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Strike Force Conversions

Christopher R Taylor

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Up now...Lady Power!


Lady Power

Val      Char   Cost   Roll     Notes

60        STR    50        21-      Lift 102.4tons; 12d6 [6]

20        DEX    30        13-      OCV:  7/DCV:  7

28        CON   36        15-

10        BODY 0          11-

10        INT      0          11-      PER Roll 11-

20        EGO   20        13-      ECV:  7

23        PRE    13        14-      PRE Attack:  4 1/2d6

18        COM   4          13-


20/44  PD      8          Total:  20/44 PD (0/24 rPD)

15/39  ED      9          Total:  15/39 ED (0/24 rED)

5          SPD    20        Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12

20        REC   4

56        END   0

54        STUN 0          Total Characteristic Cost:  194


Movement:   Running:       6"/12"

            Flight: 20"/40"

            Leaping:        12"/24"

            Swimming:    2"/4"


Cost   Powers          END

20        <B><U>Demonic Magic</B></U>:  Elemental Control, 40-point powers

20        1)  Power Destruction:  Drain vs special effect Magic (Largest Power) 1 1/2d6 (15 Active Points)            1

20        2)  Invisibility to Sight Group , Ranged (+1/2) (30 Active Points)         3

47        3)  Force Field (15 PD/15 ED), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (67 Active Points)      3

30        4)  Flight 20", Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points)         2

50        5)  Flames of Chaos:  Energy Blast 14d6 (70 Active Points)    7

20        6)  Shape Shift  (Sight Group, any shape) (30 Active Points) 3

20        7)  Shrinking (0.889 m tall, 7.9379 kg mass, -2 PER Rolls to perceive character, +2 DCV, takes +3" KB), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (15 Active Points)

20        8)  Armor (9 PD/9 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (34 Active Points)



2          Servant of Scoff:  Contact:  Scoff (Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity) 8-



24        +3 with all combat Skills


Total Powers & Skill Cost:  273

Total Cost:  467


475+   Disadvantages

15        Distinctive Features:  Demonic horns (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15        Psychological Limitation:  Greedy (Common, Strong)


Total Disadvantage Points:  467


Background/History:  Petty crook; she met Overlord and swore to be his faithful companion in return for power and money. She received treatments to make her strong; bore Overlord a son, Morgan. When Morgan was murdered by Ichi-ban, she blamed Overlord for his death; she bartered  herself to Scoff for the power to take revenge. Her revenge failed, now, her powers reduced, she is a servant of Scoff.


Personality/Motivation:  Wicked, greedy. Hates Ichi-ban, Luster.


Powers/Tactics:  Great stregnth, and new demonic powers.


Campaign Use:  Bedeviler of magical heroes (stays near in shapeshifted form, destroys their powers, then attacks).


Appearance:  Costume: Dark red long sleeved bodystocking and boots, gold gloves, gold leggings, gold sash at waist, face bare. (With Overlord, no horns, red costume parts were green.)


Lady Power.hdc

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and Luster's mother... Prism



Val      Char   Cost   Roll     Notes

15        STR    5          12-      Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 [1]

23        DEX    39        14-      OCV:  8/DCV:  8

23        CON   26        14-

12        BODY 4          11-

18        INT      8          13-      PER Roll 13-

15        EGO   10        12-      ECV:  5

18        PRE    8          13-      PRE Attack:  3 1/2d6

18        COM   4          13-


10/19  PD      7          Total:  10/19 PD (0/9 rPD)

10/19  ED      5          Total:  10/19 ED (0/9 rED)

5          SPD    17        Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12

10        REC   4

46        END   0

32        STUN 0          Total Characteristic Cost:  137


Movement:   Running:       6"/12"

            Leaping:        3"/6"

            Swimming:    2"/4"


Cost   Powers          END

15        Light Powers:  Elemental Control, 30-point powers

20        1)  (Black, based on FF):  +30 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)

15        2)  (Blue):  Force Field (9 PD/9 ED), Costs END (+1/4) (22 Active Points)    2

25        3)  (Yellow):  Desolidification  (40 Active Points)            4

25        4)  Heat Blast  (Red):  Energy Blast 4 1/2d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), No Normal Defense (Life Support Full; +1) (52 Active Points); Activation Roll 14- (-1/2)           2

15        5)  (White):  Life Support  (Eating: Character does not eat; Safe Environment: Zero Gravity; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character does not sleep) (24 Active Points)


            Maneuver     OCV   DCV   Notes

4          Dodge            --          +5        Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

4          Escape           +0        +0        30 STR vs. Grabs

4          Extend Ki       +0        +0        30 STR to resist Shove; Block, Abort

3          Hold    -1         -1         Grab Two Limbs, 25 STR for holding on

5          Joint Break    -1         -2         Grab One Limb; HKA 1d6 +1 , Disable

4          Joint Lock/Throw      +1        +0        Grab One Limb; 1d6 NND ; Target Falls

5          Redirect         +1        +3        Block, Abort

5          Strike  +1        +3        3d6 Strike

3          Takedown     +1        +1        3d6 Strike; Target Falls

3          Throw +0        +1        3d6 +v/5, Target Falls


            Maneuver     OCV   DCV   Notes

4          Block  +2        +2        Block, Abort

4          Disarm           -1         +1        Disarm; 25 STR to Disarm roll

4          Knifehand Strike ("Chop") -2         +0        HKA 1d6 +1

3          Legsweep      +2        -1         4d6 Strike, Target Falls

4          Punch/Snap Kick    +0        +2        5d6 Strike

5          Side/Spin Kick          -2         +1        7d6 Strike


Total Powers & Skill Cost:  179

Total Cost:  316


400+   Disadvantages


Total Disadvantage Points:  316


Background/History:  Mutant, when teenager, met and fell in love at first sight with Overlord; bore him a daughter, Tanith; stayed with him in spite of Lady Power and recent problems; has at least earned his repect and genuine affection.


