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World Creation SuperDraft

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I would like to add prophecy under my other subdomain. I guess my god is in charge of basically making sure everything runs like a clock, triggering migrations as the world moves about it sun, and ensuring problems are fixed with a piece of the future being known to person who can do the job.


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Harhoog, greatest of Tricksters, called "The Bright One" by His chosen people, who will be described in a later day, first makes the geologic province which is to be their ancestral home.


Far below the surface of the sea, deeper than the abyssal plains, where air is merely an aspect of the Void, light is something the denizens make briefly of themselves for their own needs, and the heaviness of the oceans and cloudiness of the water make a place where infinite tricks can lie in wait undiscovered for perhaps all of Time, is a chasm extending down to the very foundations of the world. Halfway around the world it wraps, with slopes steeper than the sharpest mountains, and an ultimate depth that changes daily and can never be reached.  We name it the Blastopore, the Place To Go To Have A Blast.  On the globe, at one point it lies just below and perpendicular to the great Spine of the World, and for this reason it is sometimes called, with some justice, the Intergluteal Cleft of the World.

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Day 3

Hello Helioloympusgard! Today the world wends its way to becoming weird and wonderful in every way.


In our first story, the world population virtually explodes on the third day. Three new races emerge from the earth, one quite literally. Humans are the creation of Pariah, the Earth God, who seems to be aiming for a sort of "Father Nature" kind of role at this point. Not everyone was happy to see humanity bloom. One god was heard saying, "Humans? Outdated vile little creatures." This could bode poorly for them. 


We've also been alerted to the presence of Brownies, mischievous but helpful fairies of the household. They seem to be reclusive, avoiding direct contact with the larger races, so we can't be entirely sure that they even exist! But if they didn't, where did the stories come from? They sound like creatures of magic, but that may be up to Hermit, God of Magic, and now Dreams. (Could the stories of the Brownies come via dreams?) 


On a day filled with surprises, the third emergent race is one of the biggest surprises to appear. The Aleph are a race of elephantine humanoids imbued with the divine gift of wisdom from the God of Wisdom, Old Man, who (perhaps wisely) predicts that the other races of the world may have a difficult time accepting the gray-skinned sages. Their true place in the world remains yet to be seen. With the latter races being less involved, that leaves the Dwarves and the humans as the dominant races thus far. 


They have a great, developing geography to choose from, however. The prominent word for this world is islands: islands floating in the sea, islands flying in the sky! The traveling races sure have a much harder world to navigate than previously suspected. Two continents emerged as well. The largest is formed from a massive mountain range that spans the length of the world, filled with rich mineral resources. The other is a land of permanent winter, and as it is the favored location of the Lord of Winter himself, that's unlikely to change. I have a feeling  that the humans will find it especially inhospitable. On the other side of the world from The Welond Mountains is a mighty undersea chasm, a dark mirror reflection of the Spine of the World. The existence of this chasm, Blastopore, informs us of two important features. First, the world is indeed a planet, something that had yet to be fully established. Second, the Trickster has a twisted sense of humor. Watch out for this guy.


Civilization has been bestowed with gifts allowing culture to blossom. From the Stoned God comes the gift of Music, and from the God of War comes Commerce. The most shocking gift to civilization comes from Lucius, Goddess of Death who claims influence over Priestcraft, making her the patron goddess of the church as an entity. Other churches will follow from the examples that the temples of Death and Rebirth establish. This is likely to make her worship the largest in the world, whether she achieves ruler-ship or not. The largest church a church of Death?? Lucius just may have just become the most influential power in existence. I doubt this is going sit well with the other gods and goddesses.
The World is ever evolving. Be here for the Day 4 report tomorrow evening.

Brought to you by Libraries.
Meet a homeless person, Go see your library today! 

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The latest selections are in the link in my Signature.


I took the liberty of moving some secondary domains to the aspect of Gift to Civilization. Those gods will still be the dominant patron gods of those divine aspects.


I love where this is going. After only three days, we have already created something unique and fantastic.  

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Gift to Civilization: Orichalcum.

Can you be more specific?


