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  1. Re: Supers vs. Military In my opinion and experience, it is very much in genre to make high-power supers army-beaters, one or a small team of them easily able to crush conventional armies and effectively immune to their weapons, while remaining quite vulnerable to other supers of comparable powers. While there is not a simple way of accomplishing the former objective, and it needs to be done by carefully tinkering with the AP and Advantages of Attack Powers, or the GM accepting to tinker with world rules to make inanimate objects more fragile to super attacks than superhumans, the latter can be easily and effectively accomplished by giving such supers the following power, without having to buy obscene and unbalancing amounts of defense powers: Invulnerable to Normal Weapons: Desolidification (affected by all attacks other than mundane real weaponry), Persistent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (70 Active Points); Only To Protect Against Mundane Real Weaponry (-1)
  2. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes Hmm, personally, I'm not bothered at all by this comic book trope. I find easy enough to justify the vast majority of superhumans having a perfect body physique and extended youth longevity as positive side effect of activated superhuman genes, and the vast majority of superhuman origins can be rationalized as activated X-genes in one way or another. I also think that if one had a perfect physique, the kind of taste for public exposition that brings one to pick heroism as a career, and such godlike personal power as to scare off disrepect, exibitionism becomes natural.
  3. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes Contingency plans in the case high-powered superhumans turn against humanity may be a sensible thing, but another comic-book trope, quite extant in the Marvel Universe, that deeply annoys my sense of realism is how the "normals" always seem to be to a rabidly bigot horde always ready and eager to break out into grass-roots witch-hunts and follow the most wingnut politicians espousing severe persecutions and crackdowns on the civil rights of superhumans with little provocation. There is something deeply insane and unplausible in a majority eager to harass and persecute a minority that includes plenty of members able to wipe out entire armies of normals and level their cities with little effort.
  4. Hello Steve, I really need a clarification. In 6th ed. Detect Physical Objects (as used in Spatial Awareness, vol.1, p. 211) requires Fully Penetrative in order to see through walls. Now, I want to give a character Cosmic Awareness, which is built with the same Detect, only with more benefits, and, according to my character-building purposes and my understanding of the SFX, is never stopped by something so trivial as walls. Yet Cosmic Awareness, as written in Champions Powers p. 63, does not include Fully Penetrative, and still follows the 5thEdR writeup, where Penetrative did not exist and Spatial Awareness was written without it, too (see also the FAQ about Spatial Awareness and walls). I sense a glaring and confusing contradiction. Perhaps proper addition of Fully Penetrative to the 6th ed. writeup of Cosmic Awareness fell through the cracks ? According to my understanding of the SFX, it is unacceptable that CA is stopped by walls. Oh, and the reason why I rushed to check that power as soon as I bought Champions Powers PDF: if CA indeed needs Fully Penetrative, what substance or phenomenon would you have written to block the perception, SFX-wise ?
  5. Re: Penetrative for Cosmic Awareness sense Yep, so far in Hero CA published examples have been written with variants that detect magic too and others that do not. We shall see if Champion Powers changes anything about it or not. Yup, although in either case, it would boil down to cosmic-powered Barriers, and a case-by-case approach is probably fit for it. In most cases, cosmic power use would likely fit under "extreme energy output", if any. Which is radically at odds with 6th ed. rule that Penetrative always has to be stopped by some material, regardless of SFX. Of course, Champions Powers (and later, Champions Beyond) shall almost surely republish a 6th ed. official version of CA, and we shall see how Steve deals with the matter.
  6. Re: OIAID vs. Multiform for Bricks
  7. Re: Penetrative for Cosmic Awareness sense So following on your ideas, a possible unified list of Cosmic-Awareness blocking materials fitting for HD definition could be: "strong gravitational or electromagnetic fields, extreme energy output or dimensional anomalies, ultra-dense or unstable matter, anti-psi screens, and magical wards" The rest of your suggestions seem too broad as SFXs go.
  8. Re: OIAID vs. Multiform for Bricks Actually, this is not true for 6th edition, and IIRC the rule has not really changed (apart from the different name) from 5th ed. It is required that the change must take at least a Full Phase and/or there must be other difficulties or ways to prevent the character from activating powers. Following printed examples indicate that extra time or additional ways to prevent transformation requirements are typically meant to be alternative and not combined, unless specifically meant by the character concept.