Personality/Motivation:  Kind, Stubborn, Gracious.


Powers/Tactics:  Light-based mutant powers, martial arts.


Campaign Use:  Luster's mother; secretly contacts heroes to tell them of problems Overlord faces.


Appearance:  Costume: Gray bodystocking (face bare). Striped cuffs and belt, Black-White-Blue-Yellow-Red-White-Black pattern. Bodystocking changes color of last power activated.



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Here's the Producer and his lacky Dan!  Merry Christmas all, be back this weekend.


The Producer

Val      Char   Cost   Roll     Notes

30        STR    20        15-      Lift 1600.0kg; 6d6 [3]

18        DEX    24        13-      OCV:  6/DCV:  6

23        CON   26        14-

18        BODY 16        13-

33        INT      23        16-      PER Roll 16-

18        EGO   16        13-      ECV:  6

18        PRE    8          13-      PRE Attack:  3 1/2d6

10        COM   0          11-


6/21    PD      0          Total:  6/21 PD (0/15 rPD)

4/13    ED      -1         Total:  4/13 ED (0/9 rED)

6          SPD    32        Phases:  2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

11        REC   0

46        END   0

45        STUN 0          Total Characteristic Cost:  164


Movement:   Running:       6"/12"

            Flight: 20"/40"

            Leaping:        6"/12"

            Swimming:    2"/4"


Cost   Powers          END

            <B><U>Android Body</B></U>

45        Armor (15 PD/9 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (45 Active Points)

40        Foulable Fold-up Wings:  Flight 20"         4

49        Life Support  (Eating: Character does not eat; Immunity Alcohol; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Safe Environment: Zero Gravity; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character does not sleep), Inherent (+1/4) (49 Active Points)

15        Healing BODY 1d6, Can Heal Limbs       1

20        Regeneration 3 BODY 0 1/2d6, Resurrection (25 Active Points); Linked (Linked to Albritton Computer network; -1/4)     2

3          Linked to Albritton Computer network:  Computer Link

5          Mental Defense (9 points total)



6          Money:  Wealthy

50        Various bases:  Vehicles & Bases

3          Reputation:  Brilliant scientist in the field of android technology (A medium-sized group) 8-, +3/+3d6



5          Eidetic Memory

3          Lightning Calculator

4          Speed Reading (x10)



8          SS:  Artificial Life 17-

6          SS:  Biochemistry 15-

7          SS:  Medicines 16-

13        Paramedics 21-

8          KS: Public figures and Movie Stars/Characters 17-


Total Powers & Skill Cost:  290

Total Cost:  454


400+   Disadvantages

10        Distinctive Features:  Android Body (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Simple Tests)

5          Distinctive Features:  LArge Wings (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15        Hunted:  Law enforcement 11- (As Pow, Capture)

5          Reputation:  Creator of Android constructs, 8-

10        Hunted:  Various supers 8- (As Pow, Capture)

15        Psychological Limitation:  Crazy! Thinks everything is a movie (Common, Strong)

15        Psychological Limitation:  Unaware things he create's can hurt people for real (Common, Strong)


Total Disadvantage Points:  454


Background/History:  The Producer was born Zachariah Albritton in 1888, and grew up to be a brilliant doctor and biochemist. In the 1930's, he stumbled on the secrets of artificial life and created several android heroes in the 1940's and 1950's. But, because of the Governor's interference with scientific development, Albritton could never convince the scientific community of his deeds and his genius. He was mocked and ridiculed. In the late 1950's, his mind snapped. No longer able to deal with the humiliation, he committed suicide by guillotine.

But one of his androids, not wishing for his genius to be lost, captured his memory and brain patterns in one of his experimental devices, then labored for a decade, using the man's own techniques to create him an imperishable body.  The operation was a success; the data that constituted the memory and personality of Dr. Albritton survived the transition into his android body. Restored to life, he was still crazy. He no longer wished to batter his head against the scientific community. He wished only to live a happy, colorful, musical life, like that seen in the movies.

The movies became his obsession. He began using his genius to create android duplicates of people (and monsters) he saw in the movies and on television - the more ridiculous, the better. Having created something lovely, he would release it into the world. And if the creation was dangerous, superheroes inevitably had to deal with it.

The Producer, as he now calls himself, has plauged Strike Force with giant Japanese lizards, 1930's movie monsters, hulking Italian swordsmen from sword-and-sandal fantasy movies, alien invaders, and much more. He has also helped the team, during the TkTK Horde invasion, by creating an authentic network news studio (populated with famous anchorpersons) and faking the broadcast which convinced the TkTk that thier technology offer was being rejected.

