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Southern Cross

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Everything posted by Southern Cross

  1. Re: The Authority:What the heck? Good point Rene.Furthermore,I always wondered about the rest of Sliding Albion's alternate Earth.What WOULD happen if Italy was sent sailing through space? (If I'm wrong about what happened,could someone please correct me?)
  2. Re: VPPs and Limitations personally,I'd never allow Gestures & /or Incantations on a power derived from a VPP unless those Limitations are applied to the Pool's Control Cost (i.e. every Power bought through the Pool has those Limitations).
  3. Re: The Authority:What the heck? Actually the fake Authority DID do things the real Authority wouldn't do OR approve of -such as opening up the racial consciousness to commercial exploitation.
  4. Re: The Authority:What the heck? How true.For all the complaints from Authority fans,it seems fairly obvious to me that the Authority are not only supervillains,but SUCCESSFULL supervillains.
  5. Re: Character Concept Question: Jack Hawksmore? I agree -I never liked the alien abduction angle.
  6. Re: GURPS IST in Champions Fair enough.
  7. Re: FoxbatsMasterPlan.Com Guess it was bound to happen... Evil only triumphs when good men do nothing,after all......
  8. Re: Is this overkill? Probably.
  9. Re: Is this overkill? I take it Talion,being a NPC, has the GM's permission to have Damage Reduction & Armor in an Elemental Control,which is normally forbidden in 5E.
  10. Re: Galactic Champions, how will you use it? Heh.
  11. Re: Character Concept Question: Jack Hawksmore? Which shows you who the writers thought were the best (or at least the most popular) characters.
  12. Re: Is this overkill? I also approve of the "mock battle" run using the above parameters.I'd also suggest that it should be run as is both the PCs and this "honorable villain" have unexpectedly encountered each other,so that neither side has an unfair advantage over the other.
  13. Re: Galactic Champions, how will you use it? Probably as a guide on how to make high-powered supers....
  14. Re: How much of a Limitation...? True enough,though if you take that option the EC base now costs 5 Real points,as do both of the slots.And the cost ofthe character's Life Support is raised from 7 to 15 points.
  15. Re: Character Concept Question: Jack Hawksmore? True enough - most of what Hawksmoor does could only be achieved via super- advanced nanotechnology,and that's the so-called Engineer's schtick.
  16. Re: Calling all Mages... )The Vandaleurs:Founded by an immortal sensualist and explorer,this clan of powerful mages first appeared in Mystic Masters but is apparently coming back in either the Ultimate Mystic or the Mystic World. Tyrannon:The Tyrant of A Thousand Forms (really just 988) will reappear in the 5e Champions Universe! While he mainly relies upon his powerful innate abilities,he can also draw upon his terrified worshippers mystic energies to cast virtually any spell imaginable.
  17. Re: What?? Bruce Wayne isn't Batman??? I Remember that one.....
  18. Re: What superhero world concept are you tired of seeing? I don't agree with either of those ideas,but the idea that "Only Americans should have superheroes" is the worst of the lot.Just think of all the bragging they would do...
  19. Re: How much of a Limitation...? True enough-also Force Field fits the SFX better,as a hardened shell covering his body should be visible,but Armor in 5e is supposed to be invisible by default,as is Density Increase.So here is the power as an EC: EC; Bio-Engineered Defenses: (0 END Persistent +1); All slots are No Conscious Control (-2) and Only Activate when character is at 50% of BODY (-1) (base 10 AP,Real Cost 2) a-Dense Shell: 2 levels Density Increase (20 AP,2 Real Cost). b-Tough Shell: +5 PD/ED Force Field (20AP,2 Real Cost),plus the following: Life Support:: Self-contained Breathing and Immunity to all Terrestrial Diseases & Poisons,No conscious Control (-2),character must be at 50% Of BODY (-1)(30 Ap,7 Real Cost).
  20. Re: Rage induced Growth How about giving the character an Enraged,and then buy the Growth with an Activation Roll equal to his Enraged Roll,so if he has an Enraged of (say) 11 or less his Growth would be bought with the Limitation Activates on 11 Or Less.
  21. Re: How much of a Limitation...? Note: As Armor and Life Support are already Persistent Powers I didn't think that No Conscious Control was needed.And I screwed up on the Real Costs too:I should have had the character's Armor & Density Increase Linked to his Life Support,as it's the one with the most Active Points.So here is the new version of Bio-Engineered Defenses (with the addition of No Conscious Control on the component powers) : Life Support:Self-contained Breathing,Immune to all Terrestrial diseases & poisons (Character must be at 50% BODY (-1),No Conscious Control (-2),Linked to Armor & Density Increase (Lesser powers) (-1/4)) (30 AP,7 Real Cost) Armor (5PD/5ED),No Conscious Control(-2),Linked to Life Support (-1/2) (15 AP,4 Real Cost) Density Increase,2 levels,0 END Persistent (+1),No Conscious Control (-2),Linked to Life Support (-1/2) (20 AP,6 Real Cost)
  22. Re: How much of a Limitation...? EC: Bio-Engineered Defenses (No Conscious Control: Only Activates when character at 50% Body, Reduced Endurance: 0, Always On, Persistent) 10 pts 2 Levels of density Increase 15 pts 5 PD/5 ED Armor 10 pts Life Support: Self-Contained Breathing 10 pts Life Support: All Terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents 10 pts Life Support: All Terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents The above seems rather complicated for such a simple design.Lets see: Bio-Engineered Defenses 5DEF Armor (character must be down to 50% Body (-1) (15 AP, 7 Real Cost). 2 levels of Density Increase,0 END Persistent (+1),Linked to Armor (-1/2) (20 AP,13 Real Cost) Life Support:Self-contained Breathing,Immune to all Terrestrial diseases & poisons,linked to Armor (-1/2) (30AP,20 Real Cost)
  23. Re: How much of a Limitation...? Actually,you'd have to get GM's permission for this EC, as only Powers that naturally cost END are allowable in Fifth Edition EC's.(If i were Steve Long,I'd just have forbade all Always On Powers from being in Power Frameworks unless all Powers in the Framework have the Always On limitation.But I'm not Steve Long,unfortunately).
  24. Re: Where Supervillain buy... No need to be sorry-it's not your fault.Many great websites have an annoying tendency to either no longer be updated or worse yet,disappear from the internet.
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