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The Maxx

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About The Maxx

  • Birthday 12/16/1973

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  1. Re: The Things I've Learned Playing A Mentalist Mental Illusions + the Images power equals a nasty degree of versatility when your illusions are seen by everybody!
  2. Re: New Game; New Characters... oy vey YiKES! I'm a powergamer at heart (damn heart), but this guys sheet makes my eyes hurt. I can hear the numbers screaming So, please whatever you do make him stop. At least you never had to deal with the likes of my Quantus (this actually got into a game under 4th ed rules) Cosmic VPP with constructs like autofire NND, PI, 0End or variants using Drains... EC- Virtual Willpower (read: Virtual bu11sh....) +40 DEX +40 Ego + enough SPD to get me to SPD 12 Danger Sense I tortured a GM with this for about a year, (I've learned my lesson since then... Well mostly ;D)
  3. Re: Designing a Post human society There would be a fair amount of looking out for number one in a lot of situations, followed by a slow gathering of groups for protection against other hostile forces (think tribal/clannish). Given that such beings would have a variety of powers being that that is all that remains, it would take quite some time before any real greater social structures develope. Granted it would still be comparatively faster that what has occured in actual history, but your still looking at what could take potentially years if not more. From what little snippets of what the campaign was like, I'd say it would inevitibly work towards city-states/fuedal type system. Would be my first guess. The biggest factor to migitate that estimation would be if any mutants/supers were already grouped together which would give said groups a head start towards thier social goals. And obviously, power levels involved would be a big factor "Might makes right." and all that. Other things to consider would be any of those pesky alien invasion forces that have been looking for a nice ripe planet to plunder/takeover. Which depending on the tact and power of the invasion force, they could secure a sizable portion of the planet (the reduced pop. of supers can't be everywhere) or it could act as a unifying force for the remaining metahumans. A lot of this also has to take into account the personality archetypes of those in the upper ranges of power whether personal or collective. One of the other possibilities involved could possibly be the superpowered exploration and settlement of the other planets in the solar system. my .01 cent
  4. Re: Goofy Disadvantage / Power Ideas True, unless the character isn't human.... Private Clockwerk reporting for duty....
  5. Re: Hello and question about powers and such For the formula effect, I'd honestly suggest something like a longterm Aid with a fade rate that fits into what your thinking. And limitations that require the Extra time and lab resources to use. as for setting up a years supply that'd be a bit harder (perhaps using trigger/ or delayed effect as others had suggested, to set up multiple prepared uses) just my .01
  6. Re: So why do you play Hero? To paraphrase, "It Can Handle Ultimate, Raw Cosmic POWER!! and still handle itsy, bitsy, living space :D" No other system handles it so well
  7. Re: Power Building Challange Well for a proactive approach one could use 1d6 Drain vs all magic powers(+2) (Only when directed at character(-1 give or take)) AERadius+1, increased area x16 +1, Penetrating +1/2, Fully Invisible +1, Continous +1, OEND&Persistent+1, Always On-1/2 and that should deal with most situations
  8. Re: Just testing interest:Would you would you be interested in this game? Sounds like fun to me, when can we start?
  9. Re: "Ya better talk Oculon, or you'll get the spike!" (A Super law question) Another thing to consider when you're talking about monstrous killing machine from Hell dimension X if it's not able to to communicate or even understand humans it might become closer classified as an animal and what usually happens to an animal that attacks or even kills a person. It gets put down usually without a trial or much in the way of a legal ruling whatsoever. From a robot/android perspective then your looking at property and weapons handling. Think about dismantiling weapons of mass destruction. Ultimately on those kind of issues it'd boil down to how sentient it is as percieved by humans. Another thing to chime in on is that certain villians might not warrant the right of a typical due process trial and instead face a harsher military tribunal arraignment as terrorists of the state, traitors, spies, threats to national security etc.. So you might not have all the niceness that comes with a normal criminal trial. Just my .01 cent (creditors took the other one)
  10. Re: Seeds of Change PBEM accepting new characters I'd like to know as well. In fact, I was one of the original submitters. Unfortunately for the character I had submitted there's not a single bit of background to be found for him anywhere .
  11. Re: Character Build Question - How Would You Do It? Granted for this kind of character Cost is going to be an issue almost regradless on how you do it. But here's an idea, try TK, Clairsentience and possibly images with something like fully indirect (not entirely sure if it needs it though in the 5th ed version) and lots of range and no range mods all bought with Focus: robot bodies. The focus being defined further as Obvious, Inaccessable, personal and breakable. Now as for having multiple bodies stashed here and there.... well I've seen a few options for having purchased multiple foci. Something about paying 5 points to double the number.... Or just use teleport to represent jumping from control of one body to another....
  12. Re: Speedster question While I can't say I've had much experience running into situations like this, you've stated that his largest attacks wouldn't be able to harm the wall. Now in a lot of ways I'm with the he's got to pay for it crowd, however consider this. If it was dramatically appropriate there's always "Pushing" as the 10 active point limit on that is artificial. Which could figuratively speaking could allow our hero to get thru the wall and knock himself out in the process very comic-book style IMHO. Or as an alternative, make the effort of doing this cost something. Say, have him burn up a few points of Body, Con, or Str that he doesn't get back save through experience. On the otherhand if the game hinged on the player not being able to punch through said wall. Then I'd fully support you sticking to your guns and dening the player to get through a wall that he or she didn't pay points for. But that's just my .01 cents (creditors already took the other cent)
  13. Re: Super Powers that are really "wanted" ... by everyone
  14. Re: Interesting team idea I have to ask, HOW?!?! How would individuals that are distinctive representatives of their respective ages even remotely come together as a team. I mean as much as the idea of Supes trying to partner up with the likes of a hellbent Spawn amuses me. It'd be too much of a stretch for me to believe that they wouldn't be turning on each other after working with each other for a little while. My other question would be to ask what kind've world-verse would you do this in, and would all of the reps. somehow come from the same world, or are we doing a bit of dimension-hopping? Sorry I'm late, my ability to tranverse time and space to reach this destination was impeded by others who were just not going as fast.
  15. Re: Generic Power Nullifiers Here's an idea for your generic power nullifier, that has a tech base. Try a technological gateway to a pocket dimension where the physical and metaphysical laws simply don't support the powers of the individuals contained within. It's a bit hard to use one's powers when the reality one is immersed in doesn't support them. Basically something that could be called . Of course you'd definitely want to be cafeful with that one, as it's also technically a fudge, but altering reality generally does the trick in most instances. Just my .01 the irs took the other one
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