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Posts posted by steph

  1. Question for GMs. If I take as an example from vol 1 on page 35, in the heroic category (very powerful) it is written that the CV on average is 5-9. How do you handle that, if the players have CSL and martial arts. Despite the CSL, the material arts CV must still not exceed 9? How do you keep the fight balanced?

    Thank you in advance



  2. Page 294 Hero System Vol 1

    On telekinesis

    However, there’s no action/ reaction with TK, so a character can’t pick himself up with Telekinesis (or pick up an object he’s standing on and move himself that way) 


    Why is that ?





  3. I have some quick questions for Fantasy sessions.

    Regarding combat maneuvers. 1- Do you use all the optional maneuvers?

    2- Which one of your sessions do you exclude.

    3- Do you authorize Haymaker for throwing weapons (Bows)

    4- and do you  authorize Haymaker for spell?



  4. Question for GM. In your session who track the end ? The players or you ?
    I never track the end in ten years exeption for spell caster. I think i am scared this is gonna slow things around the table. What do you think ?

    sorry for the english 


  5. 10 minutes ago, eepjr24 said:


    No. For the simple reason that there is no justification for doing so. Multiple attacks already has specific effects that are fairly complicated and trying to add in "coordinating with myself" just seems like something for nothing or a way to get around campaign maximums for AP. If a player wanted that effect I would just have them buy extra dice of the attack power with an additional RAR to represent the attack or coordination rolls. Then they have at least paid for the power.


    Yes, I do. I also use LTE, but generally I track it rather than forcing the players to do so.


    - E

    LTE ?

  6. 1- I know the rule of coordinating attacks to combine stun damage. You would let a player use multiple attack maneuver to create the same effect ? Combine the stun damage from is multiple attack ?


    2-  Did you use and track the endurance point in a heroic fantasy setting ?



  7. During your campaigns like gm, it happens that your player characters are High Nobles? King, Duke, Earl or maybe high religious, Cardinal or Bishop?  what kind of story and plot you did, political surely but otherwise, just curious




  8. Hello hero friends !


    I was wondering one thing. In one of my last Fantasy session, A character in my campaign tried to pass surveillance in a port guarded by five experienced and strong knights ... I'll spare you the details  it was night with a little moonlighting. I tell the player (13 in stealth)  to pass these five knights and make point A to B is a difficult maneuver -2 but it is a favorable context given the darkness so +2 (Still 13 in stealth) my question. If the player in question has the +2 to the Stealth for the night condition, the rule also says that if the Knights also have a -2 on their sight check given the night. How would you interpret the situation? If the player has the night bonus on his stealth, do the Knights have in addition the night penalty on Sight's roll? Thank you for your answers. Hope my question is clear. My english is 6on10

  9.   In my opinion the big presence of a troll is for make presence attack only .... A troll has nothing charming or nothing very tempting to want to converse with. So Charm or conversation or High Society does not work with his presence on the contrary.


    Troll presence +15 (Only to make presence attack -1) real cost 8





  10. Hello everybody i want to start as a gm a fantasy hero story in french and via online. 

    bonjour tout le monde je voudrais commencer une campagne de fantasy hero pour septembre via online. J’ai jamais utilisé de plareforme web pour jouer à hero ou un autre jeu de rôle. Je prendrais le reste du mois de août afin de créer et réfléchir vos personnages et de vous expliquer le monde proposé. Je vais aussi tenter de me familiariser avec une plateforme de jeu. Si vous êtes intéressé contactez-moi, pour commencer par un rendez vous sur camera et de discuter du monde et d’un background pour vos personnages. 

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