The Producer supports his operations by creating special-purpose and super-powered androids for various crime cartels. His work is good, and he earns incredible fees.


Personality/Motivation:  The Producer is crazy, but not evil. He just doesn't remember that what he does can hurt people. He doesn't understand that this is not a movie, that after the director calls "cut" the victems don't just get up again. He is a fan of the movies and public figures; so heroes finding his bases often find android duplicates of important persons about: The Princess of Wales as his social secretary; roundtable political discussions between Plato, Marx, Teddy Roosevelt, and Kublai Khan; and new movies being filmed with a wish-list of actors who lived at different times, many of them now dead.


Powers/Tactics:  Te Producer has a tough, resiliant android body but no real attack powers.  With his sciences, however, he can create anything he wishes to, up to super-beings which only whole superhero teams can handle. If he needs to perform a task, he can create the android to do it. His androids can be very simple things with accelerated aging and no intelligence (some are water-soluble), or can be practically undetectable as androids, fully living and interfertile with human beings.


Campaign Use:  The Producer is a good opporitunity for a comedy adventure. The adventure goes something like this: The Producer sees a wonderful new science fiction disater , or horror movie, discovers something that interests him, recreates it in his lab, and unleashes it on the city, having a camera-crew follow the action while the hapless heroes try to fix things. The Producer himself is never seen (he uses Dan, as his messenger); if he is actually captured, you can have him transfer his conciousness to another android body in another base. The Producer can also be the orgin of a superhero's power: Pity the poor hero who discovers that he's not a mutant after all, but a recently-constructed android with false memories and no past...


Appearance:  Costume: The Producer wears ordinary street clothes and a lab smock.His shirts and smocks have slits in the back so that he may extend his wings (normally worn flat against his back) when he wishes to fly.





Val      Char   Cost   Roll     Notes

10        STR    0          11-      Lift 100.0kg; 2d6 [1]

15        DEX    15        12-      OCV:  5/DCV:  5

18        CON   16        13-

8          BODY -4         11-

20        INT      10        13-      PER Roll 13-

15        EGO   10        12-      ECV:  5

15        PRE    5          12-      PRE Attack:  3d6

10        COM   0          11-


8          PD      6          Total:  8 PD (0 rPD)

8          ED      4          Total:  8 ED (0 rED)

4          SPD    15        Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12

6          REC   0

36        END   0

22        STUN 0          Total Characteristic Cost:  77


Movement:   Running:       16"/32"

            Leaping:        2"/4"

            Swimming:    2"/4"


Cost   Powers          END

            <B><U>Android Body</B></U>

57        1)  Life Support  (Eating: Character does not eat; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Safe Environment: Zero Gravity; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character does not sleep), Inherent (+1/4) (57 Active Points)

20        2)  Running +10" (16" total)           2



7          Conversation 14-

25        Any other skills the Producer see's fit


Total Powers & Skill Cost:  109

Total Cost:  186


400+   Disadvantages

10        Distinctive Features:  Android Body (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15        Psychological Limitation:  Crazy as a loon (Common, Strong)

15        Psychological Limitation:  Overly Theatrical (Common, Strong)


Total Disadvantage Points:  186


Background/History:  Dan is the Producer's favorite messenger, as crazy as the Producer himself. The Producer keeps Dan's personality and memories in a storage device, creating a new Dan body for every errand; these bodies often self-destruct in bizarre fashions when their missions are accomplished.


Personality/Motivation:  Theatrical (overly so).


Powers/Tactics:  None, or as the Producer see's fit.


Campaign Use:  Dan is the one who delivers the news of the Producer's latest experiment to the heroes (though he doesn't always do so in time for the heroes to forestall disaster). He is also the one the heroes find in the Producer's headquarters, the one who delivers the Producer's products to villains, etc.


Appearance:  Costume: Usually, top hat and tails, with cane; usually comic because of is skinny physique. Or, as situation demands (in Hollywood, shirt open to navel and gold spoon, for instance).




The Producer.hdc


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I built an arch villain for the Chicago Watch game I ran decades ago called Cinema sort of based on this guy.  He is a reality manipulator who is the same sort of personality: he's crazy and understands the world only in terms of movies and film characters.  He's very powerful but very limited as well.  Once he summoned Godzilla to attack Chicago, once he used War of the Worlds robots, mixed with Sandmen from Logan's Run.  He's a pretty effective bad guy but personally weak so the PCs can't just uncork on him but he's easy to beat if they can get him alone.

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Ok, rather than just sit around and eat and eat until I exploded today, I had some time to finish up some of the things I was working on. First up is Loc Ban Tor, another one of Strike Force's villains. There wasn't a picture for him in the book, so I took the liberty to whip one up with heromachine. I like it anyway, hope you do too!



