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    Hero Combat Manager 1.14 is out! Release Notes v1.14: Defects fixed: STR can't be used to break free from an entangle. After breaking free from an entangle the wrong character is highlighted as being next.
    Link below to buy Hero Combat Manager, or, if you already own a copy, you can find the FAQ on how to download the newest version through this link as well!

    After 2.5 months with no Bend update in sight, a new update to Bend has been released! The new update, "Dreadnought", includes a new character bio as part of the Libya mission, as well as a new short story shedding light on what occurs just after the mission released as Bend's very first version! Link below!   https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/344898/Bend   Also, as Dram just hit 100 downloads Noah Kastin has now posted another free music download, *Theophany*, to DriveThruRPG! Enjoy, everyone, link here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/362839/Theophany

    The Champions 40% off 40th Anniversary Super History Sale is going on now! Get 40% off of PDFs of the first six editions of Champions on our website, as well as 40% off the PODs of Champions Beyond, Champions Complete, Champions Powers, Champions Universe, CV1, Champions 4th Ed, and more on DriveThruRPG, links below!   https://www.herogames.com/store/   https://www.drivethrurpg.com/.../subca.../337_4084/Champions

    Every campaign needs organizations for the players to interact and battle with, organizations that can help heroes in the exploits and battles, as well as those that will make a hero's life more complicated. This series will give GMs new organizations to help with their campaigns. These won’t be villain groups. Instead, it will be government agencies, villain support organizations, and even new organizations creating new villains. Just the thing to relieve some of the headaches that GMs have in designing and running campaigns
    This 58 page PDF holds stats for the League of Champions, the original heroes from the first Champions campaign. With permission from Heroic Publishing you will find the heroes from their comics hero for use with 6th Edition Champions.
    Includes Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniatures.

    An island in the South Atlantic, not far from Brazil. Here you will find beaches, casinos, bars, restaurants, and more. The bars have beautiful women, the best drinks, and all the ill-gotten-gains a villain could want. Stolen weapons, intelligence, scientists that are willing to create enhanced minions, and individuals who are willing to volunteer for the experiments.
    Yes, San Muere is a villain's paradise, your Heroes better stay clear of the gangs, and above all, the Guardian. The Guardian takes care of San Muerte, it is his island. Have all the fun you wish, buy all the weapons you want. However, you must follow the rules if you want to survive or stay on the island. The gangs and the Guardian will deal with all who break the rules, and they are not gentle when doing so.
    The Island of San Muerte is a 36 page PDF and HD files. Describing the island, its history, the government, and those who protect the island.

    Located at a hidden location deep within the Ural Mountains, Larisagrad is a super-technological city-state inhabited by unscrupulous scientists who sell their services and devices to the highest bidders. Once a part of the Soviet Union, since that government’s collapse in the early Nineties it has become an independent entity that relies on its weapons, security forces, and secret location to keep it safe from intruders — be they the Russian government or meddling superheroes.
    Much of what the outside world “knows” about Larisagrad is speculation based on evidence and rumors gathered over the years by various intelligence agencies, UNTIL, some criminal organizations, and the like. The full truth, if anyone ever uncovers it, might be much stranger — or more dangerous — than any expert’s analysis.
    Champions International is a new series of settings for Champions 6th Edition, exploring the world of Champions! With Larisagrad being the fifth installment in this series, this PDF is 52 pages of new Champions content written by Steve Long himself. Available now on the Hero Games website and DriveThruRPG!

    Jason Walters has just released a video talking about Western Hero up on Indie Press Revolutions YouTube channel! Western Hero contains everything you need to have a rough and ready roleplaying experience. Packed with resources, information, and tools to build characters, create scenarios, and run a game using the Hero System 6th Edition, you can get your Cowboy On from character creation to combat and beyond, with a full campaign setting to get you started. You can find the link to the video below, and you can buy Western Hero either on the Hero Games' website or on DriveThruRPG!

    Bend has received an update slightly rearranging content and, at long last, adding a proper introduction! This introduction explains how one makes sense of the book's widely varied content (well, the prose part, at least) and can be read as part of the preview for no cost whatsoever, so enjoy!

    The first Champions adventure ever published is now available again, updated to Sixth edition! With new, updated content matching modern times and game play, The Island of Doctor Destroyer is back for you and your gaming group. The Print+PDF version of The Island of Dr. Destroyer is now available on Indie Press Revolution's website, link below!

    The ultimate super roleplaying game returns to reclaim its crown in *Champions Complete!* All the legendary flexibility and power of the renowned *HERO System* rules engine, plus all the superhero goodness *Champions* has been famous for over 30 years, now in one pulse-pounding, senses -shattering, heroic handbook of superpowered action!
    At 240 pages, *Champions Complete* includes everything superhero gamers need, and nothing they don't. New players will love the unmatched freedom of *Champions* that allows them to create and play exactly the hero they imagine. Longtime fans will appreciate the tight, concise new approach, presenting the full game system in a fraction of its former length. Champions Complete Print + PDF is back in stock on the Hero Games' website, link below!

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