And Dispells: +1)

Target: Self

Duration: Continuous

Range: Self

END Cost: 0


Description: Even when the charater is exposed to 'brain drain' powers, he can keep his base intelagence longer than other people with the same intelect. This increse dosen't affect the base INT roll, Perception Rolls, or INT based skill rolls...only for the amount of INT which can be drained/dispelled from the charater.


Game Information: INT+20, Limited Power (Only To Increse INT For Purpuses Of Drains And Dispells: +1). Active Points: 20. Real Cost: 10. END Cost: 0


1) More Powerful INT Buffer Zone: Increse the power to INT+40, makeing the Active Points to 40 CP, and the Real Cost to 20 CP.


2) Super Powerful INT Buffer Zone: Increse the power to INT+80, makeing the Active Points to 80 CP, and the Real Cost to 40 CP.


3) Less Powerful INT Buffer Zone: Decrese the power to INT+10, makeing the Active Points to 10 CP, and the Real Cost to 5 CP.

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Intelegance Buffer


Effect: INT+20, Limited Power (Only To Increse INT For Purpuses Of Drains And Dispells: +1)

Target: Self

Duration: Continuous

Range: Self

END Cost: 0


Description: Even when the charater is exposed to 'brain drain' powers, he can keep his base intelagence longer than other people with the same intelect. This increse dosen't affect the base INT roll, Perception Rolls, or INT based skill rolls...only for the amount of INT which can be drained/dispelled from the charater.


Game Information: INT+20, Limited Power (Only To Increse INT For Purpuses Of Drains And Dispells: +1). Active Points: 20. Real Cost: 10. END Cost: 0


1) More Powerful INT Buffer Zone: Increse the power to INT+40, makeing the Active Points to 40 CP, and the Real Cost to 20 CP.


2) Super Powerful INT Buffer Zone: Increse the power to INT+80, makeing the Active Points to 80 CP, and the Real Cost to 40 CP.


3) Less Powerful INT Buffer Zone: Decrese the power to INT+10, makeing the Active Points to 10 CP, and the Real Cost to 5 CP.


Wouldn't Power Defense only to Protect INT be more.....logical?


edit: Nevermind, this option also protects against really exotic drains vs alternate defenses


Lucius Alexander


Palindromedary Tricks

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  • 3 weeks later...

As far as Superintelligent is Concerned, the propably best example I know of is Mind Mistress:

It is currently being being re-uploaded on DrunkDuck: http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Mindmistress_at_Drunk_Duck/5387893/

But the Original run was on a seperate Website with intersting use of Image Hyperlinks (to bad DD can't use that ability): http://mindmistress.comicgenesis.com/ (Partial Index is found on lower left side)


Though a lot of her Powers come from Super Equipment (her Armor, her various Vehicles), she sometimes show secondary powers:

She has a perfect memory. So perfect, she once used it as a Targetting Sense/Darkvision: http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Mindmistress_at_Drunk_Duck/5439229/

Her memory was also retroactively, so she suddenly rememebered everything since her first though after being born. And she remember perfectly everything her alter ego (Lorelei) has ever encountered (wich is often emotional baggage).

She once beat a Tidal Wave using Sonic Booms and Advanced Mathematics that not even a AI she build could understand: http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Mindmistress_at_Drunk_Duck/5396902/

Even without her Equipment she is pretty good. There is the example of her using her memory as Sense. She also has widely improved Martial Arts skills - her alter Ego went to self Defense in Stolen Ideas, she is jsut so much better at using (and remembering) them. Anticipating weaknesses in her Eqipment she sometimes engineers/modifies lifeforms who will fill the gap in advance (see "Just as I Planned" below).


Geniouses in general:

Another common Power is "Always a tool for the Job". It is a Gadget VPP.


Another Power is something I actually thought up for Batman and other "Crazy prepared/Superplanner" Types:

"Just as I Planned" VPP, Instant Change, No Roll, Only things from his belt or stuff he could have set up beforehand without being noticed until now (-1/4)

You and not even the GM can truly predict how the Combat will go. But this chatacter can so he can set up "Stuff" in places where his tragets will be hit by them. If you add some IPE to the power you choose, you might even get a Surprise Attack Bonus.

Rule-technically you are changing the VPP and making the Attack Roll now. But "in game verse" you set all that up "some time ago":

That Melee I lost three Segments ago because of Knockback? Totally placed Timed Charges on your Back! (You didn'tknow? Well neither did the Viewer!)

Me being in your chokehold lifted of the Ground? Totally put Smoke Bombs/Flash Bombs in several different places just to have a Distraction to escape from that one right now!

How did I knew to put on a wrist Rocketlauncher that can Knock out Captain Marvel? You even have to ask?


One way to actually Predict the Next Enemy action is:

I know what you are doing; Clairsentience, The Future, only 1 Segment, only stuff whose elements are visible from 1 Segment ago (can't counter surprise attacks)

Your Character can predict stuff as easily as someone who can see the Future, though he can still be surprised by unknown information


One Character with "just that much more experience" said to a Speedster-like of similar powerlevel:

"I might not be as fast as you, but I have the experience to predict your movement". Wich basically was just CV/SPD to match the Speedster with a different SFX.

