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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


From this LJ entry:


or, 14 Reasons to be polite and decent to other people in online fandom, none of which have anything whatsoever to do with BNFs, Niceness, or Censorship.



1) They have previously been kind to you.


2) They have never been anything but kind, or at least pleasant, to you.


3) They are in a position to be kind to you in the future.


4) They are in a position to make you very, very sorry you ever opened your mouth. Or they will be in the future.


5) Among your audience there is probably at least one person whose good opinion you value, or who is in a position to do you either good or harm, who knows and likes the person you are about to be vile to.


6) They are very new, and therefore don't know all the rules and nuances yet.


7) They have been around forever, and probably understand things you don't about the rules and nuances.


8) They are clearly considerably less intelligent than you are, and you have too much pride to shoot fish in a barrel.


9) They are clearly considerably more intelligent than you are, and you have too much sense to invite a slapdown you'll still remember in painful detail when you are 90.


10) You'll do something equally stupid or in fact stupider sometime, and when that day comes your chances of getting out of there with your dignity intact will be much higher if half of fandom isn't quietly gunning for you.


11) Something tragic or traumatic will probably happen to you one day, and that will be a bad time to discover that you've established a reputation as a person who doesn't deserve or appreciate sympathy, kindness or tact.


12) One of the many ways in which fandom is not like high school is that fandom is full of extremely smart people. We are not short of clever around here. The bar for "So smart you will automatically be loved and admired, even if you behave like a wild squirrel brought indoors" is set much, much higher than you think it is, and you are probably in no danger of concussing yourself on it.


13) Fandom as an entity has a memory like an elephant. The evil you do today will still be following you around in twenty years.


14) Showing off in public is, admittedly, The Fannish Way, but if your talent for nastiness is your most impressive and frequently displayed characteristic you're probably not actually going to enjoy the company of the friends and admirers that gets you.


#12 made me laugh. ^ v ^

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Had another doctor's appointment this morning. Which included another ultrasound. Baby is doing well and much bigger than last months ultrasound. We saw arms, hands, fingers, legs, and a profile of the face. Looked like the baby had hiccups or was ticked off cause we woke it up doing the ultra sound. :D


I go back in 5 weeks for another check-up and ultrasound. Should know the sex of the baby during my June appointment. Getting sooooooooooo excited. :D

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Got a pissed-off email from a student who wondered if I lock the doors at the beginning of class.


No, sweetheart, the room you went to is the lab room. Labs happen in the afternoon. Lectures happen in the morning. In a different room, in a different building.


Love & Kisses,

Dr. Satan

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


While contemplating the hellishly high Uni workload the other night, I re-read my current assignment from start to finish (BTW, anyone know anything about XML and wants to give me a few pointers on XML Schema? Particularly "Key"?). At the end of the assignment there is a section on plagiarism (note that my previous request is for guidance/assistance, not for someone to do the work for me). I suddenly realised why people are tempted to cheat - the pressure of too much work to do in not enough time, particulalry with the money invested into doing the degree in the first place. I have actually contemplated dropping out, but have spent so much money up to now, I don't want it to go to waste.


On the other hand, my qualification, once gained, may not help me get a job, or increased wages, or any benefit at all. Plus the vast majority of what I am learning, and I know this from my experience of working in my field of study for over a decade already, is useless to me, as I do not work in the specialised fields these subjects are directed towards, nor do I wish to. As a result most of what I have learned I have already forgotten, and what I do recall is little better than trivia, useful on rare occasions when the planets align, but lying dormant the remainder of the time.


I idly wondered what could be done to make this degree in Computing and Information Science more relevant to the corporate reality facing students who, unlike me, had yet to sail out into the bitter winds and stormtossed seas of the corporate world. And then, these disassociated thoughts of plagiarism and relevancy suddenly came together in a single moment of profound clarity.


To prepare them for the reality of their future in the corporate world, students should be allowed to outsource their assignments to India.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I was asked what I wanted Doc to cook for dinner tonight. After much thought, I text messaged him and told him Enchilada's.


There is but one slight problem. It sounded good this morning. As of right now, it doesn't sound so good.


I fear I'm going to go home, he'll be dishing it up for us, and I'll dissolve into tears cause he's gonna be mad at me for not wanting to eat it. :P


Pregnancy is tough.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Why sports fans and gamers live in different universes


Scenario: The Minnesota Vikings play the New York Giants


Sports Fan: Did you hear? The Vikings beat the Giants.


Gamer: By Odin, now there's a saga worth telling! :thumbup:



Scenario: The Cleveland Cavaliers play the Washington Wizards


Sports Fan: Did you hear? The Cavaliers beat the Wizards.


Gamer: Well DUH! Cavaliers get a +4 to their saving throws vs. hostile magic, you know. :stupid:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


*Paints self blue and sits in sprinkler hose with sparklers lit*

I just want someone to love me

I just want someone to love

I just want someone

I just want

*Online performance art done, pesters everyone who reads this post for $5 or rep*

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


If I tried to run half of the real life events I see or read about in a game, my gamers would nail me to a tree. I've just watched about 1,000 tonnes of broken, tumbling ice chinks rising up from the frozen seas surface and over the loading quay for the barges suppling the offshore platforms out there in the Caspian. One of the guys caught it on camera. It's truly awesome.


But without seeing the movie, they'd never believe me... dammit!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


“Effective at 00:15 EDT on 04 July 2004, all NEW passwords must

consist of exactly 8 characters, including at least one alpha, one

numeric character and one National Character (@,$ or #) between the

first and last character of the NEW password. “



The “National Characters” are @, #, $. The sign for location or place, the sign for number or quantity, the sign for money. Put them together




And they seem to spell something like “At the place of a quantity of money.” Or perhaps "The place where money is counted." Or even "Where money counts."




What do the National Characters say about the National Character?



Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary thought the National Characters were Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty....

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


A gauge of how awake I am today:


I go to my User CP to browse threads I'm participating in, and keep up with reading the boards. So I often see my rep list. My most recent rep reads: "I love you and I really enjoy this game."


And I keep wondering, Hunh. I wonder who gave me that rep? :doi:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So, they cleaned the carpets on the 5th floor, and apparently decided to dry them out by cranking the heat up to 85 degrees. So, the break room is not only hot, it's humid, and smells like carpet shampoo.


Today is a good day to go out to lunch.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


You know how that Westboro Methodist church of Kansas gets featured in newspapers and the media every now and again ?

Well a guy called Louis Theroux who makes documentaries spent three weeks with them and the programme was shown last night. Louis's gift is to let the people dig themselves their own pit or hang themselves with their own rope.


They are evil. Pure evil. Picketing the funerals of dead soldiers and picketing a synagogue. And they believe what they are saying is true.

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