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Mummy character for League of Extrodiany Gents game


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Hello ladies and gents,


I could use some help. We are planning a "LoEG" type game and I was planning on playing an archeologist who is secretly a ancient mummy. It's actually the reason why she has been so successful as an archeologist, she remembers the tomb locations from when she was alive.


After waking up into a new civialized world where all the ancient world she once knew is almost gone, she has dedicated herself to the finding and preservation of all historical artifacts she can.


What I need help with is how to build her mummy powers in a way that aren't overpowered yet interesting.


I'm already thinking:



Weekends to fire

Damage reduction

Possibly something to do with talking with the dead


What kind of builds can you suggest for a mummy hero?

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Looking over the list I take it your looking more for physical rather than magical powers? Also what was she in her previous life? If she was related to the royal family some sort of command powers might make sense. If she was a priestess, powers granted from her ancient egyptian god. Or at least some arcane potions long forgotten by men. And how is she a living mummy? If it is because of some artifact or scroll, that would suggest both powers and disads. But at the moment your more interested in powers. 

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You didn't answer about if spiritual powers are o.k. So most of these will be. But a reminder if you go with she can make potions unless shes making abu rabu simbu tu all potions must use tanna leaves:)


"There was enough poision on that dart to kill an elephant, how are you alive?"


"Assuming I was alive as you understand it was your final mistake."


Undead body various immunities to go with the damage reduction.




"As Isis restored Osiris, so do I now restore you."


Healing depending on how she was resurrected Amulet of Isis with a dependence takes 1 d 6 of damage when separated.


"Whats with the strange dogs?"


"They aren't dogs. They are jackals. What can I say? Anubis likes me."


Summon./ control jackals.

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I don't know if my last reply posted correctly so I'll try to type it out again. Sorry if it posts twice!


Magic is allowed, but low level. I'm thinking since she is a newly woken mummy she would really only have a speak with dead or something like that.


This could all change as I finish up her history, but we will see.


As for history I am writing that she is the forgotten daughter of Julius and Cleopatra. Her "life" spanned the death of her father, the courting of Mark Antony and her mother, and finally the downfall of Egypt to Rome by Octavian after the death/disappearance of her parents. As Octavian entered Egypt he found her and as the last person worthy enough to take the throne of Egypt, he had her killed and removed for history in the only way fit for the "last queen of Egypt".... wrapped and buried alive.


With her gone and removed from history, Octavian and the Romans were free to completely take over Egypt.


More to come but that's is the basics

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since LoEG goes with versions of actual fictional characters, it might be worth looking around early mummy fiction. This one by Bram Stoker sounds promising:




It also provides an alternative to wrapped-in-bandages or dessicated-corpse by having the mummy's spirit being able to possess the living.


In writing up her history, don't forget her full brother Ceasarion who became sole Pharaoh after Cleopatra died (but was quickly done away with by Octavian), and her three half-siblings that went back to Rome and to be raised by Antony's wife (Octavian's sister). Octavian would be more concerned with a child of Caesar than a mere Ptolemaic princess. It's also pretty likely that the siblings would have been expected to marry (Cleopatra had married both her brothers before Antony and it was normal for the dynasty).


It's by no means impossible that Cleopatra's bloodline has survived to the present. One fiction you might run with could be a direct matrilineal descent through her daughter by Antony, Cleopatra Selene (Queen of Mauretania) and Cleopatra Selene's un-named daughter.

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  • 4 months later...

immunity to all terrestrial diseases and toxins.

Regeneration until there is only one certain way to kill you. Mummies are like that.

Flight by turning into a sand storm, or locusts

Desolidification - turn to sand - only through non-airtight spaces



is there a point limit to the game?

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