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Everything posted by schir1964

  1. ExportTemplateThreeColumnHtml5e.zip View File A simple three column 5th Edition HTML export template for Hero Designer. Template architecture: Uses external CSS files to handle all styling of the character sheet. Uses CSS Flex Box to handle columns and also seems to prevent text lines from being split in half when printing. Includes a standard normalize CSS external file that should make the character sheet display the same way in different browsers. HTML export file contains only the data itself and formatted into easily identifiable sections. Page breaks for new pages are handled correctly for printing. The benefit of this architecture makes modify this template easier. Add or remove sections. Change styles without modifying the HTML file. I built this as a request. Feel free to contact me in the forums if you have any question about architecture or how to modify it. - Christopher Mullins Submitter schir1964 Submitted 11/09/2021 Category Export Formats Output Format HTML (Browser) Rules Version HERO System 5th Edition  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    A simple three column 5th Edition HTML export template for Hero Designer. Template architecture: Uses external CSS files to handle all styling of the character sheet. Uses CSS Flex Box to handle columns and also seems to prevent text lines from being split in half when printing. Includes a standard normalize CSS external file that should make the character sheet display the same way in different browsers. HTML export file contains only the data itself and formatted into easily identifiable sections. Page breaks for new pages are handled correctly for printing. The benefit of this architecture makes modifying this template fairly easy. Add or remove sections. Change styles without modifying the HTML file. I built this as a request. Feel free to contact me in the forums if you have any question about architecture or how to modify it. - Christopher Mullins
  3. History of Grenadier Models Inc. Grenadier Models Inc.
  4. Dan, the following seems to imply that it targets the entire output of the export. Is that correct? I was hoping to target just the output of a specific field but there's nothing to suggest I can do that.
  5. The image he gave is obviously 5th Edition.
  6. Should be easy enough. I'll let you know.
  7. My thinking was that if I get a modified HTML export made there are tools to import that into PDF, Word, and so forth. To make an export to build a Word document from scratch would require a Java Plugin. I've never programmed in Java and I have no desire to learn that language at this time. Sorry. Thanks for the character sheet. That will make testing much easier since I don't have to keep creating things.
  8. Does anybody have any Characters (hdc) for 6th Edition they would be willing to share? I would be using them for testing the export template I am working on.
  9. Perhaps it is for 6th Edition. And believe it or not I did try to use 5th Edition Tunneling as a basis for Protean. (8^D)
  10. Thinking about it more this is what I think is the rationale. Looks at what various STR level gives you (in this case lift). Consider that most things will require at least a STR 1-3. Consider that most characters will have at least a STR 1-3. Not much of a limitation there. It really depends on what you would consider baseline for the average Character/NPC.
  11. May be due to the decoupling of figured stats. That would be my best guess.
  12. Well, I plan to go with 6th Edition. Just haven't bought it yet so it could be there's a better solution with existing powers. It's just that I've hashed this out before with all sorts of ways using different powers but all felt like try to fit a square peg into a round hole. Sounds like 6th Edition Stretching has covered some of the gap.
  13. No, I'm just looking at mainly moving things arounds and actually simplifying the output. At least that's what has been suggested I think.
  14. Interesting. In 5th Edition it states that Stretching may not give the ability to squeeze under doors and the like. Must have been a change for 6th Edition. Never seen Alternate Desolid. But my goal was to find a fairly simple (less complex) solution that granted the movement benefits that are associated with the common trope of Gaseous/Liquid/Amorphous/Rubbery types of SFX. I'm thinking there might be an even simpler way perhaps that builds up as you've suggested. I'm still cogitating.
  15. I've started a thread over in the Hero Designer forum. If you just want to post to that thread when you ready that would be fine.
  16. I tried this as an Adder, as an Advantage, and all other contortions. This version seems less complex than anything else. Not as flexible as others though. I'll give it some thought. The Porosity was listed because there seems to be real difference between someone like Mr Fantastic and the Sandman. But maybe there isn't or shouldn't be mechanicwise.
  17. Any you can mention to save me time? Also, I've already figured out why the Page Break isn't working. Fixing it easy but it the full ramifications of the change could have other side effects not readily perceived.
  18. I've purchased Hero Designer and find that it would fairly straight forward to create new export templates. If anyone want a Custom Export Template built for Hero Designer let me know. I would just need to have an example of what you are looking for as far as layout.
  19. Well I've purchased Hero Designer and I'll be evaluating the XML. I'm a web developer so a portion of what I do deals with various XML formats. My first impressions of Hero Designer is that the User Interface is a bit clunky to use but functional. Some of the graphics/icons used makes it look dated (at least to me). But that just nit picky stuff, my main concerns are functionality and customizable. As long as those are good then I'm good. Addendum Well it looks like the only built in templates are for HTML. Should be fairly straight forward to making changes and rearranging things. But I need to know what people are looking for. An example of what they expect it to look like. A manually created sample done Excel or Word or any other common document would do.
  20. After reading up on Entangle (5th Edition) and how it interacts with certain other powers (Teleportation/Desolid) I've updated the Protean power to clarify how it interacts with Entangle. Also modified the the values of the Nonpliability limitation.
  21. If anyone has a basic design they want modified and can describe to me what it is they want I can take a crack at it. I've some tools that make it a bit easier to alter formatting and layout. I thought Hero Designer allowed you to create customized templates and exports. Never used it myself but I was considering it recently.
  22. Yeah, we kind of hashed this out a couple of years ago in another thread. This version of Protean was the result. I presume you mean Entangle with SFX of Ropes/Hand Cuff/Zip Ties. Well I guess it depends on what SFX you are trying build with the Protean power. If you can turn Gaseous/Liquid then the bonds wouldn't be of much use (reasoning from SFX interaction). However, if you are Super Stretch Armstrong it becomes an interesting question of which Power trumps the other. If we take Protean out of the picture for a second and just look at existing powers, such as Stretching or Shrinking, is there precedent where the Entangle is negated by Stretching or Shrinking (based on SFX)? I think the answer to this would be applicable to Protean as well. And if it is just a matter of being too cheap that can be remedied easily enough by adjusting the limitation values. A -2 Limitation may be too high for that level.
  23. Thought I would present this again. It's a bit more polished and less complex. I really wish this forum supported tables.
  24. Why your username? Just an anagram of my name. Why your avatar or if no avatar why not Electrode, one of my characters I created for the Hero System. What area do you live in? New Carlisle, Ohio, USA What's your profession? Software Engineer Are you Windows, MAC or Linux? Windows. Are there TV shows and/or movies you like to binge watch? Science Fiction, Super Hero What drew you to the Hero System? Super Hero Genre and the way that system allows you create just about anything. Which edition did you start with? 4th Edition (Big Blue Book) What have you used the game for? Super Hero genre. What point system have you ran or played in? Standard Super Hero (400 Points). Do you still play or GM the Hero System Haven't for over 10 Years but my kids are now old enough I want to introduce them to it. Our there other games you play? Classic Traveler and some DND for a few years. On an A to F scale how do you rate the system overall A+ What are some house-rules, if any, you use in the past? Various house rules for 5th Edition (Big Black Book). Minor things to ensure gameplay wasn't adversely affected. If you could put together a 7th edition what are some things you add, omit and/or change? Not going to open that can of worms (8^D). Haven't used 6th but looked at the changes it was making and was pleased as to the direction it was going (although others were not). Would be interested in a 7th Edition just to see where that might lead. - Christopher Mullins
  25. Glad to see the discussions are still insightful and pleasant.
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