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My notes for Ravenna are getting kinda complex, so I thought I'd start sharing some of the content.  Certainly, especially in the case of victims of institutional abuse like the girls in the Magdalene Laundries, I do not mean to do anything but highlight where the evil in the mundane world hides. Ravenna is a place of Extradimensional Evil, to be sure, but ordinary humans can create horrors without casting spells. That's my intent, if I go too far, please tell me. 


The following are a few ideas for characters who might want to fit into Ravenna by truly being part of its history. Each of these origins connects to “actual” events in the Ravenna timeline.

Asylum Survivor
Not too long ago, “fallen women” were confined to asylums to aid them in changing their ways.  The excesses of such places as the Magdalene Laundries in Dublin left scars that have not yet healed for some women.  The last of these nightmare factories was shuttered in 1996. The youngest of their victims is barely 30.  A female character having gone through her youth in such a place would have tales of physical abuse and black rituals.
This experience makes her strong, and might have given her knowledge of dark paths. She might be yet tempted to walk these paths, or she might fight her memories, taking battle to the demons and spirits that manifested in the asylums.
Take skills related to dark times, and talents like Resistance and Lightsleep. Complications involving physical abuse (or worse) would make up your psyche, and trust would come slowly, if at all. No apology is coming, and few care to hear your tales.


Black Schola Survivor
Your boarding school was magical, but this wasn't Hogwart's. The survivors of demon- or spirit-led Black Schola are frequently very strong people.  The schools exist to weed out mundanes from those youth who might be turned down the Dark Paths.  They often operated by demonologists or actual demons (Fairseemers or Deceivers, most likely).
You understand Demonology, and might have a Magic Skill related to it. At the very least, you have your memories of draconian discipline, nights spent screaming and the scent of rendered human fat. IT has hones you into a weapon, but who is your target?


Child of Ravenna
Lucky you. You were born in the hidden city of Ravenna. To your eyes the outside world is a dead, colorless place. It took many years to discover the joy to be lived in a mundane life. Perhaps you now live this simple existence, made just a bit easier by the application of a little covert magic.
You have access to all kinds of magic, but little understanding of the Realms of the Mundanes. A Physical Complication (Doesn’t Understand Mundane Culture) is almost certainly in order.


Mundane Upbringing
You were born into a family of non-wizards, but somehow obtained magical abilities. Perhaps, the magic skipped several generations from your Fae ancestor, and suddenly manifested in you. Perhaps that ancestor showed up one day, and you never saw home again.
Then again, maybe you have powers and don’t think that any other wizards exist. The discovery of others with power would have been joyous and terrifying all at once. For one, you aren’t the only freak on the streets, but then again, you find yourself in a strange new world just behind the curtain. Welcome home, kiddo.
Lastly, maybe you are just a normal, no frills HUMAN. No magic, no special powers, no strange ears! Just a barista, a welder, a truck driver or common criminal. Deal with this new world on human terms. Good luck.  
Don’t buy any magical skills that require understanding. No Knowledge Skills, or Skills relating to the Reality of Ravenna. Learn as you go, role playing your new life and being amazed at the least of magical occurrences.


Embodied Spirit
They found you covered in dirt and leaves. They cleaned you up, fed you and nursed you to health. But deep inside, you know you aren’t like these mundanes. The girl thinks you are easy to talk to, the one with the guns and muscles is suspicious of you, and the little guy with the glasses might be in love with you.  You aren’t sure. You’ve never been in love before.  That’s because you were until recently a spirit, wandering the astral. By some agency, you are now perfectly human. Well… perfectly human with animals following you around and lakes growing still at your approach. You have some purpose in this cold, colorless realm, what might it be?
Buy spirit powers and try to cope with the physical world. Try to remember the Astral and what “real life” was like.  Take Complications related to unfamiliarity and innocence. But ask the GM to buy you some secret powers you will discover as play progresses.

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