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Supreme Serpent

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Everything posted by Supreme Serpent

  1. Re: Gamma Flight campaign images Nice stuff, thanks for sharing! I could go for some Timbits right about now...
  2. Re: What else is a classic trope ? Normal human wielder of Item of Great Power, often alien in origin (power ring, quantum bands, star rod, etc.) The spellcaster super (Dr. Fate, Zatanna, Dr. Strange)
  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER THE WEDDING TEST I was a very happy man. My wonderful girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. There was only one little thing bothering me...It was her beautiful younger sister. My prospective sister-in-law was 22, wore very tight miniskirts, and generally was bra-less. She would regularly bend down when she was near me, and I always got more than a nice view. It had to be deliberate. Because she never did it when she was near anyone else. One day her 'little' sister called and asked me to come over to check the wedding invitations. She was alone when I arrived, and she whispered to me that she had feelings and desires for me that she couldn't overcome. She told me that she wanted me just once before I got married and committed my life to her sister. Well, I was in total shock, and couldn't say a word. She slowly took off all her clothes apart from a tiny white thong and said, 'I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if you want one last wild fling, just come up and get me.' I was stunned and frozen in shock as I watched her go up the stairs. I stood there for a moment, then turned and made a beeline straight to the front door. I opened the door, and headed straight towards my car. Lo and behold, my entire future family was standing outside, all clapping! With tears in his eyes, my father-in-law hugged me and said, 'We are very happy that you have passed our little test. We couldn't ask for a better man for our daughter. Welcome to the family.' And the moral of this story is: Always keep your condoms in your car.
  4. Re: Would you ever allow a Large character as a PC? Sure. Doesn't introduce significantly different problems than 'guy who goes mounted' or 'guy that uses long / ranged weapons'. We've become ingrained with smaller than human characters like Dwarves and Halflings, this is just the other end of the scale. Run a normal human in a Hobbit-sized world and you'd have the same advantages/problems. Lower DCV, harder to sneak around, some places inaccessible, etc. Be sure to carry a big shield too, since you'll be the most obvious target for the enemy.
  5. Re: Real Locations that should be fantasy Got sent a bunch of pics from a colleague in India, some of the more appropriate ones: Snake cult anyone (or Cobra Commander's summer home) Baijnath Temple Fort Viejo Fort Jaipur
  6. Re: URBAN FANTASY HERO -- What Do *You* Want To See? Definitely a discussion in the 'campaign considerations' about how the magical world interacts with the 'mundane' one. In most urban fantasy settings normal people resist believing, and often the practitioners actively seek to maintain the secrecy. Some discussion on the challenges, benefits and dangers of various approaches would be good. Questions GM may want to consider for various groups (Catholic Church, US govt, etc.)- Who knows? How much do they know? What do they do about it? How might that impact the campaign? "Urban Fantasy with other genres" - notes on flavoring Pulp, Dark Champions, Star Hero etc. campaigns to mix with Urban Fantasy. Though likely some of the example settings will cover this. In character creation - notes on making 'mundane' characters useful in an urban fantasy setting.
  7. Re: How Would You Make Green Lantern? Remember to reason from effect. GL creates a big energy hammer and whonks Sinestro with it. Do you need to write up a special power to create a big energy hammer? Not really. What's the effect? Sinestro takes damage and goes flying back. Just buy it as an EB. Same as forming a big green Civil War era cannon, a train to run him over, a giant wolf to bite him, etc. Build it from what the effect would be, what it looks like is just window dressing. As for willpower, especially if go the VPP route could make the Power skill required be based off of EGO.
  8. Re: How Would You Make Green Lantern? Mostly it's just EB, TK, and force wall with artistic license. Tack on flight, FF and life support and you're pretty much there.
  9. Re: What happens when a new GM doesn't understand game balance My first Champions GMing experience - old Island of Dr. Destroyer. Heroes make it to shore, deal with various automated defenses and such. Make it to the nefarious Dr. Destroyer. HKA to the chest, manage to overlook the Armor on his sheet. Short fight.
  10. Re: What Marvel hero am I remembering? You're remembering right. She's had some name changes which probably makes making sense out of search info harder. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monica_Rambeau
  11. Re: No Horses For You One fantasy game I played in horses were the norm, but one area had wasteland barbarians that rode around on big spider-things. Didn't have too much interaction with them during the campaign.
