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  1. Thanks this makes sense rather than trying to micromanage ED and PD beyond what probably should be done anyway. Excellent point, I failed to think that one all the way through. I will probably make Cybernetics and Bioware bought in the same way, and probably as powers.
  2. In my games, the gods can and do directly influence the world, to what degree often depends on the setting. For example, sometimes I will run games where the player characters are gods akin to the Aesir and actually roam the Earth doing what they believe to be right. When the gods aren't PCs, they usually have the fundamental limit of not being able to be everywhere at once. There are also "gods" note the word is plural, as such even the ones that are generally on the same side disagree and interfere with each other. So even with the gods being omnipotent, they run into the fact that the others are also omnipotent. So when they have a spat, the bulk of their being is tied up with dealing with the spat, and if it is a really minor spat, that focus will be shifted away from a decade. Hence the empowering of mortals, they usually are less tied up in celestial politics (which makes even the most labyrinthine mortal politics looks simple and dull) and can deal with the more immediate crisis.
  3. Hello, I'm about to run my first Hero System game, and while I've played Hero System games, the game I'm looking to run is a bit different than what I've actually played using Hero System. For starters, the game I'm looking to run is actually a Space Fantasy game where advanced technology and magic not only exist side by side, but sometimes people (in the setting) mix the two. Most of the game I've played were either Superhero games where people could be as strong as warships and no one batted an eye, or Martial arts games where cars were "free" because they had no practical impact on the game beyond personal style. I have a few questions I wanted to pop forth before I get too far in the pre-setup for the game. Fair warning, chunks of the setting derive inspiration from the like of Xenosaga/Xenogears, a variety of anime, and Star Wars, while still having the majority of it not direct rip-offs of any of that. Some things that ARE set: 1.It's a Heroic game and equipment management is actually going to be a thing the players have to deal with (to emulate to a degree the console RPGs and MMOs most of my players love, without tying everything to points) 2. all players will have vehicles that can operate in space. The game also allows for space-operating mecha (so it could be a fighter, mecha, reasonably sized freighter), if they want Gundam-like mecha or something more along the lines of Mazinger or Dancouga is up to the player. Just no kilometer long capital ships directly under player control. 3. Magic operates on "pacts." That is to say magic using characters will ALL have the dependency complication (that must be sufficiently stringent to be worth actual points) set up that if they don't behave a certain way (to be determined at time of character generation), then the PC will lose access to their magic 4. Psionics are considered magic. 5. FTL is available (in 3 flavors, no less, though all of them take several hours between uses before being usable again), teleportation of people is NOT. 6. Cybernetic enhancements are equipment, biological enhancements are powers. 7. It is 4000 years in the future, and there are civilizations that run roughly 12 billion light years of space. 8. Interstellar nations are not necessarily set up along species lines. In fact, very few species actually belong to solely on nation, and just as rare is the nation that is only one species. 9. Aliens exist, but most of the "humanoid" life are genetic off-shoots (natural or artificial) of humans. 10. AIs and robots are not looking to overthrow the biolgical species of the universe, for the most part. There are some places that even have AI elected into government office, with biological support. 11. There is no one standard of ethics across the universe. Robots and clones are nothing more than property in some nations, and in some nations they are citizens with all the rights of any other citizen, with a gamut of perspectives on the matter in between. Some of the questions I have: 1. Most of the time that I play games where vehicles and mecha come involved those games have different damage scales between people and vehicles. While I don't quite want to get to the point where the damage disparity is such that people with the right equipment/powers can't take down a vehicle at all, I'd like an armored vehicle to be a tough opponent to people on foot. Are there recommended benchmarks for defense and killing damage that someone may have so I don't accidentally make a vehicle too tough or too vulnerable? I know that you want 2 points of defense for every die of damage that you can reasonably expect to take (at least I think I got that right), but the examples I have available to me don't seem to be concerned with such things. Case in point: there is some armor in the equipment manual that have 15-20 PD/ED for personal armor and the mecha and fighter in Star Hero have roughly the same PD/ED, as does the Warship (before taking Forcefields into account in that case). 2. Do people have suggestions on how to handle money in Hero System, it's been in a non-issue in games I've played with Hero System, and many of the games I've played outside of it reduce money to being something of a resource system that doesn't track every penny. What has been people's experience with this in Hero System? If I come up with more questions I'll ask. Thanks to any who read/answer/express interest in this post.
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