Within the pages of this dark tome lie The Sylvestri: the most evil family in the Champions Universe. Detailed in all of their sinister black magic glory, this dark clan’s core purpose is to corrupt and degrade humanity. Satanic worshipers of the Dragon, they know that the spiritual chains which bind their master tightens when mortals treat each other with kindness, honesty, and respect. Hatred, greed, and vengeful rage loosen those chains; great atrocities may break a chain completely, giving the Dragon greater influence over human souls. Thus the Sylvestris and their demonic patrons encourage every sort of crime and vice, from tax evasion to murder, promoting crooks and despots in place of responsible leaders. They foment wars, plagues, and famines to create such misery, cynicism, and despair that Earth and Hell become one - and the Dragon is free at last to reign for all eternity.
Can you stop them?
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