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Everything posted by Hyper-Man

  1. Wow. The latest updates look great on the iPhone and PC. tested with Clark, Barry and John. 2 minor issues: 1) I built Lightning Reflexes as a power instead of talent so its secondary value would appear in the characteristcs block. I also set modifiers to not affect base characteristics. I think that should keep skill rolls from displaying the invalid 2nd roll value. Otherwise it would be an export specific change needed. 2) The Notes feature is needed or needs a hard break added in some places. Thanks for all the hard work.
  2. I finally dove into cranking up my laptop and doing tons of updates with my one good hand. I like the Frankenstein way you're picking the best features from several different exports. The END costs probably need a column label added to make sense. Martial Arts need cleanup and are one area I recommend doubling up with the standard maneuvers as well as their standard cost listing so players can see ALL their options in one place. Keep up the good work!
  3. I finally cranked up my old laptop and did a LOT of updates so I could try this out myself using Clark in the mobile app. It looks really good. I would recommend getting the 'Notes' feature to display as well. It's indispensable on complicated characters.
  4. Roger Zelazney's Amber novels (the basis of the dice less RPG) feature characters with signature items they could always find again eventually no matter how they were lost or taken. So I think a point investment from the beginning means a back story and something special should be part of it as well.
  5. The core problem is that you are attempting to target a meta game effect. Danger Sense is not usually associated with a particular Sense Group and that's where you have to start when using Images. I don't believe the 'unusual group' is a valid target. But I may be wrong. I suggest rereading the sense & DS rules again and possibly even posting a rules forum question for Steve to weigh in on if others don't come upon a better answer than me.
  6. Do you mean the Fantasy Hero source book vs Fantasy Hero Complete?
  7. Thank Thank you for mentioning that. Most of my posted builds have been responses to the old challenge that recognizable versions of certain characters could not be built on starting points (superman and batman are at least 1000 point characters...). They were never intended to be used to introduce the system to new players. Without proper grounding beforehand they could even encourage undesirable munchkin behavior. I often referred to their links though because I have already solved a particular problem a new poster asks and reinventing the with a direct new answer seems tedious when I can just post a link. That's also the reason I linked to JmOz's page of generic builds because they were expressly intended to be used by new players to learn Hero.
  8. Good luck. I am going sleep if I can. I've been up on steroids to prevent brain swelling and I'm ready to pass out if I can just shut down my brain.
  9. Nice. If you really want to test it I would also try my John Wick build as well.
  10. It's basically the reason that HD has the List function in the first place since the Hero rules proper never mention the term. I believe Dan Simon just isolated the common modifier display choices from multipowers and VPPs to give exports more options.
  11. First thing you will want to do is find the HD setting/preference to hide common modifiers on powers when inside a List or Framework and that will remove the redundant Kryptonite and red solar entries. That should clean up a LOT of clutter.
  12. So far so good. How it displays combat, powers and framework info is the real trick. Especially if there's common modifiers and Notes included like the example character you used.
  13. Surprise is one of the few situations in HERO when defensive abort actions are not usually allowed. Combat Luck usually doesn't work either (must be aware...). It's also a good reason for buying Danger Sense.
  14. The first rule of doomsday prepping is not letting people know that you're doing it. Nobody will be looking for your stash if they don't know that you have one.
  15. Huh? If the feint roll is successful and the target has no prior knowledge then the whole point of the exercise is that they would NOT know.
  16. They have to choose to abort before the dice roll to use dodge or block. The sleight of hand feint will have a higher OCV but they can't react to it specifically unless they know about it in advance. Roll with the punch it is the only abort that can be attempted after the attack roll.
  17. A lot of KS and/or books about doing stuff off the grid. From how to clean stuff to making beef jerky. If they're really in it for the long haul they'll have supply stashes but also a long term plan for when that eventually runs out.
  18. Another surviveable option would be to combine minimum purchase amounts of Desolidification plus a 2d6 HA with Affects Physical World (+2) and AOE Accurate (+1/2) plus 5m Flight with Only on Surface and Megascale 1m =1km (+1). I'd have to play around with HD (not possible right now) but I am pretty sure that with the low AP's involved (40, 35 and 10) that all 3 slots should fit in my rookie Flash's VPP without further limitations. And if I recall correctly 1km movement combined with SPD 6 translates to ~ Mach1. So I think that's around 100d6 minimum with a 0 OCV (Megascale) vs a 0 DCV (AOE Accurate) meaning a better than 50% chance to hit. Hitting a barrier with Affects Desol is the only worry. Am I wrong?
  19. So was this inspired by the quicksilver scene at the beginning of the last x-men movie? That scene IMHO is more of an enter the speedzone (5e Ultimate speedster / 6e APG) An almost time stop EDM vs non speedsters. If so why NOT include the safe blind and no velocity advantages? I'm applying a sfx of sorts by asking what happens when this power is used near a character with abilities like Invisible Woman and her invisible barriers? Can he rescue people from a moving vehicle? Just curious.
  20. Looks good. I would advise rereading the UBO rules and predocument the way it works using the notes feature of HD just to avoid issues at game time.
  21. Here is the basic version I built for my rookie Flash: 0 3) Faster than a speeding bullet! v1: Teleportation 23m, No Relative Velocity, Position Shift, x2 Increased Mass, x4 Noncombat, Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4) (60 Active Points); Must Pass Through Intervening Space (-1/4) Real Cost: 40 [Notes: This represents a form of "Running" that is faster than the normal eye can see. Character's with Rapid sight x100 or better should be able to see his path.] - END=6
  22. If the intent is only a group dive for cover and is not intended to be used as an attack then I don't think AOE or Selective is even needed. Just usable nearby should be enough.
  23. The incongruity for me is combining does not cross (implying a running/flight sfx) with x8 mass which even a speedster w/25str would need more than 1 trip to carry 8 people with only 2 hands. Maybe I'm getting too detailed though.
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