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Jason S.Walters

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Everything posted by Jason S.Walters

  1. Thank you for your support Marcus.
  2. Thank you PandionKnight. We appreciate your support.
  3. From The Pages Of Villain Codex V! S.I.D. is short for Super-powered Individual Database. This is a database that various government agencies use to keep track of all the various villains and heroes. Over the last few years, the number of super-powered individuals has skyrocketed. It has become a full-time job to keep track of them all, as well as update information about them. And that is the purpose of this database. The database is designed to give law enforcement as much information as possible on supervillains - or any superheroes they may need to call for help. This is a series of small products that will introduce new villains and heroes for your campaign. This installment reintroduces the villainous organization known as The Conquerors. Neutron has escaped from Stronghold, and has gathered former and new comrades together. He’s ready to make the world tremble again! (Not that it really did the first time.) This supplement contains new villains, new schemes, and a familiar (yet new) group to pit against the heroes in your campaign. Includes Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniatures.
  4. But I can't be certain. Foxbat is a man of mystery indeed!
  5. "I’m working away on editing the remainder of Gaslight: Heroic Investigations In Victorian London, while Carlos has begun layout of the book. Specifically, I’m currently editing Chapter Fourteen: Environmental Threats and Gaslight Villains, which covers topics like Victorian diseases, the nature and motives of villainy, roleplaying them, and their various types. Christopher Hackler has done some interesting work in this chapter, examining the fictional trope of the Victorian era baddies from every conceivable angle. I’m enjoying working on it." Learn more by supporting Hero Games work on Patreon!
  6. At 270 pages, The Jolrhos Codex is a huge compilation of Christopher Taylor's Fantasy Hero ideas and work spanning several decades of gaming and writing. The first part is an introduction, containing an examination of the Hero rules in a fantasy campaign, detailing thoughts and methods of creating spells using the Hero Toolkit. When combined with the detailed Spell System outlined in the Player Guide GMs and players have everything they need to have magic in their fantasy campaign. The bulk of the Codex is spells, naturally. There are three sections: Magic, Bard Songs, and Priestly Rituals, each section listed in alphabetical order. Lastly are the appendices, with a small bestiary of creatures and structures referred to only in this book, a magical thesaurus, thoughts on building magic, and more. Includes physical book, 272 page PDF, plus extensive HDC files. Links: Hero Games Store Indie Press Revolution Amazon Barnes & Noble DriveThruRPG
  7. There is something symbolic about doors. Open, they often represent a welcoming attitude or nature, an idea best expressed with the phase: “open door policy.” Closed, doors present a barrier—to sight, to sound, to entry, to communication. An open door shows you are willing to talk to others, while a closed door shows you have shut yourself off from the world. Door Discoveries is designed to give Game Masters a reference for designing and creating doors, gates, locks, and other barriers. Unlike many of the other Discoveries products, this isn’t a collection of random encounters, but a tool, to be used to develop new — and expand on existing — encounters.
  8. Treasure. The mere word sparks visions of piles of gold coins, chests full of Spanish pieces of eight, ropes of pearls, bejeweled rings, cut gemstones, and more. It is often the driving force behind many stories and adventures. The dragon from Beowulf went on a rampage due to the theft of a single gold cup from its massive hoard. The dwarves in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit seek to recover their lost kingdom — and its untold wealth. The entire point behind Robert Lewis Stevenson’s Treasure Island is to be the first to find a lost pirate treasure. And the Dungeons & Dragons module White Plume Mountain is centered on an attempt to try and recover three stolen magic items. Asyou can see, treasure — or the mere rumor of treasure — can spark a single adventure or even an entire campaign. Treasure Discoveries is designed to present Game Masters with a wealth (no pun intended) of information when it comes to creating treasure caches and troves. The who, what, where, and why of treasure troves will be discussed. As well as ways to store treasure (and what all those terms mean). You will also find descriptions of precious metals, gems, minerals, and numerous crafted objects. The rumored properties of gemstones (taken from myth and folklore) will be noted — useful fuel for any fantasy game. In short, Treasure Discoveries will allow you to create detailed custom treasure troves suitable for almost any fantasy setting (as well as other genres, if you so wish). And please, feel free to adjust, alter, and expand upon each treasure trove as you see fit, tailoring each one to your specific campaign world. It is your game after all. Make the most of it.
  9. Hey everyone. Does anyone have a scan of Champions: The Super Hero Role Playing Game (2nd Edition) pages 37-44? They are missing from the existing files, and DriveThru has brought this to my attention. - Jason
  10. It will be shortly. I'm waiting for a small print run to come in, then I will make it available via PDF as well.
  11. For those who'll be at Gen Con this year, Dave Mattingly is helping host a Darren Watts Memorial game room on Thursday night. An entire room will be filled with friends of Darren, and dozens of game tables. If you'd like to run a game in Darren's honor, sign up here.
  12. It's a beautiful thing to think of Darren being reborn in an eternal World Series where the seventh game never comes to pass. As for me: I honestly can't get my head around his death. It doesn't seem real.
  13. It can't, as Amazon and Lighting Source don't support that sort of thing. But email me at jason@herogames.com and I'll send you those.
  14. We are going to price the physical book (plus PDF and HDC files) at $30.
  15. Hello guys. I was going to wait until the physical copies came in next week, but I went ahead and took the PDF+HDC version live in the website. When the print copies get here I'll take it fully live here on the Hero Games website (and at IPR), and have AC make all of the social media announcements including on the front page of the website. I'll also take it live on DriveThruRPG once I've checked over their proof.
