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HERO Member
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Everything posted by The_Hero

  1. Re: Kinnison Institute 2 I'm in, though I think FB might be better thread wise and file wise... (Ava here.)
  2. Looking for Kinnison Institute Players Barrier NighHawk HeroEC Starkiller Scandalarian Reverend Greg here, on facebook with Quozaxx and jkleisemann. Have a group called Kinnison Institute. Sent me you email address / real name at gpalechek@neo.rr.com Will see if can find you on FB to add to group....
  3. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. Assuming you're checking this thread as you posted to in almost a week ago... Adam, it's been a few weeks and we're waiting on you in Beacons on Herocentral.
  4. Re: [Game Idea] Beacons in the Night Not sure if you read this thread much, Adam, but it's been a few weeks and your players over in Herocentral are waiting on you....
  5. I know you can't Reflect at range... When you buy Missile Deflect at Range and add Reflection into this, the advantage is not applied to the Reflection adder in HD. My question is: Is that intentional or should the At Range Advantage also be applied to the Reflection adders, even though you can't use them? It's a question for character building that has come upin chat...
  6. Re: What Do You Want To See?: DC: The Animated Series The only reason I'd want to see a name change is fear of Hero being sued by Batman the Animated Series guys Incorporating theme villains would be cool... Designing cheap equipment would too, esp as there was talk of an everyman equipment pdf awhile ago...
  7. What would the differences between 4th and 5th Dark Champs be, since they were written by the same person?
  8. I notice Steve has never clarified the whys and wherefores of the new cost, tried asking him at Last year's Origins and he got defensive... It caused a group of ours to eventually disband, it was one of the reasons anyway. We had point caps the GM wasn't willing to work with, and I had a megahard brick who should have hurt hands that punched her, but doing the Thing's hide always on is too expensive for what little good it does...
  9. I see polls everywhere, which make for fun discussions, but how do you make them?
  10. Sounds like the Super Village People!
  11. OK, my take... Fix Damage Shield!!! Return Haymaker to a Str only maneuver and make it 1.5 times Str again... only things I can think of...
  12. Had to chime in on this one... Remember the whole "talking takes zero time" rule? Well, we had a group that believed it all the way. If a threat would come up, we had a team meeting on what to do about it that took 3 hours REAL TIME, even when the threat was immediate! The rule was intended as for use with one-liners and sililoquies. We ended up having one session of briefing, one session of action, and one session of debriefing!
  13. As someone who bought darn near EVERY Hero product through the 80's and 90's... Heroes from the Deep - decent water rules. Bad News from Dr Drugs - decent High School rules and a good map Eye for an Eye: Lots of good write-ups... Olympians - couple good pics I used for Greek Heroes Mutant File: Good template for Mutant characters which I still use. Other write-up blew chunks though... EE, Road Kill, High Tech Enemies - All bad! My friends and I would joke about characters in it. "Hey, let's take a snowshovel full of points, chuck them at a piece of paper and see where they stick!" Esp...EE. Went to Origins one year and talked to the Hero booth about it, they were less than pleased, I think they thouhgt they did a GOOD job with it.
  14. Superbabes had some good poses for costume design, plus they had HAIR. (Never can draw good hair myself. Plus their Bimbo Events chart works really well for unluck based events...
  15. Spiritwalker: Convince the bomber to get to the front of the train so he can see where the train is going to make sure the train doesn't go off course. Then separate that car from the rest of the train to rescue passengers. Then I'd tell him to go for it, take the engineer and get off. (My character is a Comanche warrior who hates the persecution of White Man's govt and this'll be a great way to get back at them once and for all without her people getting the blame)
  16. ...you're a PC in any one of Kevin McC***'s games... ...you actualy make your character correctly in a Mitch What... game...
  17. ROFLMAO!!! I loved those ads! Unfortunately in my groups I think it'd work ONCE, then all Supervillains afterwards would mysteriously be diabetic...
  18. Actually7 I'm waiting to see responses to my character's questions of the group about Pygmalian and the letter she got...
