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How is the mass for a shield figured out? 


The Mass Limitation explains how mass for armor is based on PD & ED, but I can't find anything for the mass of shields based on DCV. 



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Well, it’s been 10 years, so I can’t say for certain, but I don’t recall using any specific formula (or anything of the sort) to determine the mass of shields listed in the Shield Table on 6E2 211. I might have looked up some figures in my arms and armor books to get a “realistic” average, but that’s probably all I did. As long as the DCV and STR Minimum follow the Table (which is the primary game balance consideration), the GM can assign whatever mass he wants to a shield.


I think that covers your question, but if there are some implications of the issue that I've missed, feel free to PM me and we'll figure it out. :hex:

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