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Posts posted by Eodin

  1. There was a point in time when I was writing the thing that I got feedback that (1) we were including material that licensing would not allow and (2) Comstar would prefer 2 smaller books (hence book 1 and book 2) instead of 1 big book.  So that's why big chunks of stuff went bye-bye for what became books 1 and 2. I haven't seen the single version contents, but I assume it was one such version before the change, or a version after I gave Comstar all my InDesign files.

  2. I was looking in the Hero store to see if there were any PDFs I wanted to buy, and saw the Traveler HERO 5th pdfs there for sale.  So I did a forum search and found this thread again.


    One of my gaming/college friends has run a number of Traveller HERO campaigns over the years, and I'm glad to see that the work continues to live on.  My only complaint is that Shadowcat and I and Randy never got a penny out of the deal, but that's the fan author's life I guess. Our payment was being involved in something we enjoyed.


    Fifteen years ago... 

  3. In a 6E Heroic campaign, such as Fantasy Hero or Star Hero, are the Martial Arts damage classes exempt from the "double weapon base damage" rule? 

    Example, my Viking character has a 2D6K Battle Axe and 20 STR and Martial Arts. Without any extra DCs, he can do 4D6K with a Cleave attack.  Now he buys +2 Damage Classes with his Martial Arts. Does he now do 4 1/2 D6 with the Cleave, or does he only do 4D6?  If he puts his +4 Combat Levels into additional damage, that according to the rules exceed the 4D6 K, and buying Weapon Master exceeds the 4D6 K, so it seems to me as the DCs would also increase damage regardless of the double damage limit in Heroic campaigns.  For that matter a fist is a real weapon, and with Martial Arts and Levels in a Heroic Campaign a 2d6 N punch (Strike) can become a 6D6 N Punch (Strike). 


    Trying to figure this out so we know whether to spend 12 points for +3 DC in the MA, which may not help at all, or spend the same 12 points for Weapon Master, which does, and is confusing.  Part of the problem is the text for "real weapons" limitation that says a weapon with this limitation - which basically means every weapon that's not Champions and not a magical creation in Fantasy Hero - can't do more than double it's base damage. But if I spend points for the maneuver Offensive Strike with a 1d6K dagger, that's +4DC with a 3DC weapon and thus the damage using the maneuver is more than double. If I take Offensive Strike in Gun Fu, and we all know that extra STR does not add damage to guns, that +4 DC makes my .38 Llama Comanche (1d6K) do more than double. And that's without buying any *extra* Martial Arts Damage classes.  That's why it doesn't make sense to *me* that extra Martial Arts DCs would be affected by the "Real Weapon" limitation, which is what some have interpreted "Real Weapon" to mean.

  4. There are references to Khan in the history chapter of TNG Hero, but nothing about augments or building Khan's "superior beings."  The only augments I remember writing about were in the TravellerHero books (book 2, I think) regarding cybertech enhancements. My personal opinion is they would have STR, CON, and INT in the 18-20 range, DEX and PRE in the 15-20 range. Their EGO would be 13ish, since self-control of emotions is not really something they excel at.  They'd be slightly tougher (+2 to PD, ED, REC, and BODY, added to the 5th edition figured values). Everything else would be based on culture, location, and how they were raised/trained. 

  5. I wrote TOS Hero (and later TNG Hero at the request of another Hero-ite).  I grabbed whatever artwork was available on the net, no licensing or connection with paramount. 

    I've had a few people ask if I'm going to update those setting books to 6th edition, and the answer is probably not. At the time I used Adobe In-Design, but when Adobe changed from buy software to subscription model, I quit using the product, so I'd have to start from scratch in some new program.  Same with all the TravellerHERO stuff I did, the In-Design files are no longer usable. Glad to see Shadowcat's still doing what he can to keep it available in some fashion.

  6. I've started running a "Victoriana" campaign, and Widening Gyre is of of my minor sources.  It's a good book.

    I'd love to see a Victorian Hero or Steampunk Hero the size of Pulp Hero, but that won't happen.  In my campaign I'm combining pieces from Cowboy Hero, Horror Hero, Widening Gyre, GURPS Steampunk, Victoriana, Castle Falkenstein, and several others just to get the pieces of all the things happening in a magictech world of 1866. Lots of stuff!  And since mine is based in the San Francisco, not London, there are different assumptions about the goings on.

    But I digress. Bill Keyes did a great job with his Widening Gyre. 

  7. Reading through Viking Combat techniques, one I came across some time ago was how they would "block" a weapon attack by binding/entangling it, and following up as a counterstrike with their own weapon.  My original thinking was that you could abort to a weapon bind just like a block, and follow with a counterstrike if the bind was successful. But re-reading Hero Martial Arts 6th edition, you cannot abort to a  Bind, since it assumes Bind is an active attack like a Strike.

    Should I just say the "Block" in the martial block is a temporary bind, like blocking an attack by grabbing the weapon and then letting it go, instead of trying to add an Abort element to Weapon Bind?


