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  1. I believe the rules say that Suppress is built from Drain with modifications. I tried to figure out how to do it in Hero Designer, but couldn't. Then, I had the idea to check Dispel. The options were there. I agree that Dispel seems like a better fit for Suppress than Drain. Was this done on purpose? Have the rules been updated and I just don't have a recent copy of 6E?
  2. I have been trying to get this to work. I have tried it with several characters. I can't seem to get it to work. Also, there is another import API that is easy to get confused with this one. THIS API is not in the one-click repository. You have to go get the code from here: https://github.com/Roll20/roll20-api-scripts/tree/master/HeroSystem6eHeroic_HDImporter And paste it into your own script holder on the API page for your game. All that said, it is a fantastic idea that does not seem to be working properly.
  3. I have seen several write ups of powers that use the term "plus" - usually bolded. What is this mechanic? Thanks! Drophammer
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