  16. I think I get what you're going for -- other groups like VIPER and DEMON are more obvious threats, while the IHA appear innocuous but are actually a looming danger. Actually, it's more that the IHA has its agents dress up like somewhat "overbranded" agents from other organizations to disguise their nature. The book details this.
  17. Institute For Human Advancement is now available from RPGNow.
  18. Greetings everyone! We have a new Champions organization book available, first on Amazon but shortly in the Hero Store, on DriveThruRPG, and at Indie Press Revolution. The Institute for Human Advancement is one of the most insidious villain organizations in the Champions Universe. Any super mutant who has a positive public image has had to defend it, and themselves, from the IHA at some point. And anyone would develop a hatred for an organization if they had to routinely fend off the combination of frivolous lawsuits, hostile "newsmen," hate websites, front groups, lethal poisons, and occasional armed assassins created by it! However, most of the public doesn't consider the IHA to be evil. Just slightly annoying. They don't have flashy uniforms like VIPER or DEMON. (Though they're happy to use them as disguises when needed!) They don't go around making big speeches about taking over the world or subjugating humanity like Dr. Destroyer. In the minds of the public their peppy commercials and boring midday talk show appearances make them appear more banal than anything else. But the truth of this clever and genocidal organization is much, much more sinister. And its dark history, methods, structure, agents, and equipment are to be found within the pages of this book. You can pick up a copy on Amazon, or wait for it to become available here or at other locations.
  19. BTW if an ARGENT book ever comes up, feel free to use my research via my sig link. I'd be happy to consult further on it, gratis. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you.
  20. Greetings fellow HERO System fans! I know these updates should happen more often; and I’ll try to improve upon that. But for now, here’s what’s going on with Hero Games and the HERO System at the end of 2022. 1) First of all, if you haven’t joined our Patreon account (https://www.patreon.com/hero_games), please consider doing so. By becoming patron you will not only help fund the creation of of new books, but also gain the ability to review and comment upon unreleased material before it becomes available to the public. Right now we have a little more than fifty patrons; but I envision Hero Games having more like one hundred in 2023. Then we would be really “cooking with gas,” in terms of getting manuscripts turned into books more expediently. And I really prefer Patreon for Hero Games as a crowdfunding method over Kickstarter, IndieGoGo, or any of the other platforms. Though that is admittedly a personal preference. 2) Have you seen our Champions Complete bundle on Roll20 (https://roll20.net/)? It has everything you need to play Champions with your friends online, including all of the material from Champions Complete and Champions Begins usable in Roll20. 3) Carlos and I got in a proof for Thomas Stadley’s new champions universe organization book Institute For Human Advancement: Pride & Prejudice, and there were some issues. So we’ve made some changes, resubmitted it, and I have a new proof on the way to me right now. If everything checks out, we should have that book available in the Hero Games store, DriveThruRPG, Amazon, Indie Press Revolution, and at a game store near you. 4) With Christopher Hackler’s Gaslight: Horror & Heroism in the Victorian Era having been through the Patreon account, Carlos and I have begin editing and laying it out. We’ll be presenting finished chapters on Patreon before taking it to print early next year. 5) Steven Otte’s Heroes In A Hurry is currently being run through the account. It is in nearly final form, and will go straight to press afterward. 6) Michael Satran’s final work Imperial Throne has been reviewed by fans on the Patreon account, and the response has been quite positive. Carlos and I will begin work on that when we’re done with Gaslight. 7) We will continue to put out chapters from renowned game designer Scott Bennie’s final novel The Last Orc, at which point I’ll copy edit it in preparation for publication sometime in 2023. 8. We’re going to start putting up chapters of Phil Guinchard’s Gemini System soon. It’s a genre-agnostic game heavily influenced by the Hero System and OpenD6; and, like Champions Now, is the sort of experiment we’d like for you to see. That’s all I can think of here at the end of 2022. As always, if you have a Hero Games manuscript, email me at jason@herogames.com and let me know. - Jason Walters, Publisher
  21. Actually, most of the 6th Edition (and some of the 5th Edition) books are available in print form through DriveThruRPG and Amazon via print-on-demand. You can find more information about POD books in the forums here. These are by necessity available only in paperback black-and-white. But that's the reality of the economics of the POD method. Jason Walters, Publisher
  22. Eventually we will make it available print on demand. But, for the moment, it is still very much in print, and you can get copies from both Hero Games Store and Amazon. Jason Walters, Publisher
  23. Extinction Event, a HERO System science fiction conspiracy campaign guide compatible with the HERO System 6th Edition, is now available in physical format from the Hero Games store.
  24. The Judge glowers down at you. “Those of you accused shall be sent forth to the Maze to let the Gods decide your fate. Should you succeed and survive the maze, then your verdict shall be determined as free of guilt, and you shall be released and your freedom shall be returned to you. But should you fail, then your guilt shall be revealed, and your fate will have been determined by your demise!” With that being instructed, the accused are unshackled and all of their gear is returned. Once all of their equipment is on the floor near them, Magi of the court completes the spell, transporting the accused to the maze to survive… or perish! A seventeen page PDF adventure for 600 points worth of Fantasy Hero 6th Edition Characters. Includes Hero Designer files.
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