Loc Ban Tor

Val      Char   Cost   Roll     Notes

20        STR    10        13-      Lift 400.0kg; 4d6 [2]

33        DEX    69        16-      OCV:  11/DCV:  11

23        CON   26        14-

12        BODY 4          11-

13        INT      3          12-      PER Roll 12-

18        EGO   16        13-      ECV:  6

20        PRE    10        13-      PRE Attack:  4d6

14        COM   2          12-


16/22  PD      12        Total:  16/22 PD (0/6 rPD)

14/20  ED      9          Total:  14/20 ED (0/6 rED)

8          SPD    37        Phases:  2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12

9          REC    0

46        END    0

35        STUN  1          Total Characteristic Cost:  199


Movement:   Running:         16"/32"

            Leaping:         4"/8"

            Swimming:     2"/4"


Cost   Powers          END

15        Physical Damage Reduction, vs STUN, 25%

20        Physical Damage Reduction, 50% BODY (only when aware of attack)

18        Body Toughness:  Armor (6 PD/6 ED)

20        Running +10" (16" total)       2


60        Multipower, 60-point reserve

5u        1)  Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (2 1/2d6 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (52 Active Points)   2

3u        2)  Invisible Punch:  Hand-To-Hand Attack +8d6 (40 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)   4

6u        3)  Nerve Punch:  Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 4d6 (5d6+1 w/STR) (60 Active Points)      6

                        Notes:  (does no BODY damage, STUN only)

1u        4)  Damage Shield:  Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (1 1/2d6 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (26 Active Points); OAF (Katana; -1)          1


            Maneuver     OCV   DCV   Notes

4          Block  +2        +2        Block, Abort

4          Counterstrike +2        +2        6d6 Strike, Must Follow Block

5          Dodge            --          +4        Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove

3          Footsweep     +2        -1         5d6 Strike, Target Falls

4          Punch +2        +0        6d6 Strike

5          Snap Kick      +1        -2         8d6 Strike

5          Spinning Kick            +2        -2         8d6 Strike; Half Move Required

1          Weapon Element:  Blades

1          Weapon Element:  Clubs

1          Weapon Element:  Staffs


            Maneuver     OCV   DCV   Notes

4          Dodge            --          +5        Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

4          Escape           +0        +0        35 STR vs. Grabs

4          Extend Ki       +0        +0        35 STR to resist Shove; Block, Abort

3          Hold    -1         -1         Grab Two Limbs, 30 STR for holding on

5          Joint Break    -1         -2         Grab One Limb; HKA 1d6 +1 , Disable

4          Joint Lock/Throw       +1        +0        Grab One Limb; 1d6 NND ; Target Falls

5          Redirect         +1        +3        Block, Abort

5          Strike  +1        +3        4d6 Strike

3          Takedown      +1        +1        4d6 Strike; Target Falls

3          Throw  +0        +1        4d6 +v/5, Target Falls

1          Weapon Element:  Blades

1          Weapon Element:  Staffs

1          Weapon Element:  Polearms



19        Danger Sense (self only, in combat, Function as a Sense) 14-



3          Acrobatics 16-

3          Stealth 16-


Total Powers & Skill Cost:  249

Total Cost:  448


400+   Disadvantages

15        Enraged:  Quick tempered (Common), go 11-, recover 14-

10        Reputation:  Cold, ruthless, vengeful, 11-

15        Reputation:  Known Assassin, 11- (Extreme)

8          Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points:  448


Background/History:  Loc Ban Tor, a man of uncertain orgins (claims to be Vietmanese), was in training with the master of Paek-tu when Ed Trillaine (Sai) also came to train. Loc Ban tor tried to kill Trillaine during an ordinary practice session (his temper is notorious) but failed; he was banished by the master and left the mountain forever. In later years, he served as a mercenary and assassin all over the world, training ninja-like killers in Asia and Central America. He hunted Shiva, but was thwarted when Shiva apparently died in a tenement fire. (Shiva actually changed his identity to that of Sai.) Eventually, a mercenary ally of Sai sold him out to Loc Ban Tor; but the mercenary and Loc Ban Tor's agent died trying to assassinate Sai and his ally Sliver. Loc Ban Tor now hunts Sai personally, determined to murder him, blaming Sai for his banishment from the mountain of Paek-tu. Recently, the CIA contracted him to kill Ed Trillaine; Trillaine had refused an assignment and resigned from his CIA position, but knows too much to be allowed to live.


Personality/Motivation:  Cold, ruthless, ambitious, vengeful, prone to rages.


Powers/Tactics:  Extraordinary dexterity, great training in martial arts techniques. Uses highly-trained agents.


Campaign Use:  Powerful enemy to martial arts heroes. Also, trainer of assassins, accepts contracts on major political figures, works with terrorist groups such as VIPER.


Appearance:  Costume: Jade-green silk gi (oriental practise robe) and belt; sheathed katana carried in belt; goes barefoot.


Loc Ban Tor.hdc

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And ladies and gentlemen, if you'll turn and look to the left, you'll now see the Sttel Brigade!


The steel Brigade armor is the same for each different set, so I only created one file for them. However, there are 8 different colored armors, so there was more work generating the pics than there was the HD files.  This, I believe, completes the villains in the book that have any type of stats. There are a couple indipendent heroes and a couple normals that I still have to do and will.    Any way, here's the Steel Brigade for your enjoyment!  