The Orichalcum of Plato is not like that in Atlantean Age is not like that in Jerusalem Man.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes that the name seems to mean "mountain copper"

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Today we draft: Harhoog's Sentient Race


Originally born in the inky depths of the Blastopore, the Kallu'un Qaroof are sentient cephalopods of the deepest sea. If a land-dweller saw a typical community of them, they might not think they were all the same kind: diverse sizes, from foot-size to ox-size, continuously changing diverse colors, occasional winking of little lights. In their own villages, the Kallu'un Qaroof use tools, amuse each other with stories and tricks, and herd gastropods and crustaceans across the sea floor, moving them from place to place as new feeding spots emerge around new warm-water vents from below or fresh organic matter from above.




Happy young Kallu'un Qaroof couple

The Kallu'un Qaroof have a language of many modes, of sounds, gestures and lights, colors, textures, and even variations in internal body cavity shape, sensed through reflected sound. With layered batteries of tissue making color, light, even polarization, a single Kallu'un can be both spectacularly gaudy or undetectably campflaged in rapid succession. Their lively intelligence extends to a level the land-walkers will not understand for centuries, as they can edit their own RNA and control their heritage "on the fly". They have eight arms, two longer tentacles, a venomous sting, two large and complicated eyes, and no bones, letting them pass through improbably small apertures.


Rarely do they come to the surface, but the Kallu'un Qaroof can move and work on land for short periods and in shallow salt water almost indefinitely. Some land-walkers find them tasty; the reverse is also true, when the ocean-folk find one of the land-walkers drowned in the sea. In general, though, the Kallu'un Qaroof have a favorable regard for humanoids, and bear them no ill will. Used to making their own shelter on the seafloor, the cephalopods are favorably disposed toward humanoids for their contributions of housing: when humanoids lose pots, casks, even boats and ship hulls at sea, the wreckage settles on the sea floor where the appreciative cephalopods receive them gratefully, and over the years, a number of rich new cities have been founded by the sudden arrival of these "castles from the sky".

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Dorrauch was lonely in his perfect winter wonderland. 


He needed someone to worship him. A people as grand and as glorious as his ego...er...self.


And so descending from the mountains of Storstein, the giants strode onto the land. 






The giants, noble of purpose and comfortable in their God's coldest nights, would protect and nurture Storstein and ensure that Dorrauch was pleased. 


The Giants are 20+ feet tall humanoids of a variety of proportions, coloration, and personality. They are proud and arrogant as their progenitor and value wealth and honor. They're all but immune to cold and require an abundance of game and resources to thrive, and therefore are hard workers, cultivators, and craftsmen. 

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Long ago, when the forty Dwaren clans first made their homes in the Spine, they had nothing but stone for the making of tools. In time, under Welon's tutelage, they mastered copper, bronze, brass, and iron. With these, the Bearded Ones dug deep mines and magnificent halls, and erected citadels that made those of other races look like sand castles. For the Dwarves, as is known, were and are touchy in the matters of honor, and greed can lead one to look upon his neighbour's property with envy. The wars were numerous and fierce.


In time, the Clan of the Bearded Bear rose to dominate the middle range of the Spine Of The World. Their greatest chief, Lorna Blutbart, was a mistress of all metal crafts, a priest of renown, and a ferocious war leader. In her old age, when her plaited, gold-adorned beard was waist-long and white as the eternal snow of the North, Welond came to her.


"Chief of the Bearded Bears, hear me. I am Welond, god of your kind, and I take joy in you, foremost of my children of these days. I will now show you how to make the perfect alloy, for you have proven yourself worthy of this secret. And you shall pass it on to those you, by augury and wisdom, find worthy in turn." And then Welond took Lorna to his Halls outside the World. For a year and a day she learned the secret of the mountain copper, orichalcum, red as blood, stronger than steel and keener than bronze, able to take enchantments that would burn other metals to a cinder. After her return to her clan, the Bearded Bear herself herself cast a the great spear-axe Blood-fire, that in time came to be the token of kingship over all Dwarves of the World. Legend says that she quenched it in the blood of a fire-drake to seal its flame spell, but since those never existed it is most likely just a story.

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Some barbarian tribes among the humans practiced shape changing magics, the better to hunt in the form of animals, and the God of Magic allowed this.


Some dwarves sought to use magic into their crafts, to change and enchant the properties of metals and stones, and this too the Lord of Magic permitted. Let their magic be in the making.


The brownies gained gifts when it came to dreams that might have startled and frightened folks if they knew, and the Master of dreams permitted.


The Aleph had surprised him, and while they studied magic, they often seemed to use it least of all, as if they accepted what was without the need to change it. This might be insulting if he thought about it too long.


