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  1. Past hour
  2. I hope that when we can finally travel to other stars, somebody tracks down that 'bot and recovers it. It deserves to be enshrined among humanity's other good and faithful space servants.
  3. Why yes, I watched "The Northman" last night.
  4. Today
  5. So many job applications, so many rejections, if I'm not ghosted first. My cats are old and sick. I may lose them before the year ends.
  6. 3 Republicans joined with the Democrats in the Arizona House to repeal the 1864 abortion ban. One down, one to go. This might be interesting. State Senate and House seats are all up for election. The primaries are end of July. In the Senate, there are 3 Republican incumbents with challengers. The House is trickier, as it looks like they use the same districts...but there's 2 representatives for each district. The vote on the ban here...for or against...may become material in the primaries.
  7. Zombies cheering for the zombie. Who knew?
  8. "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the war room!"
  9. The new 4K disc release from Shout Factory gives you a choice between the three ending version, or a single random ending, like how it was originally released to theaters.
  10. One of the problems with a "Gentleman's agreement" is both sides have to actually act like gentlemen
  11. Same here. Unfortunately, taking the high road just doesn't work very well in American politics.
  12. If it doesn't have Tim Curry and three different endings, I'm not interested.
  13. I can't tell you how much it pleases me that Joe Biden, and other Democrats, have finally taken the gloves off and are going after Trump and the MAGA Republicans, calling out their BS, showing what buffoons they really are. It's long overdue. You can't stick to the high road when your opposition is wallowing in the mud. You have to sling some mud yourself. It doesn't hurt that the mud the Dems have to work with has some sharp rocks in it.
  14. NASA engineers repair Voyager 1 from billions of miles away, because they're just that smart. They hope they can keep it running and sending back useful data until the 50th anniversary of its launch. https://www.npr.org/2024/04/23/1246682946/good-news-from-voyager-1-which-is-now-out-past-the-edge-of-the-solar-system Dean Shomshak
  15. A lawyer who used to work for the Manhattan DS office gives his take on the 'Hush Money' (reallyElection Interference) case: https://www.npr.org/2024/04/22/1246429903/the-prosecutions-case-in-donald-trumps-hush-money-trial Big takeaway: Pundits who say the case is shaky or unprecedented don't know their legal history of the Manhattan DA's office. Falsified documents cases are bread-and-butter for this office; and some have involved politicians trying to influence elections -- just at much lower levels. Well, I hope it's as strong a case as he suggests, since it's the only one that's actually made it to trial, or is likely to before the election. Dean Shomshak
  16. Back in the 1990s there was a TV edition which had David McCallum as Professor Plum. A different guest star each week was bumped off and you had to work out which one of the people did it. Tom Baker also was in it for one season as it ran for four years.
  17. Wow, it's been almost a year since I posted on here. I miss everyone!


    In the last year I left my job, suffered data loss (including decades of RPG files <aarrrggghhh!>) due to an improbable series of failures, and had a close relative pass away unexpectedly. Oh, and lately it seems like my house and everything in it has decided to conspire against me, with seemingly a new thing needing repair or replacement every other week.


    I'm hoping to find a new normal soon, so hopefully the hits will not keep coming. Next up is a visit to my elderly parents (who live out of state) to help them out a bit, but I'm hoping to be back in the swing of things by fall. We'll see.


    I hope everyone's doing well here!

  18. Well, they say never say never...
  19. "My days of not taking you seriously have just about reached their middle."
  20. Yeah stuff tends to go on cycles, I think its premature to say Hero is dead. Its alive as long as players keep playing and content keeps coming out. Games that were "dead" have had revivals recently and are more popular. I suspect that role playing games will see a resurgence at some point. Who on earth could have predicted that board games would be hot again?
  21. If you haven't checked out the Osmonds, trust me, you're missing out. And I think that's about as far from politics as we can get. 😏
  22. D&D has experienced quite the resurgence in recent years. Granted, the upsurge in interest is mostly confined to that game, but it does offer a gateway to expand new gamers' horizons.
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