The Steel Brigade

Val      Char   Cost   Roll     Notes

50        STR    40        19-      Lift 25.6tons; 10d6 [5]

20        DEX    30        13-      OCV:  7/DCV:  7

20        CON   20        13-

10        BODY 0          11-

13        INT      3          12-      PER Roll 12-

13        EGO   6          12-      ECV:  4

15        PRE    5          12-      PRE Attack:  3d6

10        COM   0          11-


10/45  PD      0          Total:  10/45 PD (0/35 rPD)

10/45  ED      6          Total:  10/45 ED (0/35 rED)

5          SPD    20        Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12

14        REC   0

50        END   5

45        STUN 0          Total Characteristic Cost:  135


Movement:   Running:       31"/62"

            Flight: 20"/40"

            Leaping:        10"/20"

            Swimming:    2"/4"

            Teleportation:            20"/40"


Cost   Powers          END

            <B><I><U>Steel Brigade Battle Armor</B></I></U>

26        1)  Armor (15 PD/15 ED) (45 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Only In Villain Identity (-1/4)

10        2)  High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); Only In Villain Identity (-1/4)

20        3)  +4 withcoordinating attacks only


57        <B><I><U>Steel Brigade Power Suit</B.</I></U>:  Multipower, 100-point reserve,  (100 Active Points); all slots OIF (-1/2), Only In Villain Identity (-1/4)

3u       1)  Flight 20", Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Only In Villain Identity (-1/4) 2

2u       2)  Teleportation 20" (40 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Only In Villain Identity (-1/4)     4

3u       3)  Force Field (20 PD/20 ED), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Only In Villain Identity (-1/4)          2

3u       4)  Energy Blast 10d6 (50 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Only In Villain Identity (-1/4)   5

2u       5)  Entangle 5d6, 5 DEF (50 Active Points); 8 Charges (-1/2), OIF (-1/2), Only In Villain Identity (-1/4)     [8]

3u       6)  Running +25" (31" total) (50 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Only In Villain Identity (-1/4)    5


Total Powers & Skill Cost:  129

Total Cost:  264


400+   Disadvantages

15        Psychological Limitation:  Greedy (All members) (Common, Strong)


Total Disadvantage Points:  264


Background/History:  The Steel Brigade ( acorps of power-armor goons) acted as supervillain muscle for Overlord. Each set of Steel Brigade armor was a different color and its wearer called by that name (Yellow, Red, Blue, etc.). Originally pretending to be superheroes, they assaulted Strike Force but were defeated by the team. Later assigned to assist Power Lord in his assault on Strike Force Mansion, they were defeated there, too. With Power Lord dead and Overlord retired, the members of the Steel Brigade reconstructed their armor and decided to become independent supervillains. Now, with improved armor, they specialize in bank robbery and theft from high-tech industries. They now use slightly different but still color-coded names - Sable (Black), Purpure (Purple), Scarlet (Red), Tenne (Orange), Gold (Yellow), Vert (Green), Azure (Blue), and Silver (White). Gold, leader of the new Steel Brigade, hates Strike Force member Luster for her part in their capture; it was she who built the EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) bomb that wrecked the Steel Brigade armor and permitted their capture. Gold, who feels Luster should have owed him some loyalty because of their common ties to Overlord, now hunts Luster, but doesn't drag in his allies on this non-profitable quest.


Personality/Motivation:  Gold, leader of the Steel Brigade, is vengeful but cunning. All members of the Brigade are greedy. Sable, Purpure, Tenne, Gold, and Vert are men; Scarlet, Azure and Silver are women.


Powers/Tactics:  Power armor strength enhancement, armor, and other powers.


Campaign Use:  The Steel Brigade is a good "meyhem in the streets" encounter, robber-villains; they're not very versatile but are very persistent. They are very coordinated in combat, utilizing maneuvers and code-words, and thus are tougher to beat than their character sheets indicate.


Appearance:  Costume: The Steel Brigade Power Suit is a man-height set of power armor, elegant-looking, with some sharp edges and corners; the armor does not indicate the gender of its wearer. Each suit is of a different color.









The Steel Brigade.hdc

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Here's Swashbuckler and Red Archer, two independent heroes from Strike Force.



Val      Char   Cost   Roll     Notes

28        STR    18        15-      Lift 1212.6kg; 5 1/2d6 [3]

23        DEX    39        14-      OCV:  8/DCV:  8

28        CON   36        15-

18        BODY 16        13-

18        INT      8          13-      PER Roll 13-

10        EGO   0          11-      ECV:  3

18        PRE    8          13-      PRE Attack:  3 1/2d6

14        COM   2          12-


11/23  PD      5          Total:  11/23 PD (0/12 rPD)

11/23  ED      5          Total:  11/23 ED (0/12 rED)

6          SPD    27        Phases:  2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

12        REC   0

56        END   0

46        STUN 0          Total Characteristic Cost:  164


Movement:   Running:       15"/30"

            Gliding:          8"/16"

            Leaping:        5"/10"

            Swimming:    2"/4"

            Swinging:      10"/20"


Cost   Powers          END

52        Sonar Sight:  Active Sonar (Sight Group), +5 to PER Roll, Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Telescopic:  +3, Tracking, Inherent (+1/4) (52 Active Points)


43        Rapier:  Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 3d6+1 (4d6+1 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (87 Active Points); OAF (-1)         3


