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Hi Steven i'm sorry to reposting this but i couldn't be able to find your previous answer dated i think 2009. 

In APG2 i at page 37 it states that:

The Adding Damage rules apply to Telekinesis
in the standard way. Thus, Telekinesis (STR 40), which costs 60 Active Points, has 12 DCs for purposes of adding damage to it. However, the GM can rule that the DCs of Telekinesis are based on the STR used rather than the Active Points, if he feels that’s more consistent and/or won’t case game problems.


So my question is if this is the standard rule and if an hit of a 60ap telekinesis alone worths 12dc of damage. 


Thanks and sorry again for the repost

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I think the "previous answer" you're referring to is this one:



Q:  For purposes of the Adding Damage rules, would Telekinesis (STR 40), which costs 60 Active Points, have 8 DCs or 12 DCs?


A:  As written, and for the sake of consistency, the standard rule applies, making it 12 DCs. However, from a gameplay standpoint, I think many GMs would be perfectly comfortable ruling that it’s only 8 DCs. If you analogize Telekinesis to “STR with the Ranged Advantage,” and note that Ranged (+½) generally isn’t considered to be an Advantage that “directly affects how the victim takes damage,” from a practical perspective it works just fine as “8 DCs.”


That, in turn, led to the statement on APG2 37. Does that answer your question? If not, please PM me and I will edit this answer to address your concern. Thanks!


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