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Hi Steven i have two questions: 

-the first one is if a continuing charge can be applied to endurance reserve and if the reserve when activated works normally for the time the charge allows; 


-the second one is if is correct to build a power linked to an endurance reserve with continuing charges to render a weapon or power with cooldown


I tried to build such a power this way:


Blast 8d6 40bp; double endurance (-1/2), jointly linked - 1/4. Total cost 23pt


Endurance reserve 80 end, 3 rec (23bp); restricted use - 1/4, 6 continuing charges 5min - 0, delayed use 1 hour (-1,5), jointly linked - 1/2. Total cost 7pt


I didn't find any examples of such a power, if you have suggestions should be very helpful 😊

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1. The rules for Charges on Endurance Reserves are on 6E1 206. If the GM permits Continuing Charges on an Endurance Reserve, those rules apply:  when a character uses a Continuing Charge for his Reserve, that gives him the defined amount of END at that time. If he doesn’t use it all by the time the Continuing Charge runs out, any “unused” END “vanishes,” so he doesn’t get to use it. In the event the Continuing Charge lasts longer than the Reserve’s REC period (typically 1 Turn), and the character has bought REC for it, the REC functions as normal for Endurance Reserve. (There might be some potential for abuse here, which is why the GM’s permission is required.)


2. I don’t normally answer “how to build” questions, but for once I’ll make a quick exception. ;) While there may potentially be a number of ways to create a power with a “cooldown” period between uses, the one I would recommend is the Delayed Use Limitation, which is on APG1 144 and FH 162. It’s specifically created for just that sorta thing. Beyond that, I’d suggest posting on the Discussion board (where anyone can reply, not just me) to see what other ideas Hero fans might have.


I think that covers everything, but if I missed something, please PM me or post a follow-up. Thanx!

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