Kallu'un Qaroof made him raise a brow. Change and transformation was HIS to control, and these creatures he felt were both fascinating, and a bit of an encroachment. He'd watch them. As they could change themselves over time, well, then that was already a forbearance from him. Let's see where they went with that gift.


The Giants valued wealth and honor, to him he decided to give runic magic. It seemed to suit them.


Of course, all these magics others might learn with time, no matter what their race, he encouraged that but for now that would be their strengths.


And yet he had no people of his own… it was possible even those who took names like Witches, wizards or enchanters would heed other gods more than he.


But then it didn't matter what they claimed, magic was his.


Still, it was time to stretch himself.


Each Sentient people that was, or would be found that a small part of its population (less in the more frecund) would be not truly of their race at all. Among them, but not of them, like a cuckoo in a nest.

At their youngest stages, they would appear to be of the other races, and blend in well. They would be inquisitive, eager to learn. They would have a better knack for magics than most. Perhaps some would call them Fetches, or changelings IF they suspected at all?


Then, but a small time after maturity (Again that being somewhat relative) they would find themselves seeking solitude so they could begin the change. From there they would begin to gather scales on their skin, their brows might expand as they became reptilian, though as a default also humanoid. Fierce Warriors, they would be even more powerful at the form of magic they'd learned in their younger years! They would be more clannish with the others at this part of the cycle. They would form communities, perhaps cities, maybe some would seek empire! And people would call them Scaled Lords.

And then, after two or three centuries passed, one last great change would occur among the Scaled Lords.


They would go into seclusion, and seem to molt and grow until at last the expanded to huge sizes and were humanoid no longer. They would be graceful, with claws that could write, and necks that could bend to look over their backs and wings. Power would flow from their mouths depending mostly on what race they had begun among (those among the giants prone to frost, for example) and would be nigh unstoppable save by the mightiest and best protected! They would not just cast magic, they would be magic! Great and terrible wyrms that lived in isolation reveling in their power and the magic in every fiber of their being.


And in this last stage, they would be called Dragons!

And dragon scales, teeth, tongue, almost every part, would have magic in it, and thus some might eek to slay them not just for their treasures or wealth, but for their very corpses.  But once a part, always a part, and as Dragons belonged to the lord of magic, he would have influence, however small, on everything that was built with them. 


These would be his people… three in one, with few knowing that they were indeed one race. They might be few, they might be hunted, but they would become great!


(Example of three life stages  in spoiler for space)













Sentient Species Pick: Dragons

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I would like to give this world the Oracle Network. Whenever someone has a problem, they can go to the local Oracle to ask for a solution that might help them. Countries on the face of disaster could get a warning to turn aside. Naturally these oracles are from the local sentient race.



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I've seen this referenced, but not actually selected.  So I'm selecting it today.


4th pick -- Secondary Domain of InfluenceAlchemy


With no disrespect intended towards the Masters of Magic or Craftsmanship, Alchemy includes elements of both but is greater than either.  It is the art of understanding the properties and attributes of various substances, and then using that knowledge to combine them to craft what you seek. Given that these substances come from the earth (minerals, plants, etc.), this seems an appropriate secondary domain for the Master of Earth.


In the real world, Alchemy eventually evolved into the science of chemistry.  Perhaps it will in our world, too.

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With no disrespect intended towards the Masters of Magic or Craftsmanship, Alchemy includes elements of both but is greater than either.  


Oh you think so do you? *Pops knuckles* 


It's a good thing you brought us humans to play with or a guy might get cranky :P

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I'm not really sure if this is a secondary attribute, or a species pick.


The Mother of All is also: the Mother of Monsters.




Ma, the All-Mother looked upon the world, and grew wrathful.


Life sprouted throughout the world, but in whose womb was it conceived? What respect was she receiving?


She withdrew from the world, and unfathered, alone, she conceived her greatest children - ferocious, hideous beings that would plague the upstart races and their patrons. Monsters.


If she was not to be respected through love, she would be respected through fear.




Loose inspiration: Gaia.


I think I'm a pick behind. Unfortunately Ma hasn't given birth to - oh right, now I know.


But still, I can't always rely on timely inspiration, and am rarely able to write more than a couple of paragraphs at a time.


Also: "monsters" is a catch-all category. So far, it excludes dragons, giants, the undead... It's basically the weird stuff. It excludes anything anyone else wants to pick.

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