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About Pensativa

  • Birthday 10/01/1971

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I have 2 cats.
  • Occupation
    playing with stickers and babysitting young "adults"

Pensativa's Achievements

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... My game ran short, so we played Apples to Apples after. I am the only female in the group, and I drew "sexy". One of the cards played on it was "wrecking balls", and I laughed even harder when I found out it was played by my husband.
  2. Re: The Devil Inside... Pensativa would: panic. And then call Witchcraft, because this situation is completely out of her league. Pummel (formerly Impact) would: see above.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Sounds like Vixen's kind of distraction.
  4. Re: WWYD: The Perfect Partner (potentially controversial) Pensativa personally knows two AIs, one of whom IS a robot. If the "perfect partners" are AIs, she'd be more likely to regard them as slaves who should be given rights as sentient beings and would never want to own one.
  5. Re: Superhero Apprentice Pensativa would be in. Her charity would be the fund for the families of the supers killed at the fall of Detroit. She'd probably get booted quickly if many of the other supers lacked mental defense and she had to constantly pick up on their emotional garbage. Pummel (Impact when she was a PC) would be in. She'd use the money to set up a scholarship fund. She'd last longer, because although she won't resort to manipulative tactics, she doesn't let them get to her much either. (She has a hyper-intelligent 4 year old brother.)
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat 3 of my 4 cats - smothering me in my sleep
  7. Re: The cranky thread Actually, I think it started going wonky on Saturday. And, where I work it's set up so our heat is controlled from Texas, so it's not warm enough there either. So, now I'm sick. My boss sounded ticked off when I called in this morning, but since I'm having to help train someone for a job I've been passed over for SIX times, I don't really care what she thinks. On the plus side, the people who will eventually fix our furnace came by a little while ago with some space heaters so we can keep our pipes from freezing. I only hope that our lousy wiring will hold up under the extra strain.
  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Networks start making tv shows out of online blogs.
  9. Re: Who is your favorite character?
  10. Re: Top Signs You Need to Rethink Your Playing Style.... When the GM holds on to the character sheets in between sessions and keeps "losing" yours.
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Videos A leprechaun for St. Patrick's Day?
  12. Re: Would you allow this mental power? She also can't shut it off, which is why she prefers the company of people WITH mental defense.
  13. Re: What game would you LOVE to play in? One that lasts more than a handful of sessions.
  14. Re: "I shoot the escape pod!!!" In a second edition AD&D game, one of the PC's got his action after the powerful evil wizard started to cast his wish spell but before he finished it. He says, "I shove a pepper bomb up his nose." He had pepper bombs on his equipment list. He made the hit, even with a called shot penalty. The spell still went off, just not precisely how it was intended...
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