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The Overseer

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  1. Re: Coming up with terminology for humans who turn into superhumans using "-thrope" I kinda like the earlier Neothrope suggestion, easy to remember and rolls of the tongue easily.
  2. Re: Teleport I did it again... Sorry! Found it, lol
  3. Is it still possible to use Teleport as an attack in 6e? I wish my NPC to be able to Teleport the players but I cannot seem to find the modifier 'useable as an attack' as it does not seem to be in the HERO Designer. Any thoughts?
  4. Re: Deflection Well, I should allow it.. I am the GM (worryingly enough) I suppose we all need to have a first time running something though!
  5. Hi all... yet another Captain Stupid question here How does the deflection power actually work? Do you just buy it and when activated it deflects all ranged attacks or do you have to actually decide to block or something? No doubt someone will point out the blindingly obvious to me again, but I do appreciate it, lol
  6. Re: Stretching Please ignore my abject stupidity! After actually reading my guide I see you are both quite correct, lol. I should not have even asked =)
  7. Just a quickie... I have a character with the stretching ability. Is it possible for her to use melee attacks and martial arts at range? In essence she has really superior reach!
  8. Re: A super school How about naming your 'houses' after famous explorers? After all, it doesn't ALL have to be about superpowers does it? After all, even though the students are super-human they are still (mostly) human and humans have been achieving things without super-abilities for thousands of years. Cook, Drake, Magellan, Scott, Raleigh, Polo, Columbus, Cortes etc etc... This list is potentially huge =)
  9. Re: How Fast an Horse can Go? Except maybe lions and tigers and bears.. Oh my! Not so much outrunning as running away from though =)
  10. Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family" Anyone know how I can watch this in the UK?
  11. Re: Encounter Balance Thank you everybody, such a lot of useful information... As it turns out the GM currently running or 4ed DnD has had to go back home (was over here on a placement) and so tonight I was informed that my turn to GM had now come up three months early ((panics)) and I now have a week to write my first scenario... Nothing like pressure is there! lol. However, your input is going to help me greatly, thanks again everyone x
  12. Re: Encounter Balance I suppose all the modifiers make it all a little too complex for some sort of automatic calculator too... Ah well, I suppose I will just have to suck it and see! Thanks for the response
  13. Hi all, I have had a quick glance through my books and I cannot seem to find anything to address the following. As a GM, how do I go about balancing my campaign encounters? Can I just throw a force at the heroes that has a equal sum of character points to the team, or is it a little more complicated than that?
  14. Re: Giant Monster! Well, I do prefer to work from a valid build to keep me 'in check'. If I am to make it up I am unsure of what amount of 'damage' would cause the creature to gain a new size level, hence I was hoping someone had already done something like this before. And thank you, Damage Shield sounds perfect =D
  15. Hi guys and gals, I could do with a little advice please. My premise is that owing to nuclear (and possibly genetic) experiments an aquatic lifeform has mutated gaining amphibian abilities (air breathing) and has grown much larger in size. I wish this creature to gain size levels when eating or absorbing radiation, my intent is that he will make a bee-line for a nearby nuclear reactor drawn by the potential 'feast' within and trample all over the city. OK, so it's pretty much Godzilla, but what the hell, the campaign is set in the 1950's anyway, lol! So.. how do I make "Cod-zilla" grow to epic proportions..? I am unsure how I can link absorption (Radiation) and growth. Obviously he will start pretty big to begin with but I need him to be a real challenge for a team of six or seven 400pt characters. Also, can anyone advise me on how to build a sort of radioactive aura. I was thinking of using a low level blast with aoe, no range, constant with NND (radiation shielding), but I am sure there must be better way of doing it... Needless to say the gun-ho army general will be trying to nuke the bugger before he gets to the city (evil laugh)
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