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What other anti-human hate groups exist besides the anti-mutant ones?


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Re: What other anti-human hate groups exist besides the anti-mutant ones?


Do not forget mole-men or their equivalents, who may want to rise and conquer the surface-dwellers! They despise us for hogging all the free air and sunshine, despite being so fully adapted to subterranean life that they need welding goggles whenever any part of the Sun is above the horizon.

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Would radical athiests in a super setting tend to hate magic using supers because it disagrees with their world view of a lack of the supernatural?

I actually put a question like this in an Atheist blog (I wouldn't call them "radical" but the definition of an "radical Atheist" seems to be "one who says publicly to being an Atheist"; but that's another topic) and several people pointed out that if magic could be proven to exist then it wouldn't be supernatural. Instead magic would just be another source of powers and part of the multiverse. It would still be a mystery as to why it's so fickle, but it would still be considered real.


My version of the question included whether or not Atheists would acknowledge gods. The response to that varied. The three common responses were:

1) What does it mean to be a god? There's the idea that man created God, an idea the CU supports by having gods be generated by human beliefs. We see it in the realms of Fairie and Bablyon (is Sherlock Holmes the future God of Deductive Reasoning).

2) Super-humans existed long ago in history and were wrongfully thought of as gods. So is the guy who healed the blind the son of a god or a mutant? Plus you have time travel. Maybe the Greek legend of a multi-armed strong monster was caused by Captain Chronos bringing Grond back in time.

3) Just because a god exist doesn't mean it's worth being worshiped. Technically that Misotheism though, pointing out that gods tend to be selfish jerks who demand they be worshiped to feed their egos and make unreasonable demands.


So to answer your question, no there would not likely be anti-magic Atheist groups. But it's your campaign so it's your decision.

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