Good day. 6E2, 106 says a character's END equals his STUN total upon waking up. How does that affect Adjustment Powers applied to the character's END?
For example, a character has 10 points of Aid applied to his END (giving him an additional 50 points of END). That character is then Knocked Out. Does he awaken with his STUN total, as usual, or does he have the additional 50 points added to that as a result of the Aid?
Good day. 6E2, 106 says a character's END equals his STUN total upon waking up. How does that affect Adjustment Powers applied to the character's END?
For example, a character has 10 points of Aid applied to his END (giving him an additional 50 points of END). That character is then Knocked Out. Does he awaken with his STUN total, as usual, or does he have the additional 50 points added to that as a result of the Aid?
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