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Everything posted by Thrakazog

  1. Re: A "The West Wing" Secret Service question, version 2.0
  2. Re: A "The West Wing" Secret Service question, version 2.0 I understand all that. I was joking. My bad.
  3. Re: Traveller Hero... an update from the authors I'm so there, dude.
  4. Re: Traveller Hero Core Books Now Available! Woot! Awesome.
  5. Re: Online Hero Games?? I've found a good site, and there's a fantasy campaign in the works that will be calling for players soon. Check my sig.
  6. Re: A "The West Wing" Secret Service question, version 2.0 Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure bad television stays dead.
  7. Re: Cruiseship Deckplans Sweet, thanks.
  8. Re: The Mind Controlling Hero Thanks for the input, all.
  9. Re: WWYCD: The Destruction Of The Conqueror All: Count my blessings and turn the place into a mini-mall. Santa could use the throne around Christmas time for pics with the kiddies.
  10. Re: New Power: Invulnerability I know it doesn't address the BODY-only aspect, but I've seen: Damage Reduction, 100% - 80 AP Damage Reduction, resistant, 100% - 120 AP You could always apply a modifier such as "doesn't reduce STUN -1/2", and there you go.
  11. Re: Thoughts on SPD It's a game balancing mechanic. Maybe we're overthinking this?
  12. Re: Scene Sheets I often write up notes before running a game. I find I'm much less organized and things don't flow as well when I try to wing it.
  13. I typically associate mind controllers with villains based on the ethical implications. But I was wondering, has anybody had any experience with a mind controller as a hero? Is it possible to be a mind controlling hero? I'm thinking of making the attempt but am seeking guidance.
  14. Re: Car Wars Hero Car Wars, Anyone?
  15. Re: HERO System Vehicles Speaking of Car Wars Hero... I haven't worried too much about vehicle design yet. The campaign has only just started - you can read it here. I had initially planned on using Car Wars vehicle design and combat rules and Hero System rules for everything else. It's all invisible to the players, anyway. Now I'm thinking I might actually just build out the vehicles using Hero System vehicle rules and just not worry about point costs and instead focus on translating from system to system properly. I have the Ultimate Vehicle and the old Autoduel Champions book to work with, as well as just about every Car Wars publication. I'll let you know how I do.
  16. A la the Hipshot & Movement question: does the same apply to the hurry optional maneuver? Can hurry only be used for actions, or could it be used for movement as well?
  17. Scenario: two characters of the same SPD and DEX (call it DEX N), acting simultaneously. Al is chasing Bo. Segment starts with Bo around the corner from Al, fleeing. Al declares a hipshot to gain an initiative advantage (DEX N+1) so as to stop Bo before the simultaneously-acting Bo gets away. At DEX N+1, Al uses a half-move to get around the corner and gain line-of-sight so that he can shoot. Is this proper? I was always under the assumption that a hipshot was an immediate combat action, a quick shot sacrificing aim for speed. Is it proper for a player to declare a hipshot and then, having gained an advantage in speed, take a half move before firing? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the maneuver? Shouldn't the shot be made immediately upon reaching DEX N+1? I hope I'm being clear. Please tell me if I'm not.
  18. Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!) Stone will likely always be my favorite. He's a flying brick concept and has a background as a biker, with lots of leather and attitude. Shrinking Violence was very fun to play. She was a shrinking flying brick, whose powers were proportionate to her shrinking. The smaller she got, the stronger, tougher, and more flight-worthy she got. She could get as small as a couple of inches in height, at which point she had 45 STR, 35 PD/ED, and very agile and quick flight. Think Wasp on steroids without the sting blasts.
  19. Re: Phase 12, GM's what do you allow? If combat is a foregone conclusion, there's no surprise, and everybody is starting combat together, then phase twelve is the most logical starting point. Everybody starts fighting, with DEX deciding who acts fastest right then and subsequently.
  20. Re: Phase 12, GM's what do you allow? I'm not sure I'm buying the philosophy behind starting combat on a random segment. When combat begins, more often than not, everybody begins at the same time. It's just a matter of reflexes as to who starts. The only segment that covers this situation is segment 12 (everybody acts, sorted by DEX). Thus, it makes the most realistic starting segment. I could see using the random roll only if the group is walking in on a combat in progress. As for how I treat segment 12 itself, other than the post-12 recovery, I don't treat it any differently than any other segment with regards to holding, extra time, or anything else.
  21. Re: Bricks Get Hosed, Or Not I refer to a PC with STR around 35-50 and SPD of 5 or higher as a martial brick. STR isn't his main schtick, nor are martial arts (although he probably has a few maneuvers), but he's a well-rounded tough HTH combatant.
  22. Re: Traveller Hero... an update from the authors
  23. Has anybody out there ever tried designing a Langston field in Hero terms? I'm contemplating this issue in a current campaign and was wondering what approach others had taken. I'm thinking absorption as a defense, with the absorbed points going towards a large AoE explosive KA that doesn't fire until the absorption limit is reached. Then again, I never fully understood the absorption as a defense rules. Thoughts?
  24. Re: Bricks Get Hosed, Or Not This was, I assumed, the reason behind the current rules regarding zero-END powers in frameworks.
  25. Re: Bricks Get Hosed, Or Not True, it depends on the concept. A Wonder Man clone, for example, derives all it's powers from the singular fact that it is a being comprised completely of ionic energy. I could see all the brick powers suffering from a transformation attack.
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