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Growth vs Multiform


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6 hours ago, Doc Democracy said:


What are you doing here Hugh, I know Duke cheered the simplicity of this but I am a bit lost.  Is this a multipower?  If so you are missing the limitation on the reserve that gets the cost down from 90 to 60.


Am I missing something obvious?




90  Multipower Pool

18 m +50 STR and +38 meters running 88 AP

18 m 10 levels shrinking, 0 END


126 points


That makes me feel better that the system hangs together with at least comparable costs.  Thanks, Doc.


I still got my Shrinking to 0 END and no reduction to my base 12 meters running, for a 2 point savings over "reduced by shrinking", though, so the limitation is light.  The limitation also forces many abilities into lockstep, as I had to buy the running up high enough to match the STR boost and the Shrinking.


A 60 point pool would get +60 STR (or +50 STR and +10 meters running) and 10 levels Shrinking that cost END, though, at a cost of 60 + 12 +12 = 84.


10 levels Shrinking (60 points) and +60 STR reduced by Shrinking (48 points) would cost 108.


It seems like there are two types of Shrinking in the comics.  Those who still have enough STR and movement to be effective in combat (e.g. The Atom) and those who fly and blast (e.g. the Wasp), for whom loss of running speed or STR never seems to come up.


The Reduced by Shrinking model seems like it would be most point-efficient when you have many abilities all reduced by Shrinking.  The side effect on Shrinking would be the better approach when Shrinking is the high cost ability, but it has to reduce other abilities by a lot to get that big limitation.  I like the multipower.  You can use Shrinking or other abilities, which is what a multipower (or even a VPP) is intended to simulate.

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I'll level with you both:


when I saw it, I assumed it related to some new change in 6e that I had forgotten (remember, I've only read it once, and Hugh isn't known for bad math ;)  ), and I wasn't interested enough in 6e to bother checking. :/


Still, I am in love with the elegance of the Multipower solution. :)



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