  8. Hi folks,

    Not to detract at all from the Traveller HERO conversations going, but we've been asked to work on another setting sourcebook for a space opera type setting to HERO 6th edition.  If I keep getting asked, I must be doing SOMETHING right... ;)


    I'd like to get feedback from people on what they do and don't want in a HERO sourcebook setting for Star Hero. Here's where I'm coming from...

    The IP is purchased, so we don't have the same restriction we did with Traveller HERO, we can do almost anything we want with it.


    Now, we've done a lot of work reorganization the information so we can see the light, medium, and dense material, information-wise. 


    We'll have the basic sections:


    Races and templates

    Professions and templates


    Gadgets and Weapons




    Longwinded way of asking... Beyond looking for a specific niche, like Traveller, Star Trek, Star Wars, Serenity, and the quality of the writing/material provided, what do you look for in a source / setting book that makes it worth spending money on?


    Things like "Don't reference books that I haven't bought and may not purchase", or "Don't provide non-canon material even if it's logical", or "Give me lots of psionics" or ...


    Thanks for all helpful feedback!

  9. For me, what feels like "Traveler" is mostly about setting and assumptions of the setting.  

    War of some kind somewhere is always a possibility.

    90% of characters are ex-military, they are all making a buck (or trying to) flying cargo of some kind, legal or not.  

    Technology has a 50's feel to it - bulky or large, raw without aesthetics, requiring massive amounts of power. Pulpish/Steampunkish to me at times. Of course given when it was created, with no concept of iPads, VM servers, etc., it makes sense.


    Star Trek's Enterprise is stately and comfortable; Traveller's Beowulf is a mass of metal with few amenities, cramped, like the Serenity.



    As far as random versus point, I think building a Lifepath with a Classic Traveller feel, like the Lifepaths (1. Growing Up, 2. Professional Path, and 3. Complications similar to that found in Champion New Millennium and others), if done right, could REALLY bring the Traveller feel to the character. Not a small task given the different paths available, but probably worthwhile.

  10. I too am late to the conversation, heard from Kevin and Polaris recently.

    It's been a while, so my memory of the various issues and constraints is somewhat murky.

    Psionics, I had no information in the Traveller source material to use as a gauge on what the energy use (END/REC) would convert to, so the END rules were best guess. 

    Profession templates - as Kevin already said, we couldn't reprint the existing material, since it's owned by HERO. 

    Races - again, can't do an direct reprint of the existing material, since someone else owns it.  I do remember someone commenting we should have included a method to randomly generate characters and their backgrounds the way Traveller does. I didn't think about it at the time, HERO is about spending points to build what you want and Traveller was about random, so I went with HERO, since it was Traveller HERO.

    But all in all I think it turned out fairly well.


    Sounds like Don and Kevin and group are making progress with Marc Miller on making things available again, so fingers crossed.

  11. I've been playing around in my head putting together a "FanstasyCraft", what I mentally think of as Warcraft done right ;) Have not done much with it, beyond the food. So in the spirit of Christmas and food, here's what I have toyed with so far.


    Foodkraft Recipes. The idea is that each type of recipe is learned, and subsumes knowledge that red meat increases STR, fish increases INT, soups increase CON, etc. And since recipes can be helpful, or harmful (ala the Borgias), or emotional (love that chocolate), etc.



    Foodkraft: Assisting: Aid 2d6 (standard effect: 6 points), Characteristics (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 20 Minutes; +1 1/2) (42 Active Points); OAF (Food to be eaten) (-1), Extra Time (1 Minute (Eating time), Only to Activate, -3/4)



    Foodkraft: Diminishing: Drain 1d6+1 (standard effect: 4 points), Characteristics (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 20 Minutes; +1 1/2) (45 Active Points); OAF (Food to be eaten) (-1), Extra Time (1 Minute (Eating time), Only to Activate, -3/4)



    Foodkraft: Healing: Healing BODY 3d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points); OAF (Food to be eaten) (-1), Extra Time (1 Minute (Eating time), Only to Activate, -3/4)



    Foodkraft: Restorative: Regeneration (2 BODY per Turn), Can Heal Limbs (37 Active Points); Time Limit (1 Minute; -2), OAF (Food to be eaten) (-1), Must spend 1 minute eating the prepared food (-1/4)



    Foodkraft: Belch: Blast 4d6, Area Of Effect (2m Cone; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Time Limit (20 Minutes; +1 1/4) (60 Active Points); OAF (Food to be eaten) (-1), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4), No Range (-1/2)



    Foodkraft: Emotional: Mind Control 2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Cumulative (48 points; +1) (25 Active Points); Limited Power Only To Cause A Specific Emotion (-1), Time Limit (20 Minutes; -1), OAF (Food to be eaten) (-1), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4)

  12. Re: Power that does less damage the larger the area


    Variable Advantage from 3rd Edition did what he's after, and I've missed having that version available. :( As a GM, you could grandfather that version into your campaign if you wished.


    Given 5th edition, it really depends on how big the largest area of effect is going to be. Spreading works well if the largest AOE is not that big. If it can have a large area, I agree with the suggestion to buy the largest dice and largest area, with a limitation that the damage plus radius = max damage, which is worth a -1/2 Limitation. For example, if max damage is 12d6, a 4" radius attack does 8d6, a 6" radius attack to does 6d6, etc.

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