  12. Re: Order of the Stick Though there is a certain demoness who might have a problem with someone taking her Nale. No pun intended. Though being a demoness, she might be open to the idea. Regardless, I think they would just reinforce each other's natural inclinations. But a half-orc ninja rejected by Elan and with a resulting hatred of Haley would make a great candidate for membership in the Linear Guild if her current employment falls through. Especially if (as is likely) the OotS is the cause of her current employment falling through. Reject her advances, take her man, kill her father figure/employer - yeah, that's a good way to get a Hunted!
  13. Re: Opposing Force: Taking a Walk on the Vile Side Villain campaign discussions come up from time to time. Here's a link to one of the earlier ones: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=57365 I enjoy villain campaigns, when everyone's on the same page for expectations they can be a great change of pace. Sounds like you're doing it right in trying to deal with as much of that up front as possible. I might be interested in this one depending on time commitments... Couple of things: - Forming the group in-play. While it is more exciting, once you get the players involved things can still fall apart. The sneaky villain gets away before the group forms and has to be re-introduced later. One villain makes a snide remark about the other one's cape and a feud is born. Etc. Even if the group itself is formed in play, I would suggest working out some pre-game connections between the PCs so there is some existing glue to help form them together. A and B worked together previously. C and D know each other from their Viper days. A and C are both mutants and helped each other out in a running battle with a Minuteman robot. Etc. Helps it go down easier than just "hey, it's another criminal in a mask". Also helps to naturally avoid the 'backstabbing' issue if there's some positive history. - Goals. Along with attitude/tone, it's good to have common goals or ones that can be complementary - A wants to take over the world, B sees taking over the world as a good way to get rich, C knows that Hero X will oppose the group so great avenue for revenge, D is loyal to A, etc. For varied goals, the villain with the biggest goal would IMO tend to be more of a driving force, so would need to be most careful with picking the right player/character for that. Same goal groups of course are great too - everyone in the Sinister Syndicate wants to get rich and hates Spider-Man. Various secondary goals and subplots, but easy to see why they hang out together. - Aside from getting on the same page for tone/etc. it's a good idea for everyone to be on the same page as to the villains' role in the story as a whole. They're the PCs, but should have an understanding of how big a 'win' they should expect - ie expect to fail at actually taking over the world, but can have significant successes at smaller scales, heroes will escape deathtraps but you should use them anyways, etc. vs. "Scott Evil" solutions. Either way is fine, as long as everyone is playing the same tune.
  14. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Awww... My grandmother in college was sweethearts with a young man named Paul. Got along great, but lots of differences in background and religion, pressure from families pulled them apart. They both went on to marry other people and have children and grandchildren, and both survived their spouses. After a time they got back in touch, started seeing each other and got married. It may have taken 40 years but eventually they ended up with who they were supposed to. Good luck, hope your story has a similar happy ending!
  15. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central
  16. Re: We Loves Us Some Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs I'm OK with 'standard' fantasy races. I'm OK with modifying them. I'm OK with 'new and exciting!' races, if they fit. I'm OK with human-only (and am currently running a game w/out elves, etc.). Don't have a big problem with them, don't have a problem without them.
  17. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Could be a sideline there...
  18. Re: Comic Book (genre) Conventions that don't work in Champions A lot are things that don't work out as well in gaming in general: *Splitting up the group *Wildly variable power levels - Falcon and Thor in the same team They can work, depending on the player group and the GM. But more often it doesn't.
  19. Re: Comic Book (genre) Conventions that don't work in Champions
  20. Re: What's your favorite Champions supplement? Probably a tossup between Champions II and Strike Force.
  21. Re: First edition Champions http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.waynesbooks.com/images/graphics/championsrulebook.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.waynesbooks.com/SuperHeroRPGs.html&h=230&w=178&sz=18&hl=en&start=65&tbnid=oCZvMx42S_ub2M:&tbnh=108&tbnw=84&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dchampions,%2B1st%2Bedition%26start%3D60%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN
  22. Re: Rooftop Travel 1) Jump more than running? Use jump speed. If LOTS of jump, picture it more as two half-moves each phase. 2) Enough jump to clear? If yes could just use running speed to determine long-distance speeds. 3) Gliding, only for 'rooftop jumping' - not going to be able to clear to a higher building (wouldn't anyways with most rooftop jumpers), but shouldn't lose enough elevation over the alleys for gliding to be a problem, and makes it very easy to get to lower buildings. Can also be used to 'climb down very fast' to street level without becoming a pizza.
  23. Re: Looking for two (horribly abusive) builds Shouldn't be hard to build. Mind Scan with lots of bonuses since scanning the planet, plus Ego RKA does Body, Penetrating.
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