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Everything posted by Simon

  1. You round in the player's favor, so halving 9 DCs would give a 5 DC attack which (handily enough) equates to a 1 1/2 d6 KA.
  2. Moving this one (as well as previous) - not a rules question.
  3. From 6E1 page 216: While that's not a direct answer to your question, it does give a basis for option 4: Entangles have a minimum of 1 BODY regardless of the roll.
  4. I've approached it in the past, but that's a whole story that mere mortals (with functioning livers) don't really need…
  5. 6E2 184 (reference the index under "Artificial Intelligence")
  6. Not sure what you're referring to by DLC, but you'll find fan-created content in the Downloads section of this site. Similarly, for the "Powers book" if you're referring to the Powers section of the HERO System rule book(s), that's one of HD's main purposes (i.e. all included). If you're referring to the UNTIL Superpowers Database or similar supplements, you can purchase downloadable "character packs" for HD which include the various Powers and builds from the related books, typically as prefabs for HD (or you can just enter those on your own).
  7. It depends if you want to build an AI (as defined within the rules) or a character. HERO System is about reasoning from effect.
  8. I think you're confusing the resolution of the transmission with the pixel size/density of the monitor. An HD monitor may have the pixel density necessary to render the resolution that you want to run your screen at, but you're still going to have perceptible pixels (depending on your proximity to the screen and the screen size). Whether or not those pixels are consciously perceived, your brain is still working to "smooth" the image (think Monet paintings) -- this is one of the big sources of eye strain. Get the highest resolution screen you can afford and run it at the resolution that you are comfortable with - that will give you the crispest/cleanest image and help to reduce eye strain.
  9. That is the intended behavior and how Skill Levels work -- they are applied at game time, not during character creation.
  10. If you're referring to the behavior of a Custom Maneuver when Flash damage is selected, I just pushed an update which should correct the issue.
  11. Regarding Characteristics: pay attention to detail. Most likely, you're placing the new Characteristic in the wrong section of the template (e.g. the character save area which defines initial/default purchases for characters based on that template). For the display of the new Power, you need to specify how to format things in the DISPLAY field (e.g. DISPLAY="Mach [LVL]"), otherwise HD doesn't have any way of knowing what to do with Levels or what they represent and will go with the default of [LVL]d6.
  12. Templates do not and have never worked by simply adding in random containers/tags. You can create an arbitrary number of custom abilities, but only using tags that are recognized and supported by HD (e.g. SKILL, POWER, MODIFIER, etc)
  13. You’re going to need to understand the application and rules templates better if you’re going to try to customize things. Redefining an existing item is fine…redefining it using the same id/container is going to require adhering to any requirements that the existing id/container may have within the code/rules. The same will go for the new FTL - it’s all in how you construct it. If it’s not showing up, you’re not defining it in the proper place or in the proper manner.
  14. 1. I'd highly recommend extending the Superheroic template (extends="builtIn.Superheroic.hdt") -- you get all of the built-in rules flags and switches that way. 2. Yes - build a Limitation into the Power itself.
  15. Extension Templates are rather different from standard rules templates. If you're not familiar with them, stick to standard rules templates for now - extend the one you're basing your overall rules off of (e.g. SuperHeroic6E.hdt) and go from there. Making a custom template doesn't change the general rules of the system. Standard Modifiers are going to continue to follow their rules for any abilities that you add in -- Extra Time explicitly cannot be applied to Regeneration (as stated in the "View Reason" dialog). If you want to have something that mimics Extra Time for your version of Regeneration, you'll need to add it as a specific Modifier defined within the ability definition (in the template)...and you should not re-use the EXTRATIME XMLID for it - use something else.
  16. Soo many misconceptions here. First off, sorry for the delay in a detailed reply - I was out of the country for the past week. 1. There is ZERO need for any clarifications in the docs. If you're looking to create an ability that acts like/follows the rules of an existing ability in the system, then you use that. If you don't want the special rules of an ability like, say, Computer Programming, then don't use it -- stick with the general Skill definition/rules. 2. Know the rules of the ability you're trying to mimic before trying to create a custom template. To use Computer Programming as an example, it defaults to a 3/2 Skill (3 points for the Skill itself, 2 points per level increase). If an Adder is chosen, then it changes to 2 points (plus any additional Adders/categories) for the Skill itself and 2 points per level increase. Note that even under the 5th Edition Rules, if you only select a single sub-category it's going to cost you 2 points....again, know the rules of the system. Select a category and a (separate) sub-category and you'll see that 1 point per sub-category come into play. Even under 6E. 3. I REALLY don't recommend modifying either of the Main templates -- extend the appropriate one. In particular, you'll want to extend one of the genre-specific templates (e.g. SuperHeroic6E.hdt) in order to take full advantage of many of the rules switches in HD's code -- there are numerous checks/switches for 5th Edition vs. 6th Edition, Heroic vs Superheroic, etc. 4. If what you're after is a fine-grained, real-world adaptation of computer programming abilities, unclevlad is pretty much spot-on: 5E is in no way, shape, or form a more realistic way to model it -- that's why it was dropped in 6E. If you really wanted to do something different, look to leverage Languages for Computer Programming...though putting together that particular familiarity chart is not a task for the faint of heart.
  17. May want to try a Skill (even a generic Skill that you call “Computer Programming”) that doesn’t have specific rules regarding category/subcategory purchases…
  18. False positive due to bad malware detection (likely triggered by a pdf in a zip). Move along, nothing to see here.
  19. Try Google. ”How do I give Java full disk access on Mac?”
  20. Also (after a senior/derp moment on my side): If you have Cost Multipliers enabled under Campaign Rules, you can set a Cost Multiplier of 0 on either the individual Complications or on a List (it will apply to all items added to the List). I was actually poring through the code to figure out where I had disabled the Cost Multiplier button for Complications...it took me WAY too long to realize that I had done no such thing and simply had them disabled under the Campaign Rules.
  21. Without modifying the template, the following options would work (either manually on each character or as a prefab): 1. Custom "Adder" on each Complication to negate the cost - the custom Adder needs a negative cost greater than or equal to the cost of the Complication -- all Complications have a minimum of 0, so you won't get points back if the Adder is too much. 2. Create a List on the Complications tab and add a Private Adder to it. Set the value of the private Adder to the total of all Package Complications (e.g. -175 points). Add all Package Complications to the list. Math involved in this approach, as Lists don't have the same minimum value as Complications (hence the Private Adder).
  22. See, for example, the oft-cited Denmark -- McDonalds workers there earn approx. $22/hour average with 6 weeks vacation, extra for nights/weekends, and a pension plan for all workers over 20. The cost of a Big Mac in Denmark is 76 cents less than in the US, based on market exchange rates.
  23. Look to the 5E templates for examples of how Figured Characteristics are defined.
  24. I used to maintain precisely that, but as changes became more and more esoteric it simply wasn't feasible. These days, changes to HD only reflect fringe cases in the rules -- there should be no reason not to apply the most recent update at any given time. At such time as more significant changes are made (features added, core code is restructured, etc.) announcements will be made appropriately.
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