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What is your least favorite Pulp Character?


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I was just wondering if any of you have a pulp character that you just don't really like too much?

I have to say for me it's Doc Savage.  I want to like him but he has the problem of just too perfect as well as rather sexist.  Then there is the 800lb gorilla the Crime College.  The fact that with no arrest, not court hearing, no anything Doc just sends them up to some asylum and performs brain surgery on them.  I mean if this ever got found out it would be nationwide scandal.  Also the fact that he seems to have little or no emotion.  He is just a boring character overall, his aides are the ones with the most personality.

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I assume that we're talking long-running series characters here, and not three appearances or less type of guys. With that criteria, I'm going with the Phantom Detective. Despite having almost as many issues as Doc Savage (he's #3 on the 'most issues list, IIRC), which indicates some real popularity, he just feels... well, bland, to me. There are elements that are interesting (he had a 'bat-signal' for example, and was the most disguise-using pulp character in history) his stories (granted only the ones I've read) don't work for me because they stay rooted in the real world too much. Murders, blackmailers, smugglers, racketeers - there's no touch of the fantastic that would elevate the stories for me. Even if they hint at it, it's not there.

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