  19. Hey. Can someone post when the New Justice League Eps are starting? Does anyone know the date?
  20. WHat the hell...Let's throw the guy fro Joe Millionaire in the mix....bwa ha ha ha ha
  21. To keep posted on what happens... go to yahoogroups and Ultimate Champions High School... And if you have an idea of what type of costume this character should have at this size let me know...
  22. Power concept Water absorption to Fat cells for growth, not just width either. Has a clinging damage shield, area effect 1 hex with Str, Superleap based on bouncing, etc... The obesity thing is actually always on water retention. Character is just learning to use her powers...
  23. Hello, Need costume ideas for a sketch for a new superteen. Please read this origin for an dea of her appearance and see what you can think of... Liquidator's Backstory Ava DuPois grew up with a normal childhood. Up til the 8th grade, she was one of the more popular girls in school, into all the athletics, and captain of her pep squad. During the summer prior to her freshman year, her parents went out for the weekend for their anniversary, leaving her alone in the house on her own. She was just about to have a salad for dinner when the doorbell rang. It was a pizza delivery guy, with a large pizza for her. She was about to mention that she hadn’t ordered it when she saw the note saying it was paid, and "Don't go hungry while we're gone, love Mom and Dad." Seeing as she was suddenly much hungrier than for just a salad, she accepted it thinking she just eat part of it and piece it out over the weekend. She ended up scarfing it down in half an hour, ending up hungrier than before. Just as she was beginning to rummage through the cupboards for something else to eat, the doorbell rang again. This time it was a chicken delivery, a good 20 piece, with a note saying, "Figured you might still be hungry." Her hunger taking over her common sense, she dug right in. The same pattern continued for the next two days. Each time she would just finish what she was eating, or would start getting tired, the doorbell would ring with another delivery of prepaid food. Eventually the doorbell had a Pavlovian effect, causing her hunger to rise again. By Midnight Saturday, she passed out exhausted, surrounded by ice cream cartons, pizza trays, burger bags of every make, grocery store bakery boxes, cellophane chip wrappers. . . The next afternoon, she awoke to the cries of her parents and their shaking her to see if she was alright. Trying to move to sit upright, she found she couldn’t, as if a great weight was holding her down. Eventually, her parents were able to help maneuver her to something resembling sitting, her having to lean back at an angle as her new form would not allow anything else. After the initial shock wore off, she managed to get a hand on the bed and heave herself, with heroic effort, to her feet. The feeling of standing was incredible as her bulk swayed and then finally settled. She looked in the mirror; she was engorged with fat, gigantic upper arms forcing her arms out at an angle to rest on her sides, which sloped out under them. Her stomach was one big round ball, a slight fold passing over a deep bellybutton in the middle that she couldn't even reach to feel. Her breasts sat on her belly, gigantic, impossible, the size of beach balls, huge nipples at the ends. Her hips were probably four feet wide, and below them, her legs were much bigger around than her chest used to be. Her knees were thick with fat, and below them her calves were as big around as basketballs. She tried to move closer to the mirror and found she had to swing her arms to get started, and had to waddle ridiculously for her thighs to clear one another. She tried to walk normally but found that just couldn't move forward otherwise. She waddled back further from the mirror so that she could see all of herself in it again and felt her calves bouncing with each step, every part of me moving ponderously, her legs carrying much more weight than they were used to. She looked back in the mirror, still awe struck. She had a round face, in which she could still see the faint resemblance of her original features, the same reddish-brown hair, with a huge jowl of a chin that hung down, making her face appear larger than it was. Her days as an athletic young coed were over. She started to cry while explaining what happened, but her parents consoled her, saying they would find a way to fix it. That happened to her couldn’t be natural, no one gains over 400 pounds in 2 days! They also said they'd make her something to wear in the meantime, she thanked them for understanding, but could she have something to eat first, she was still hungry! Two days later, they took her to the doctor's office. They explained what happened to her and asked him to find out what's wrong. Upon examination, the doctor found her to be incredibly healthy, that even with her size, she appeared to be at her ideal body weight! Stunned by the news, her parents demanded a second opinion, at which the doctor said he would call a specialist in genetic abnormalities. He called a contact of his at ‘The Institute’. They eventually convinced her parents to let her stay at the Institute, headquartered in the Carolinas, so they could treat her special condition. She was soon enrolled in the local high school after relocating...
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