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    Game critic & freelance writer

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  1. Re: Eliminating Killing Attacks Hmph... Well, I'm not yet convinced one way or another on making a rules change for Killing attacks, but I do think I'm going to drop them altogether for my next Champions game for a couple of other reasons. One, because I like to run non-lethal, Silver Age-y type games, and they're not really appropriate anyway. And two, because I have a bunch of HERO newcomers, it'll save me from having to explain the two different types of damage and two different types of armor to them, which has thrown some newcomers I've gamed with in the past. So I guess however this thread turns out, I still got something good out of it.
  2. Re: Looking for random-roll HERO The only thing Champions-centric like that that I've seen is in the Champions book itself, not online... I wonder if it's something someone copied from the book and was 'ceased and desisted', hence the disappearance... ::shrugs::
  3. Re: Stage Magic Hmm... well, I don't have the means to do a full write-up at the moment, but I'm thinking something like The Art of Distraction, which you could do a few different ways: 1) Mind Control ("Don't look at what I'm doing with this hand, look at the other one instead!") 2) Images ("You don't really see me doing A, you see me doing B instead.") 3) A very specific Invisibility ("You can't see what I'm doing with this hand over here.") Where'd He Go?: You step out of sight for a moment - into a closet, behind a curtain, under a table - and seemingly vanish! Could be done with Images (which would keep it more 'realistic'; you haven't really gone anywhere, and you're not really Invisible, you can just hide really really well. It'd be a simple, static Image, no Range, and you couldn't move or take any other actions while it was in effect), Invisibility (a more potent version), or even a short-range Teleport (only to places the character can reach through normal movement; you didn't really Teleport, you just dashed out of sight while no one was looking). He Catches Bullets in his Teeth?!?: You could do this one with a specialized Armor or Missile Deflection (maybe he needs extra time to prepare for it, it'd only work against a single attack - maybe once a Turn, or even just once a day - and it'd only work against attacks he can see coming). Penn & Teller did a great bullet-catching stunt in their act for awhile; not sure if they're still doing that one or not... And of course, the great Ricky Jay card-throwing bit, which'd be a small RKA (1 pip maybe) with 52 charges.
  4. Re: Why are there never any Fantasy Hero games at the Cons? Supers games seem exceptionally well-suited to one-shot games, and tend to show off the system more than other genres... Pure speculation on my part, though; I'm hardly a con expert!
  5. Re: How would you create a Wish? With that option, too, you can make it so that that's not the ONLY thing different in the new dimension, particularly if they didn't word the wish very well. (Personally, I don't care for wishes, but that was a whole 'nother thread already!)
  6. Re: Highlights in Champion's books The Glider is in there, as well as pumpkin bombs and some other Goblin-y goodies. Also, Boom Tubes, Green Arrow's (and/or Hawkeye's) trick arrows, Wolverine's skeleton, the Legion of Superheroes flight ring, Batman's belt... A fun little party game (well, fun if you're friends are a bunch of comic geeks) is to pass the book around and give everyone 5 minutes to write down as many comic-referenced gadgets as they can find. It's a great book; I only wish it'd been longer! It does for gadgets what the UNTIL Superpowers Database does for powers, just on a slightly smaller scale. And if you get a chance to pick up VIPER: Coils of the Serpent, I'll also put in a big thumbs up for it. Amazingly good stuff.
  7. Re: Conan vs. Elric It would depend on if Moorcock or Howard were describing the fight. Either of them could come up with some rationale - reasonable or otherwise - for the other one to have his ass handed to him, steaming, on a silver platter. If it wasn't one of those two writers, it'd end up being like one of those Marvel vs. DC comics, where they start off fighting, and later join forces. (Although you can't beat Superman vs. Muhammed Ali; Ali whooped his ass, but only because Supe's lost his powers: http://www.techknight.com/gallery/ali/aaa )
  8. Re: What Gold/Silver/Iron Age story or series do you love? If I tried to list them all I'd be here all night.
  9. Re: You guys are amazing I know someone mentioned this already, but if you check out Sidekick and decide you want to take HERO for a spin around the block with a supers game, there's one thing you should keep repeating to yourself: UNTIL Superpowers Database. Man, that's a great book! I wish I'd had something like it when I first got into HERO lo these many years ago...
  10. Re: Sell me on Hero! I can't recall off the top of my head now who is working on the new GURPS Supers (Steve Kenson, maybe? Someone like that...) but whatever they have in store for 4th Ed. can only be an improvement. I think the old version was just terrible all around... 9 times out of 10, I know I can get a GURPS supplement no questions asked, and know that it's going to be rock-solid, but that was one of the few stinkers to make it through.
  11. Re: Sell me on Hero! Yep, what the Agent said. A lot of the work is front-loaded in HERO; that is to say, you do a lot of work in character creation, but once it's done, you'll save a lot of time in-session because much of what the players need is right there in front of them. HERO can be just as simple or as complicated as you choose to make it, which is one of the things I love about it. I can spend an hour lovingly writing up some little detail, or just hash out a quick one-liner or describe it, and both tend to work equally well.
  12. Re: Hero Needs Reviewers!! I'm pretty sure I included a link to my review of UNTIL: Defenders of Freedom (or I could have just spaced out and missed it, too!) with the others. Regardless, here it is: http://www.gamingreport.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=913
  13. Re: Power Defence... Ugg Yep, that's always been my experience; power defense doesn't get used nearly as often, but when you need it a little goes a long way.
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