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Everything posted by Badger

  1. Kaiju are higher on the food chain. We are their food.
  2. Yeah, like I said in praise of pip makes me bawl and weep.
  3. Thanks to comment seen elsewhere on internet. Stephen King's The Stand with Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. What would Randall Flagg's Stand be?
  4. On a serious note, I am a sucker for interspecies loyalty, I guess
  5. Isnt the 1st amendment the one everyone thinks says: you have the right to free speech, as long as we are of like opinion
  6. Obsolete Man is my favorite. Praise for pip makes me cry. I hate admitting when I cry. Yeah, like the hunt, too
  7. I will remember that, if I ever have kids😉
  8. I have enough trouble getting air up my nose. I think if I suspect I have covid, I will just crawl under the porch and wait for death like an old feral cat.
  9. Well playing inside their division was how I gave them as much as 6.
  10. But cats are better behaved than kids. Just remember how low a bar kids set on that.
  11. Can never there. If we say, tyranny as long as it is mine, it is time to give up.
  12. So first Nfc east team to 6 wins takes the division
  13. That is a cat who will have revenge. Expect the guilty party to be found crumpled at the bottom of the steps, cats are masters at random chop blocks.
  14. I did get chicken pox twice as a kid, although most people only get it once and are immune. Though, the first was very minor at age 4. Bad the 2nd time at age 8. (Though not nearly as bad as others in my class that year). So, I kind of wonder for those who get it twice, maybe one or both were relatively minor.
  15. Well, I have been asking about the former, so far no one willing to answer
  16. Dont deny you arent. Wasn't the Monty Python bunny from Australia
  17. I had used it inside my head before because I am lazy. But, I wasn't even sure that was official or even acknowledged as a thing.
  18. Yeah, I have been working during early games a lot.
  19. Best game so far. I was just happy to see a handful of innings without 3 run Homer's for a change this postseason
  20. I live in Va. That would a rather large caterpillar. Now, I am thinking about when I was little. One guy at church wore a toupee. I would always be staring at it trying to figure things out, looked weird to me. My mother was always scooting me along.
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