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Everything posted by pruttm

  1. LAST DAY to pledge to get superhero content from some of your favorite Hero System writers. We currently have Steve Long and Darren Watts and are now working towards adding Michael Surbrook. Check out the Kickstarter in its last hours for all that is included. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/blessedmachine/campaign-city-supers-for-savage-worlds
  2. Hi Amorkca, There are no plans to do this as part of the kickstarter. It's possible in the future.
  3. Hey gang we managed to capture Giant-Size Stretch Goal #2 and are on to King Size Stretch Goal #3. More Hero alum included! King Size Stretch Goal # 3 Adventure #1 Michael Surbrook will handle the words based on skills honed by writing books like Ghouls, Ghosts, and Golems, Asian Bestiary, and Kazei 5. His cohort in crime will be Storn A. Cook, a veteran industry artist, and skilled superhero artist. Check out his work below! Adventure #2 will star the amazing author David Rickett. David is a newcomer to the RPG industry but has already put up four products for Pete Ruttman's company Blessed Machine. What is a superhero game without a little nepotism? Let's welcome nytingailart, Pete Ruttman's daughter, into the bullpen to help with art chores for David's words. Nytingailart is a multi-media artist working in watercolor, ink, digital, resin, and clay. So for just a little under $400 in new pledges, we get two new adventures and work from four new creators. Help us make it happen. Share this Kickstarter with all your super friends, and if you have already joined the team, consider bumping your pledge to be a Super Fan! if you haven't already! Here is the link to the Kickstarter here!
  4. How about a Giant-Sized Stretch Goal #2!? We locked in Steve Long last night and we are on to Stretch Goal #2 with Darren Watts! Darren Watts - Darren is a long-time part of Hero Games and their Champions line of products. Here is just a sampling of his superhero contributions to our favorite genre: Champions Universe, Golden Age Champions, Millenium City Art chores will be done by newcomer Bobby Brice. Bobby was a part of A Lungful of Brine. A 96-page collection of nautical horror comics. Bobby is also working on an upcoming project that will turn Savage Worlds products into comic book form. Check out his page for my setting, Secret Agents of CROSS, below. Don't forget you can get all things CROSS as a $15 add-on. Just select the CROSS add-on when you select or change your reward level. This bundle includes the setting book, fourteen adventures, an action card deck, and an equipment deck. That's currently $50 on drivethrurpg.com, so get it here and support Bobby's work! So you say those look great, but what makes this Giant-Sized? Weeeelll. This stretch goal will also include Pep Rally Panic, written by yours truly and illustrated by Bobby Brice. I have already commissioned his piece for this adventure. Check out Immolation in Methamphetamine fueled fire! Whew! That's all the hype I can muster for today. I'm not Stan Lee, for gosh sake! So share our Kickstarter, consider up, up, and awaying your pledge, or grappling an add-on so we can get Darren Watts and Bobby Brice locked in for more Campaign City Supers!
  5. Hi Hero friends! I wanted to let you know that I have a Kickstarter running that is superleaping towards a stretch goal with none other than Steve Long handling the writing chores. This project is an expansion of my first RPG supplement. This time around it isn't for Champions, but as a veteran of Hero System gaming, it is hard to take the Hero out of a writer, so it will be easy to convert. Please give it a look and help us get some fresh supers content from a legend! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/blessedmachine/campaign-city-supers-for-savage-worlds
  6. Blessed Machine proudly presents the Wild West Hardware kickstarter. Please come for the campy video and stay for 3d print files or physical prints of all kinds of accessories for your tabletop Western-themed games.
  7. You gotta love a Spittoon dice tower. Gross and Cool at the same time! Kickstarter starts on Preacher Day: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/blessedmachine/wild-west-hardware
  8. Shotgun Ammunition Tracker Check out the Shotgun Ammunition Tracker! This guy is our first accessory to use magnets to provide a very satisfying closing snap. Here is our test print using a nice silky black grey gun metal filament.
  9. This is my personal favorite ammunition tracker. This little cutie tracks ammo for a firearm you can hide in your pocket, your boot, or even your brassiere. Meet the Derringer Ammunition Tracker!
  10. So, while everything could be tracked on paper or stuff around the house, I think the Westerner's Dash does bring together all of our accessories into a fun and organized set. This is the console that all of the components lock into and in itself has areas for Poker cards, dice, ammunition trays, and tokens. Check out this render and test print. Sign up to be notified when the Kickstarter launches: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/blessedmachine/wild-west-hardware
  11. Here are some ammunition trays. The bottom one would be compatible with the Six-gun ammo. AMMO TRAYS-A.wmv
  12. Thanks for the thoughts Tjack. Praise and criticism always welcome with me!
  13. Check out this test print. We used eSun brown for the base, 3d Solutech for the cylinder and other hardware and Polaroid Wood for the grip. What do you think?
  14. Here is the first of our Wild West table top accessories. The idea is to create a player station made of OpenLock tiles that can snap together. The first tile is the Six-gun Ammunition Tracker. Check out the load and unload action. Sign up for the launch here: https://www.kickstarter.com/.../blesse.../wild-west-hardware
  15. Gang, I am launching a new Kickstarter in November that will be great for anyone playing tabletop games in the Old West. Sign up to be alerted to the launch and watch here for some renders and pictures of the stuff that will be available for your 3d printers or pre-printed by my team. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/blessedmachine/wild-west-hardware
  16. I see copies at amazon.com.
  17. Marvel Superheroes (http://classicmarvelforever.com/cms/)
  18. I just didn't want to over promise with multiple systems. The crunchiness of HERO will require a fair bit of layout work and an increased page count. If the Savage Worlds version funds and after delivery of that, I will certainly look at a HERO conversion project. If it doesn't fund, I'll have to reconsider my plans in full. You can get a 34-page test drive/preview of Secret Agents of CROSS Here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/244133/Secret-Agents-of-CROSS-Test-Drive
  19. Over the years, I have posted on the Hero Games forums about my Champions game and a potential spin-off called Secret Agents of CROSS. I have finally pulled parts of all that to make a modern spy game called Secret Agents of CROSS. Unfortunately, this is for Savage Worlds rather than Hero System, but I'm sure folks will see hero System at the heart of many of my character designs and additional rules. So, if you want to learn about Catholic spies that protect the flock against evil, then check out my new Kickstarter here You can also check out a Test Drive document here!
  20. Possession is in the Advanced Player's Guide, a sixth edition expansion book.
  21. It was originally interfaced with Hero Combat Simulator. A different Hero System combat manager app.
  22. Thanks much Dan.
  23. This one?
  24. Catholic Response Organization to Strategize and Strike
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