18        Whip:  Energy Blast 8d6 (40 Active Points); OAF (-1), Limited Range (10"; -1/4)     4

5          Swinging 10" (10 Active Points); OAF (Whip; -1)           1


20        Battle Suit (Costume):  Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)


18        Cloak:  Armor (12 PD/12 ED) (36 Active Points); OAF (-1)

4          Cloak:  Gliding 8" (8 Active Points); OAF (-1)


18        Running +9" (15" total)       2



8          +1 with all combat Skills


3          Acrobatics 14-

3          Computer Programming 13-

3          Stealth 14-


Total Powers & Skill Cost:  195

Total Cost:  359


400+   Disadvantages

0          Dependent NPC:  Shari Taylor (sister) 8- (Slightly Less Powerful than the PC; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills)

15        Physical Limitation:  Blind since birth (All the Time, Slightly Impairing)

5          Distinctive Features:  Mutant (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

10        Psychological Limitation:  Showoff (Common, Moderate)

15        Psychological Limitation:  Code vs killing (Common, Strong)

15        Reputation:  Favorite of the Ladies, 14-


Total Disadvantage Points:  359


Background/History:  George Taylor, blind from birth but possessing a mutant sensory ability, was inspired by the heroes of the cinema to adopt a hero identity. A charter member of Strike Force, he left the team when it split in two.


Personality/Motivation:  Swashbuckling, showoff, gallant.


Powers/Tactics:  Sonar and acrobatics backed by gadgetry.


Campaign Use:  Independent hero of New York, an inspiration to normal-powered crimefighters and a favorite of the ladies. Brother of "Hero Talks" Shari Taylor, who does not know his double identity.


Appearance:  Costume: Renaissance-era garments; Tunic, breeches, hat (with leather), cloak, mask in blue; swash-topped boots, belt, gloves, and whip in brown leather; glowing rapier.




Red Archer

Val      Char   Cost   Roll     Notes

15        STR    5          12-      Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 [1]

20        DEX    30        13-      OCV:  7/DCV:  7

18        CON   16        13-

12        BODY 4          11-

15        INT      5          12-      PER Roll 12-

15        EGO   10        12-      ECV:  5

15        PRE    5          12-      PRE Attack:  3d6

16        COM   3          12-


5/10    PD      2          Total:  5/10 PD (0/5 rPD)

5/10    ED      1          Total:  5/10 ED (0/5 rED)

5          SPD    20        Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12

10        REC   6

36        END   0

35        STUN 6          Total Characteristic Cost:  113


Movement:   Running:       6"/12"

            Leaping:        3"/6"

            Swimming:    2"/4"


Cost   Powers          END

37        Magical Bow and Arrows:  Multipower, 75-point reserve,  (75 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1)

3u       1)  Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2) (67 Active Points); OAF (-1)            7

3u       2)  Entangle 7d6, 7 DEF (70 Active Points); OAF (-1)   7

4u       3)  Energy Blast 10d6, Explosion (+1/2) (75 Active Points); OAF (-1) 7

4u       4)  Energy Blast 10d6, Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2) (75 Active Points); OAF (-1)         7

3u       5)  Energy Blast 5d6, Explosion (+1/2), No Normal Defense ([standard]; +1) (62 Active Points); OAF (-1)         6

1u       6)  Hearing Group Flash 5d6 (15 Active Points); OAF (-1)       1

4u       7)  Energy Blast 15d6 (75 Active Points); OAF (-1)        7


5          Mask Lenses:  Infrared Perception (Sight Group)


15        Battle Suit:  Armor (5 PD/5 ED)



12        +4 with Magical Bow and Arrows


3          Stealth 13-

3          Visual Perception:  Custom Skill 15-


Total Powers & Skill Cost:  97

Total Cost:  210


400+   Disadvantages

15        Psychological Limitation:  Loyal to friends (Common, Strong)

15        Psychological Limitation:  Convinced of his superiority due to his noble rank (Common, Strong)


Total Disadvantage Points:  210


Background/History:  On an alternate Earth, where magic works and the culture is medival, Strongbow clan leader Yollo was killed by an evil sorcerer; Yollo's son Rhys escaped to the Strike Force Earth. He worked with Strike Force, but was so lethal that Strike Force returned him home - with an ally, the Green Knight (Enemies III).


(Red Archer was the basis for "Kor Hunter" in "Organization Book I: The Circle and METE)


Personality/Motivation:  Brash, impetuous, and convinced of the superiority of his rank, but loyal to his friends.


Powers/Tactics:  Magical multipower based on a magical (OIF) bow.


Campaign Use:  Versatile long-range fighter, agitator for nobility, focus of magic-based adventures.



Appearance:  Costume: Knee-length tunic, long right sleeve and short left sleeve, bracers, swash-topped boots, quiver, all red.




Red Archer.hdc

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Here are the last two characters that are in the Strke Force book that have any type of stats. Hope you've enjoyed them all. Now to find something else...


And of coarse, I'm posting the final cardstock stand-ups pdf containing the rest of the characters I've presented....


