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Everything posted by Narthon

  1. Re: speeding up character creation v0.9 Looks like it can be useful for new players.
  2. Re: 5E Cost to double equipment Thank you!
  3. In a 4/5E campaign I played in some years ago, one of the characters was a spideman clone with IIF webslingers. He bought one as a multipower, then paid 5 points for a second one, using the 5 points to double equipment rule. Now, I am running a game with a bunch of people who have never played Hero before. One is building a "Gunslinger" with two OAF six shooters. I thought he could save a lot using the 5 point to double equipment rule for his second gun, but I can't seem to find that rule anywhere except in the vehicles and bases section. I also looked for it in hero designer but could not find it. Is it a real rule that can be applied to focuses, or was that just a house rule in that game? Thank you for your time.
  4. Re: What's the most useless supplement you'd actually like to see? Eh, whats three years among friends.
  5. Re: Blowing up a mountain The best way to make it work would probably be with a big area effect. You could also to an extradimentional travel to a spot exactly like where you were, but that mountain is blown up.
  6. Re: Rewrite your PC(s) as Iron Age Villians! I think my current PC may already BE an Iron Age villian... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16604
  7. Re: Stranded in the Past Data, no question.
  8. Re: How to: Pointing Out The Flaw Yep, find weakness-useable by others.
  9. Re: DEX: and the Marvel Universe I think a speed of 4 and dex of 18, along with a str of 18-20 justifys those. He probably had some combat skill levels to help with the "streetfighting".
  10. Re: Martial Art Question So, is the character using martial arts that she doesn't conciously remember? I guess any martial art would do actually, her body remember but her mind doesn't. Judo might be a good option for the defensive feel. As for "pushing" herself, just buy more raw end while keeping str and con low.
  11. Re: Are limited defenses to expensive? I also would put them at a -1, unless for some reason in the campaign they are extreamly common. How often do you actually see fire using, cold using, electricity using? Probably not all that often, really.
  12. Re: Who is your campaigns "Bad Guy they love to hate" Car-Theft man, the national hero of Belize. He is a skilled normal who can hotwire and drive any vehicle of any size, despite crew limits. He can also escape from any confinement. Car-Theft Man's goal is to make the economy of Belize equal to that of the USA just through stealing vehicles. The party speedster got into the habit of picking him up every session back when he was a throw-away villian, which earned the party a hunted by him. Now, every time we turn our back on any vehicle we care about, it is rolling off into the sunset.
  13. Re: Desol and Stretching While I'm at it, does desol give you affect desol for free, give it but only vs similar special effect, or not give it at all?
  14. Ok, say I have Desol done as a body of water, with strength affects physical world. I buy streatching. Does the streatching need to affect physical world, or does the affects physical world on the strength cover it?
  15. Re: Is this the right board? Is there a right board? Yep, the first post, when I get around to it, will be a general campaign to date thing, with character writeups.
  16. So, our GM said he will give our base a bonus XP per session if we pose a session write-up online. I figure, since it is a champions game, the obvious place to post would be here, but I hate to cause annoying spam. Is it ok to post the write ups here? We would always love comments, of course. If it matters, the game runs every two weeks. Thank you for your time.
  17. Re: Crew Served and Speed... I'm sorry, I wasn't clear enough, I mean with the lim Crew Served. Here is an example: 1) Tunneling 34" through 34 DEF material, Fill In Hole (180 Active Points); OIF Immobile (-1 1/2), Crew-Served ([17-32] people; -1 1/4), Limited Maneuverability Only 1 turn per Phase at Combat speed; only 1 turn per Turn at Noncombat speed (-1/2), Costs Endurance (-1/2) 18
  18. Ok, say I have a vehicle who's movements are crew served, and who's speed is 4. Does every crew member have to have a speed of 4 in order to use the movement on all of it's "avalible" phases? Does it still move on the "lost" phases, but is unable to turn? Does it not move at all?
  19. Re: Worm in your head? Oh, and the worm is now dead, killed by a mind controlled party member. In game they never found out he was really a villian. Of course, when the Vatican 5 team confiscated the corpse, they knew something was up...
  20. Re: Delete me please You should be writing.
  21. Re: Combat Luck ruins Armor Piercing and Penetrating? Yes, I actually have added "the beating for the dishonerable" a HA that does no body. It works really well.
  22. Re: A vehicle's crew Ok, if it helps, this ship may become the mobile base of our supergroup, if we decide to buy it. I'm just putting something on paper to bring to the next session for evaluation, so it will get a lot of tinkering. Thanks for the help guys.
  23. Re: Combat Luck ruins Armor Piercing and Penetrating? Actually guys, I'm a player, not a GM (In this campaign). We play in a deadly world where cheese is our best option. In this world, if a villian hits you, you are probably down for the fight. We look for ways to do the same thing they do. All but 1 of our players has over 15 years of pen and paper role playing experience, and we play many types of games. An autofire penetrating attack is not unusual, as it is a technique which usually works. I usually say don't judge my play style, judge my techniques, I guess I should have here.
  24. Re: Weak/Fast tunneling? You see, the problem is, a limitation doesn't help in putting the tunneling into the sand/submarine's multipower. to get a "decent" move on the tunneling, you gat a rediculous swimming speed when using both as slots in the same multipower.
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