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  • 1 year later...

It's time for me to update this list. Enjoy.


It Dosen't Take A Psychic...


Effect: Telepathy 9d6, Invisable Power Effect (Fully Invisable: +1/4), Mental Powers Based On INT (-1/4), Limited Power (Target Must Be Known To The Subject, Or At Least Has A Psychological Profile Of The "Unsub": -1/4), Receve Only (-1/2), Surface Thoughts Only (-1/4)

Target: One Charater

Duration: Instant

Range: Line Of Sight

END Cost: 6


Description: By using logic and slight deduction, you'll never have to ask someone "What's on your mind?" . This power uses the optinal "Mental Powers Based On" rule in the Advance Players Guide.


Game Information: Telepathy 9d6, Invisable Power Effect (fully: +1/4), Mental Powers Based On INT (-1/4), Limited Target (Target Must Be Known To The Subject, Or At Least Has A Psychological Profile Of The "Unsub": -1/4), Receve Only (-1/2), Surface Thoughts Only (-1/4). Active Points: 56. Real Cost: 28. END Cost: 6


1) More Powerful "It Dosen't Take A Psychic...": Increse Telepathy to 12d6, makeing the Active Points to 75 CP, the Real Cost to 38 CP, and the END Cost to 8.


2) Less Powerful "It Dosen't Take A Psychic...": Decrese Telepathy to 6d6, making the Active Points to 38 CP, the Real Cost to 19 CP, and the END Cost to 4.


3) Skillful "It Dosen't Take A Psychic...": Add the limitation Requiers A Roll (Skill: Deduction: -1 Per 10 Active Points: -1/2), making the Real Cost to 22 CP. and the END Cost to 6.

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The Logical Choice


Effect: Mind Control 8d6, Telepathic (+1/4), Invisable Power Effect (Fully: +1/4), Mental Powers Based On INT (-1/4), Limited Power (Must Talk To Target Normaly: -1/4), Limited Power (Limited Comands: Only To 'Force' The Target To Chose An Action Between Two Or More Choices, Hopefuly The One Which The Charater Likes: -1/4)

Target: One Charater

Duration: Instant

Range: Line Of Sight

END Cost: 6


Description: By Talking to a target, your charater can convince a target to chose a choice of the charater's chosing. Only the charater can give orders to the target (the Telepathic advantage coupled with the Limited Power: Must Talk To Target Normaly), but the charater still must speak to the charater. This power uses the optinal "Based On [Charatistic] rule on page 69 of the Advance Players Guide.


Game Information: Mind Control 8d6, Telepathic (+1/4), Invisable Power Effect (Fully: +1/4 for mental powers), Based On INT (-1/4), Limited Power (Must Talk To Target Normaly: -1/4), Limited Power (Only To 'Force' The Target To Chose An Action Between Two Or More Choices, Hopefuly The One Which The Charater Likes: -1/4). Active Points: 60. Real Cost: 34. END Cost: 6


1) More Powerful Logical Choice: Increse Mind Control to 10d6, makeing the Active Points to 75 CP, the Real Cost to 43 CP, and the END Cost to 8.


2) Even More Powerful Logical Choice: Increse Mind Control to 12d6, making the Active Points to 90 CP, the Real Cost to 52 CP, and the END Cost to 9.


3) Less Powerful Logical Choice: Reduce Mind Control to 6d6, making the Active Points to 45 CP, the Real Cost to 26 CP, and the END Cost to 5.


4) Even Less Powerful Logical Choice: Reduce Mind Control to 4d6, making the Active Points to 30 CP, the Real Cost to 17 CP, and the END Cost to 3.


5) Less Tiering Logical Choice: Add Reduce Endurance (1/2 END: + 1/4) to the power, making it's Active Points become 88 CP, the Real Cost become 50 CP, and the END Cost to 4.


6) More Tiering Logical Choice: Add Increased Endurance (X2 END: -1/2) to the power,making the Real Cost to 27 CP and the END Cost to 12.


7) Mandatory Level Logical Choice: Thoes under the effect will pick "is choices he will normaly be opposed to, and think he chosed it under there own poert". Add Mandatory Effect limitation to the power (INT +50 [iNT +20 for base, then +10 to go against Psychological Complications, then +20 to Think Actions Were Natural]: -1), makinf the Real Cost to 22 CP.


8) Guaranteed Logical Choice: Add Guaranteed Effect (INT +20, And Orders Contradict Target's Psychological Complications, and Target Will Remember Actions And Thnk They Were Natural: +50 CP Adder). This makes the Active Points to 135 CP, the Real Cost to 77 CP, and the END Cost to 14. Note: Charater can not have both Guaranteed Effect AND  Mandatory Effect on the same Mind Control power (as the Adder makes the Limitation worthless).

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