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Everything posted by Bazza

  1. Random lyrics, eh? we are never ever getting back…champagne problems.
  2. The Aussie Rules season has started again.
  3. Did I want an English biscuit? nope.
  4. Wildcard: King Shark… or Gambit…
  5. Colour Pick: Red Guardian (Alexei Alanovich Shostakov).
  6. Happy Wife = Happy Life Happy Husband = Suspicious Wife
  7. I wanted to start a new diet. I just feel like I have way too much on my plate right now.
  8. They are not making 12 inch rulers any longer.
  9. MacGuffin: Excalibur. Whomever (or joker) pulls this sword shall be elected the President of America.
  10. Gwenpool’s real name (in character) is Gwendolyn Poole, not Gwen Stacy. If that helps. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gwenpool If still not allowed due to similarity as Gwenpool is based on Gwen Stacy, then I’ll draft Peter Parker, as he might fit my story better (as I need someone with a camera).
  11. Be careful who you trust. Sugar and salt look the same.
  12. As you said…no…Utah saints.
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