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Ms Superior

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Everything posted by Ms Superior

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Lost is not in my lexicon. However, your lexicon isn't here. And we're lost.
  2. Re: Super hero one liners "I cannot believe how many wannabes I have to deal with!"
  3. Re: What effects would you see on a terrestial planet in a binary system? What are the meanings for "S-type" and "P-type" and what do the S and the P stand for? Oh, and can you have moons? I thought the orbits wouldn't work.
  4. Re: Super hero one liners "I have only begun to fight."
  5. Re: Super hero one liners "I have only begun to fight."
  6. Re: What effects would you see on a terrestial planet in a binary system? Ms Superior follows the link, and returns. :hail: That's a magnificent element for a setting! I'm surprised no-one ever used it before!
  7. Re: What effects would you see on a terrestial planet in a binary system? Ms Superior arrives from the Fantasy Board, reads, and goes followed by That's a magnificent idea! I don't remember ever seeing that used!
  8. Ms Superior

    Pulpy Art

    Re: Pulpy Art Sorry, not meaning to "get down" on anybody, but there is (or are) too, too, too many "The Raven"s running around. Otherwise, cool stuff!
  9. Re: Super hero one liners "Well.....*bless* me, but this sort of irritation is not what I became a paladin do deal with!" (Only paladin character I ever saw played who really *got* "good is not dumb".)
  10. Re: What effects would you see on a terrestial planet in a binary system? Glad to help! Hey, someone want to help this guy out? Rep the poor gal he couldn't, why don't you?
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  12. Re: Water-based transformation Yeah. I think just a limited Energy Damage Reduction; only vs. electricity. Don't bother with grounded or not.
  13. Re: What effects would you see on a terrestial planet in a binary system? Oh! Oh! Another thing I just remembered! Tides! Tides will get stronger and weaker as the suns line up or get at right angle, just like on Earth with the Sun and Moon. It's called spring tides when their strong and neap tides when their weak. And if you do eccentric orbits, it gets more complicated. I think tidal force depends on the cube of the distance. I could be remembering wrong though.
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Reminds me a char. I once played; 110cm and skinny. Everyone else was 181cm or taller. She was asked why she always wore such low-cut tops. "I may not want any of the guys on the team, but a gal's got her pride, and this is the only way to make sure my cleavage can be seen from way up there."
  15. Re: Any more Ultimate Series books on the horizon Well phui! Those were becoming the only books I always buy. We'll see what 6th edition looks like....
  16. Re: What effects would you see on a terrestial planet in a binary system? From what I've read, the difference in "color" isn't noticable until you get to M7 or so (or B2 the other way); it would all seem white to someone near the star. Of course, if you want to go with the ol' cliche, go. Most people won't know it's not quite right. Remember, incoming light changes as the square of the distance, so 10% closer in 21% more light; which ought to be enough for reasonable seasons.
  17. Re: Narf's Fantasy Stuff Both work for me.
  18. Re: Catalog of Fantasy RPG Settings "Silence is taken for consent" as the old saying says. I'll add the Citybook Series from Flying Buffalo. Great stuff!
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Pssst. I think you want that to be an "(OOC)".
  20. Re: Mottos for use in games Good one! Did you ever read that book?
  21. Re: Black holes as high-tech power sources Cool! Now I know how to power my Star Destroyers.
  22. Re: What effects would you see on a terrestial planet in a binary system? Oh, I almost forgot --- everything would have two shadows. Unless one of the suns is very dim, but that's no fun.
  23. Re: What effects would you see on a terrestial planet in a binary system? This sounds terrific! How difficult is it to make your own solar system?
  24. Re: Narf's Fantasy Stuff That's funny! Yet, useful, too, when you think about it.
  25. Re: Extra-planar Fantasy Shout out Door Into Fire, with the building whose doors go to other worlds. Treated as mere background, not given much detail. Chessboards: Planes of Possibility is an idea-book. It talks about how to set up planes, how to group them in meta-planes, how to connect them (IOW, how to do planar travel), and so on. More "how to make a setting" than a setting itself.
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