Shari Taylor

Val      Char   Cost   Roll     Notes

10        STR    0          11-      Lift 100.0kg; 2d6 [1]

15        DEX    15        12-      OCV:  5/DCV:  5

13        CON   6          12-

10        BODY 0          11-

18        INT      8          13-      PER Roll 13-

11        EGO   2          11-      ECV:  4

15        PRE    5          12-      PRE Attack:  3d6

18        COM   4          13-


6          PD      4          Total:  6 PD (0 rPD)

3          ED      0          Total:  3 ED (0 rED)

3          SPD    5          Phases:  4, 8, 12

5          REC   0

26        END   0

22        STUN 0          Total Characteristic Cost:  49


Movement:   Running:       7"/14"

            Leaping:        2"/4"

            Swimming:    2"/4"


Cost   Powers          END

2          Running +1" (7" total)         1

10        Luck 2d6


            <B><U>Tear Gas Spray</B></U>

2          Tear Gas Spray:  Sight Group Flash 1d6 (5 Active Points); OAF (-1), 8 clips of 3 Charges (-1/2) [3]

12        +6 to hit because of spray


            Maneuver     OCV   DCV   Notes

4          Atemi Strike   -1         +1        2d6 NND

5          Block  +1        +3        Block, Abort

4          Disarm           -1         +1        Disarm; 20 STR to Disarm roll

4          Escape           +0        +0        25 STR vs. Grabs

3          Joint Lock      +0        -1         Grab One Limb; 10 STR for holding on

4          Joint Lock/Throw      +1        +0        Grab One Limb; 1d6 NND ; Target Falls

4          Shime            -2         +0        Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND

3          Slam   +0        +1        2d6 +v/5, Target Falls

4          Strike  +0        +2        4d6 Strike

3          Takedown     +1        +1        2d6 Strike; Target Falls



3          HEROTALK Magazine building:  Access

42        Contact:  HEROTALK Magazine (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Very Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (42 Active Points) 17-

2          Fringe Benefit:  Passport, Press Pass

6          Money:  Wealthy

18        Reputation:  Publisher of HEROTALK Magazine (A large group) 14-, +6/+6d6



5          Eidetic Memory

14        Journalistically Inquisitive:  Fearless



10        +2 with JuJitsu


2          WF:  Assault Rifles/LMGs, Handguns, Rifles

3          Pilot:  TF:  Helicopters, Single Engine Jets, Small Planes

7          Conversation 14-

3          Deduction 13-

6          PS: Journalism 15-

5          PS: Shorthand 14-

5          PS: Business 14-

3          High Society 12-

3          Language:  French (completely fluent with accent)

3          Language:  Italian (completely fluent with accent)

3          Language:  German (completely fluent with accent)


Total Powers & Skill Cost:  207

Total Cost:  256


225+   Disadvantages

25        Psychological Limitation:  Recklessly Impulsive (Very Common, Total)

6          Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points:  256


Background/History:  Nine years ago, Shari, a high-school journalism student, interviewed a hero of the Crusaders. Instead of submitting it to her school paper , she sent it to a prominent national magazine and was accepted, launching her career as a journalist specializing in superhero news and interviews. Six years ago, with loans from her parents and brother George (Swashbuckler), she launched HEROTALK Magazine, a monthly covering the superhero community. (Each issue features a superhero interview, an article on recent super activities, a historical article, news, and a photo spread,)

About this time, ShadowWalker met and became interested in her, butmisinterpreted Swashbuckler's protectiveness of her (she is Swashbuckler's sister) and did not pursue his interest in her for several years. As publisher of HEROTALK, Shari has been an occasional help and an occasional annoyance to Strike Force.


Personality/Motivation:  Shari is recklessly impulsive, intruding herself into dangerous situations to capture them on film for her magazine and for prosterity. She loves travel and expensive living but will slog uncomplainingly through hellish environments for a good story. She is strongly committed to journalistic ethics and does not divulge off-the-record information about her interview subjects.


Powers/Tactics:  Shari is a competant normal, possessing no powers, but trained in a variety of skills to further her journalistic career - and to keep her alive while she goes about it. In her purse, she carries a small cannister of tear gas (Flash, 1D6, 3 uses, 8 turns' duration each, +6 to hit because of spray, OAF)


Campaign Use:  Ms Taylor is Swashbuckler's DNPC and ShadowWalker's romantic interest, and can take these roles for player-characters. Additionally, she can act as a nuisance monster for superteams, forcing her way into violent situations, tripping over secret identities, etc.


Appearance:  Costume: Shari generally wears expensive outfits in the latest styles.




Shawna Ferris

Val      Char   Cost   Roll     Notes

10        STR    0          11-      Lift 100.0kg; 2d6 [1]

11        DEX    3          11-      OCV:  4/DCV:  4

35        CON   50        16-

15        BODY 10        12-

13        INT      3          12-      PER Roll 12-

20        EGO   20        13-      ECV:  7

10        PRE    0          11-      PRE Attack:  2d6

16        COM   3          12-


7          PD      5          Total:  7 PD (0 rPD)

7          ED      0          Total:  7 ED (0 rED)

4          SPD    19        Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12

11        REC   4

70        END   0

50        STUN 12        Total Characteristic Cost:  129


Movement:   Running:       6"/12"

            Leaping:        2"/4"

            Swimming:    2"/4"


Cost   Powers          END

50        Psychic:  Elemental Control, 100-point powers

75        1)  Telepathy 10d6, Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (125 Active Points)

50        2)  Healing BODY 1d6, Can Heal Limbs, Usable By Other (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (26 Active Points)

50        3)  EGO attack:  Energy Blast 6d6 (30 Active Points)    3

50        4)  Mental Defense (15 points total) (11 Active Points)




