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Posts posted by Brandi

  1. Originally posted by ChuckB

    Only good anime was Speed Racer , after that it all went downhill.


    Actually, there's some pretty good stuff out there, but it's usually not what the self-described otaku are getting themselves all sticky over. (Well, actually, Cowboy Bebop has a pretty good following here.)

  2. Originally posted by Eyendasky80

    I feel compelled to comment, but can't think of anything that would do an energy blasting hoo-hoo justice. Is hoo-hoo hyphenated?


    Do a Google Search for 'Kekko Mask' or 'Kekko Kamen'.


    Japanese anime (and live-action) superheroine who wears a mask, and boots... and that's all.


    She actually has a 'Power Pussy' attack. Nuf sed.

  3. Oddly enough, no-- in the one game I was in with him his female character only flirted (very odiously) with another male player's male character. And his male characters weren't necessarily Lotharios.


    BTW, my husband, who witnessed the aforementioned 14-year-old catastrophe, noted to me that the Mind Control power had Area Effect and Always On...

  4. Originally posted by Korvar

    Ew. Just... ew.


    You have no idea.


    I don't remember if I mentioned it here but one guy I used to game with apparently came up with a character for a game I was mercifully not a part of. A female superhero whose only power was basically something along the lines of 12d6 Mind Control with one effect only, "You want to fuck me."


    Did I mention she either was or looked 14?


    He was subsequently banned from playing female characters and I think just plain avoided shortly after that.

  5. Iron Age would seem to require the following disads:


    45 Berserk for almost any reason, go 14-, recover 8-


    25 Distinctive Features: T*ts Bigger than Head, Not Concealable, Major Reaction (if hero is female)


    25 Distinctive Features: Biceps Bigger than Normal Humans' Torsos, Not Concealable, Major Reaction (if hero is male)


    25 Psychological Limitation: Must Wear the Smallest Costume Allowed Under Decency Statues (Very Com, Total) (if hero is female)


    25 Psychological Limitation: Must Wear the Biggest, Spikiest Shoulder Armor Available (Very Com, Total) (if hero is male)






  6. Re: Re: Re: Re: She was hot though...


    Originally posted by Kristopher

    Halle Berry doesn't have a Catwoman costume.


    Don't bother showing me links, or anything. Halle Barry does not have a Catwoman costume. Never did, never will.


    Uh huh.


    And there are no Highlander sequels.


    And there is no Star Wars Holiday special.


    Man, I don't know if this denial is adorable, like a little kid trying to lie his way out of trouble, or something where I just want to slice your eyelids off and make you look at tubgirl.com

  7. I suspect if I *really* wanted to play a Thundercats-esque game I'd probably look into acquiring Cartoon Action Hour. :D


    Most of the time I'm just engaging in the mental exercise of 'okay, how *do* you do this?' based on what curious idea springs to mind...

  8. In my Thundercats thread, someone compared Summon to the grapnel attack Scorpion from Mortal Kombat used, and then *that* got me wondering...


    ... how would all y'all model that? It *almost*, to me, looks like it should be a EB or maybe Stretching linked to a Teleport, UAA, Must Cross Intervening Space...

  9. Re: Re: She was hot though...


    Originally posted by Kristopher

    I knew that series was going to stink like old fish when I saw that costume.


    Looks pretty good compared to Halle Berry's Catwoman costume, though.

  10. Originally posted by CrosshairCollie

    Summon doesn't really 'get their attention', at least not directly. Summon is the power that goes, to quote MK's Scorpion, "GET OVER HERE." Rather than getting their attention, it physically brings the victim/target of the Summon to the user.


    Ah, but what if you apply the Limitations "Arrives under own power" and "Must inhabit locale"? Then it's more like an irresistable call.

  11. Interesting, and you're right about the Sword tending to be a deus ex machina along the lines of the Wave Motion Cannon...


    But going back to my original post, here's a broader question: is Summon *ever* a good choice for modeling a power that gets the attention of your allies?

  12. Didn't see this in the FAQ, didn't see any old topic that really addressed it...


    For no good reason this evening I was thinking of the Thundercats, a kind of childhood/preteen guilty pleasure of mine, and wondering how you'd write up the two specialty powers of the Sword of Omens.


    The 'Sight Beyond Sight' seemed to be Clairsentience, or maybe a kind of large-scale Danger Sense, but it was the 'Thundercats Ho!' power that had me wondering...


    Is it a Summon power when you're, in essence, summoning your teammates? Or would something like Mind Link actually model it better? (I do remember that the sword also broadcast a big Bat-signal-like image.)

  13. Originally posted by Jhamin

    Interesting, I always thought of Colossus as the poster boy for buying powers and stats "Only in Hero ID". He keeps all the same skills, psych limits, and even his physical appearence.


    I mean, what does he lose by "powering up"?


    Huh, and here I thought he had Density Increase: Visible, maybe with linked increases in PD/ED/STR.

  14. Irving was my first character-- I think I commented in another thread about how the freeform powers approach of Hero was not very well explained to me (and Champs 4th ed was mostly lacking in examples), so I ended up going with the simple design of the basic brick.


    I cannot for the life of me think of why I made him one of the NYPL lions, though. A truly demented flash of inspiration, I guess.

  15. With Irving it's really moot. Being a giant stone lion is going to shape people's impressions and his own personality right from the get-go. And even if someone like his team's Flash (a gadgeteer) engineered a holographic image projector for him, what's he going to disguise himself as?

  16. Irving: Can't swim, unless there's some interplanetary adventure with a sea of mercury...


    Won't kill, although there were two games in the campaign where he did-- both, notably, run by one guy who kept trying to do Iron Age scenarios despite our characters being more Silver Agey (well, kinda tarnished silver in Elizabeth's case). He tended to force the characters into "kill a few or let many die" situations; Irving tended to be very miserable after those.


    Doesn't swear, but might use a rude word in a very matter-of-fact way if quoting dialogue, obnoxious lyrics, or suchlike. Admittedly, when he first awoke his memories were of earlier American English colloquialisms, and it was only sheer luck that one of the party members was able to inform him before a press conference that 'nigger' is NOT an acceptable term... ("But Huck called Jim that and they were friends... weren't they?")


    Also, his very makeup tends to preclude certain situations-- being non-biological, he doesn't have the usual drives living beings do and can't be tempted by a lot of things.

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