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Everything posted by Kristopher

  1. Re: Star HERO with... not magic, really, but... Interesting option for one of the "nicer" factions, if they go to more remote worlds where medical science hasn't caught up to the state-of-the-art.
  2. Re: 10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist I'm not sure on how well osmium would work as a penetrator. Yes, it's dense as hell, but I don't think it has the self-sharpening or pyrophoric properties of DU.
  3. Re: 10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist No, seriously, how does something that's powered by the pressure of expanding gas behind it, work if there's a hole through it?
  4. Re: 10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist How does a bullet with a hole down the middle even work?
  5. Re: Multiple bodies for a single consciousness http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/75956-AI-with-remote-puppet-body http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/77062-Telepresence-Bioroid Two threads with related topics.
  6. Re: Charging points for tech gear? First thought / brainstorming -- charge the difference between, say, having the ability in the focus, and having it inherent?
  7. Re: 10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist Jet and rocket engines aren't propelled by gas pressure from behind the way a bullet or cannon projectile is.
  8. Re: 10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist There's no free lunch. Forcing the air into the smaller section of the "tube" through the bullet takes energy, and it takes it from the bullet's kinetic energy. And really, I have to question the utility of having a hole down the center of a projectile that's propelled by gas pressure from behind...
  9. Re: Chocolate in Pre-Columbian New Mexico Materials from tropical plants and animals have been found in cites in the NE United States, IIRC, implying at least some trade reaching that far.
  10. Re: 10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist
  11. Re: Astronomers Say Alien Dust Is Nothing To Sneeze At It's on the NGD part of the forums.
  12. Re: 10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tip_jet There's an extranal power source pressurizing both the hose and the "tip jets". There's no special process going on there, it's just old-as-dirt Newtonian action/reaction.
  13. Re: 10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist "Automated nano construction" of the type so beloved in SF is probably a pipe-dream if you don't ignore the practicalities. Scramjets still need fuel. The Venturi effect doesn't provide something for nothing.
  14. Re: Math Actually, compared to some systems, such as some of the examples given between your post and this reply, even character creation isn't that complicated or effort-intensive in HERO.
  15. Re: 10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist I'd be interested in reading a more detailed explanation, if you can link to one.
  16. Re: 10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist Turns the bullet into a ramjet, but with no fuel, which accelerates after leaving the barrel? Cite?
  17. Re: Engineered Sun Explosion And so it doesn't surprise me that it traces back to atranshumanist. This topic may seem totally out of left field, but there are two papers I would urge all concerned to read. The formidable Alexei Valerievich Turchin, of the Russian Transhumanist movement, has written of the dangers of thermonuclear detonation of the deuterium rich strata of other Solar System bodies--
  18. Re: 10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist 20 times the range? How would that be accomplished? There's some pretty simple and definite physics involved in the limits on effective range.
  19. Re: 10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist
  20. Re: 10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist If "milliwaves" are microwaves, then I can see the company that's developing the ADS trying to create a distinction so that their weapon isn't "microwaving people".
  21. Re: Engineered Sun Explosion I'm not sure how seriously I take it. It sounds scarey, but it also sounds like it's trying too hard to be scarey.
  22. Re: Bloodmäter Sorry if this has already been answered, but do you record the sessions to make these summaries?
  23. Re: The Singularity? It's about as plausible.
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