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Everything posted by BlueCloud2k2

  1. Yeah one of the things that drove me nuts when we covered Greek Mythology in middleschool was the glossing over of the fact that Zeus was a womanizing wife-beater who was married to his sister, and pretty much all of the Olympians were a$$-holes.
  2. I submit Beta Ray Bill as my team's representative
  3. I totally didn't think of that...
  4. I think I see where this is going...
  5. If they infected people like Timothy McVay, Osama Bin Laden, or pretty much anyone involved in human trafficing (especially where children are concerned), strapped them to a cot, and then time-lapsed the video feed, I'd watch the sh** out that.
  6. Whew, that last fight was a bit rough... and it goes to show that spending enough points and winning enough votes CAN give you a win with a Dice Roll of 1. I'm just glad it wasn't a Move Silently check... "I ROLLED A 4!!! DID YOU HEAR ME? I ROLLED A 4!"
  7. While that would be epic, I'd rather see Super Skrull as a Fantastic Four villain, myself.
  8. *rolls up a newspaper and smacks Chad over the nose with it*
  9. I hope that cleric had a nice trip... I wonder if we'll see her next fall?
  10. I wonder if the interwebz are broken where he lives?
  11. There are some sites with various creature/character writeups from film and television try: Surbrook's Stuff http://surbrook.devermore.com/index/archive.html The Great Net Book of Real Heroes http://www.sysabend.org/champions/gnborh/ Hopefully that inspires you!
  12. I for one am not the least bit offended by Johnny being black, but I feel they should have made Sue black as well. Cuz, y'know. Consistency. I think I'd rather have seen Reed be black, though. It sends the message that non-white people can be brainy nerds, too.
  13. Monsters University is just Revenge of the Nerds for kids...
  14. Wait... I thought Haley had boots of speed not boots of levitation?
  15. Well.. Hal Jordon or Kyle Rayner maybe... I think he could totally nail John Stewart (who was my fave GL of all time).
  16. I had to go back and re-watch the trailer... first time through I thought that was part of the radio tower and he was holding onto it... WTF?
  17. Yeah I always got in impression he spent too much time in his lab, thus his complexion. Just got caught up on OotS after a loooooong hiatus. Wow... just... wow...
  18. The Copy Cats are in dire need of a FISS, so our final member is Kevin Green, but he is better known as... PRIME!!! So that's: 3 bonus points if the pick is selected within 24 hours 3 bonus points if the character has never died* 2 bonus points if the character was created before 1956 or after 1986 (1993) 2 points if the character has a code-name and a costume So he's worth a whopping 10 points. Sending PM to Hermit now.
  19. I thought Static Shock was a DC property? EDIT: Do sub-companies owned by DC Count? Cuz I found this: Static Shock is also part of the DC Animation Continuity (there was crossover with both the Batman: TAS and Justice League).
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