33        Contact:  Salem Academy (Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (33 Active Points) 16-



26        Danger Sense (self only, in combat, Discriminatory, Function as a Sense, Intuitional) 21-



2          PS: Teacher 11-

2          PS: Psychology 11-

2          PS: Parapsychology 11-

2          KS: PSI institutes 11-

2          KS: Crafts 11-


Total Powers & Skill Cost:  344

Total Cost:  473


400+   Disadvantages

10        Physical Limitation:  Takes STUN when a those near her are hurt (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing)

10        Psychological Limitation:  Has trouble sorting out the emotions of those around her from her own (Uncommon, Strong)

53        Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points:  473


Background/History:  Shawna is a mutant, a wild talent with uncontrolable Telepathy. Deeply disturbed because of her powers, she ran into Strike Force and accidentally discovered many of their Secret ID's before they realized her problem. Psycher, still a Strike Force member at the time, recommended training for her at a parapsychic research facility known to him. At that institute, she learned to tune out some of the "voices" she was always hearing and to use her abilities in a constructive manner. Later, she embarked on a relationship with Stalker, a martial artist and energy- redirection super. Still later, she became a parapsychology instructer at the Salem Academy, the secret school for youthful supers, working with Charade.


Personality/Motivation:  Once alienated and unhappy, Shawna has learned from her psi institute how to cope with the  world. This, coupled with her relationship with Stalker and her productive work with Salem Academy, have made her much more cheerful and outgoing. Because of her problems differentiating her own emotions and those around her, she tends to feel for a person as the person feels for her - and thus she's more likely to help a happy villain than a stern or ill-mannered hero.


Powers/Tactics:  Shawna's powers include an always-on Telepathy (she always hears a babble of voices, but can single out one person's thoughts by concentrating on him), an empathic healing power (she takes the damage into herself before healing it), an EGO attack, and a powerful psychic warning system. She feels pain (takes STUN) when those near her are hurt (as if a STUN-only explosion emanating from that person), and she has trouble sorting out the emotions of those around her from her own.


Campaign Use:  Shawna, before her education in parapsychology, is a good "super with powers out of control" for a hero-team to "help" encounter. After her education, she is a good mentor or friend to troubled and youthful supers, especially novice psychic heroes or heroines.


Appearance:  Shawna is a 26 year old woman with brown hair and brown eyes. She wears normal civilian dress.



Shari Taylor.hdc

Shawna Ferris.hdc

Strike Force Villains and Independants.pdf

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Thanks Chris, I love making and using paper mini's, cheap, and easily replaced. I 've made them for all three of 6th ed villains books, as well as some of the old 4th and 5th edition books. Our group uses them in play for the combats for visual reference where the characters are. (Plus they just plain look cool out on the table!)


I'm thinking of doing "The Blood" 6th conversions next, just have a couple other things I have to finish up first. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure, except that the book describes them all as "stealthy" and similar terms.  Maybe it was something Sai taught them, they all have martial arts too.

This also a "style" issue, back in the 80s Danger Sense was a very common "must have" power. Even moreso considering the low defenses. :0

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  • 3 months later...
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  • 6 months later...

I have really enjoyed this post.  I was going through Strike Force myself, putting all the characters into Hero Designer and this made things considerably easier.  One thing for those who have been following; La Panthere had a car.  It was a Black Trans Am that could change colors and had a rotating license plate.  For 5th edition, if you have the Hero System Vehicle Sourcebook character data pack, you can use the Chevy Camaro as a template and then adjust as you see fit since Trans Ams used the same chassis and nearly the same engine when they were in production.  In fact, some people who want a Trans Am nowadays buy a Camaro and then pay for a kit to transform it into a Trans Am.

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Barring the promised publication of an updated/extended version...


Grab whatever details are in the book, including from the character writeups. Don't forget the related races. There's not a lot there, but you could design characters that could look Katari, say. Your players wouldn't know the difference.


Aaron made the stuff up himself at some point, so you can do it too.

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you can use the Chevy Camaro as a template and then adjust as you see fit since Trans Ams used the same chassis and nearly the same engine when they were in production.  In fact, some people who want a Trans Am nowadays buy a Camaro and then pay for a kit to transform it into a Trans Am.

In hero terms, they really are the same car.


Its unlikely the new Strike Force book will have much detail on the races, but you can guess based on the bits of info you have available.  Since there will be adventure hints and stories from the campaign, its likely both showed up again and you can learn more from there as well.  And, of course, maybe you can get Surbrook to share some info since he has all the notes :)

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I'm actually betting on a fair bit on alien races in the Allstonverse in the new Strike Force book; since Aaron mentioned at the end of the original that after the defeat of the Governor freeing technological dissemination to the general populace, FTL travel would start taking humanity, and the campaign, out to the stars.

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I'm actually betting on a fair bit on alien races in the Allstonverse in the new Strike Force book; since Aaron mentioned at the end of the original that after the defeat of the Governor freeing technological dissemination to the general populace, FTL travel would start taking humanity, and the campaign, out to the stars.

I'm excited to learn where the campaign went after the original Strike Force book was published. It should be quite helpful in showing how a campaign world can change and grow, such as what happens once super tech becomes more commonplace.

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