  9. Re: Penetrative for Cosmic Awareness sense I was thinking of that too, even if I would expect anti-psi/magic area defenses typically to be set up in terms of Dispels and Suppresses, not area-effect "personal" Defenses. No problem about that, indeed. Maybe, but I'm rather skeptical. The purpose of Mental/Power Defense is to protect the individual from being affected by active powers, not to deflect passive sensing. Using them to make the character an "opaque screen" seems to push the power's purview beyond reasonable expectation. Anyway, at the most it seems to me such a rare occurence to be settled by a case-by-case basis and to be explictly mentioned in a power's writeup. At the least, I'd expect the Defense in question to have an UOO in order to become a serious concern, i.e. to "spill" in the area somehow. Wards are a wholly different matter.
  10. Re: Bring in the clones In 6th edition, I'd rewrite the power as follows: Cloning: Duplication (creates XXX-point form), Trigger (character is dead or permanently incapacitated) (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger, Misfire (character is imprisoned); +1/2) (XXX Active Points); Extra Time (1 Season, -5 1/2), OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), No Conscious Control (Only Activation cannot be controlled; -1), Cannot Recombine (-0) I would also write the power so that it can create multiple Duplicates (it seems foolish and counterproductive to build cloning equipment so it can only be used once), at least 10-20, but I would slap a Limitation (-1, perhaps) so it may only create one Duplicate at a time.
  11. Re: Bring in the clones The Duplication indeed only takes place in the lab, but using Bulky and not Immobile assumes that the cloning equipment itself is not that cumbersome (the clone growing vat and little else, which is a little more than man-sized; a Bulky Focus is also described as being statue-sized, so it fits) and can be relocated to a different hideout/safehouse/base if need be. Better to plan for safety, this is the character's main guarantee of immortality, after all. Note: the writeup I posted is only valid for 5th Ed. Rev. I have not yet got around to check and revise it for 6th Ed.
  12. Re: Bring in the clones Cloning: Duplication (creates XXX-point form), Trigger (character is dead or permanently incapacitated) (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger, Misfire (character is imprisoned); +1/2) (XXX Active Points); Extra Time (1 Season, -5 1/2), Independent (-2), OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Cannot Recombine (-0)
  13. Re: Penetrative for Cosmic Awareness sense Well, I'm not really sure that personal Mental Defense and Power Defense, by themselves, should be able to stop a Detect. That does not really seem like what those Defense powers are built for. But Anti-Psi fields and Mystic wards certainly seem promishing ideas. As for uncollapsed wave forms, well they surely don't seem a too frequently occurence in our macroscopic reality, although one can never say never, in a comicbook universe.
  14. Re: Penetrative for Cosmic Awareness sense Well, I meant to use a slightly toned down version of the Cosmic Awareness power writeups found on USPD Rev. p. 42, USPD II. p. 30, and GC p.30: Quantum Sense: Detect Physical Objects and Energy 13- (Mental Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Penetrative (stopped by XXX), Sense, Targeting, Telescopic: +12 (58 Active Points); In comparison with the constructs published above, I dropped Tracking both to spare some points and because it didn't fit the concept. Likewise, I made the Power a Mental Sense both because it fit with the concept and to spare some points. I was uncertain whether to add a "Detect Magic" too to the power construct like the USPDII/GC version does, would fit with the SFX and power concept, or not but I am tentatively in favor of dropping it, also to spare some points (in the opposite case , I would also add a corresponding Limitation: Quantum Sense: Detect Physical Objects, Energy and Magic 13- (Mental Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Penetrative (stopped by XXX), Sense, Targeting, Telescopic: +12 (63 Active Points); Sense Affected As More Than One Sense (Mystic Sense Group) (-1/4). In comparison to the above 5th ed. Rev. writeups, I added Penetrative like 6th Ed. now mandates for Spatial Awareness-like Senses, but I am uncertain how to define the mandatory materials that would stop Penetrative: Force Fields ? Dense matter ? Radiation shielding ? Lead and gold ?
  15. Re: Penetrative for Cosmic Awareness sense Hmm, maybe I misexplained my question. I was not inquiring about a way to bypass the built-in limitation of Penetrative for this power concept, but about the types of barriers that would fit with the power concept.
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