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Posts posted by steph

  1. in the beginning of phase 12 my enemy have a better dex and gonna attack me with is axe i don t want to block or dodge but i want to shift all my csl to my dcv,,,it is a abort?.....if shift csl is a 0 phase action how many shift csl can i do in a phase? can shift one time in dcv at is attack and at my attack shift again in my ocv?or i declare in the beginning of the phase what gonna be my ocv and dcv for all the phase?

    stef the french canadian

    excuse my english again

    merci de ta patience mon ami!!

  2. hello steve just a word for your ultimate martial arts ....i am a jujitsu-ka and i study martial art for 9years and let me tell you did a real good job with this book...history and technics very cool

    felicitation c est un tres bon livre!:))

    stef the french canadian

    p.s. just a question your ju-jitsu in the book is more like a grappling art like judo?

  3. Re: thank to killer shrike


    i make my cercle of protection (dispel with incoming hostile spells trigger) and the spell save my life twice.....i like the idea of a defensive mage

    merci beaucoup!

    stef the french canadian

  4. i want to make two spells but i am lost with certain rules.....first i want to make a protection spell on a magic scroll it a energie blast with trigger ( when the scroll is touched by others) but i want to know when it happen!!! like a alarm spell in my ears....


    second i want to make a kind of counter spell with dispel my question is can i use dispell with the abort rule .....like roll a dice for know what the ennemies gonna cast and in abort cast my counter spell ....how to built this kind of spell......

    and of course guys excuse my english again and again

    stef the french canadian

  5. Re: My first Turakian Age character


    il est le fun ton personnage as-tu regardé ma question a propos des points pour la magie d alchimie....et pour ton desavantage de curiosité je suis un peu d accord avec l autre ....tu dis que ton personnage est plus curieux que la moyenne de sorte qu il peut mettre les autres en danger mais ton desavantage reste a (common moderate) enfin ...comment trouves-tu le turakian age?

    stef the french canadien

  6. hello

    i buy the turakian age setting and i have some question for you guys ....the book are in english and i am a french canadian......1 what the thon-sa person looks like......2where is the lataro of the hangershite live.......3can we said then the kumasian looks like egyptian ans de korian arabic-perse.......and finally for start a campain a charactere of 150(100base...50disadvanta) is it ok...

    stef the french canadian

    oh yes is kal-turak have stats?

  7. if a spell got a magic roll... exemple a charm design with mind control... for hit my enemy i have to make my magic roll and my ecv attack ??? or just the magic roll and it ok


    excuse again for my english

    stef the french canadian

  8. hello and excuse my english (i am a french canadien) someone can tell me what the men of turakian age looks like.....what is the look and genre of the westerland ,the man of thun ,mhorecia, khoria, vornakkia, kumasia and mitharia,if we compared with people of today exemple : westerland= west europeen etc... merci d avance steph

  9. Re: FH Grimoire Index


    the FHG is ok for me..... but i want to known something (excuse my english i am a french canadien) do you known steve if the hero books have french version because sometime for some rules it much more difficult.... for my friends and me....... but we still big fans of the hero system merci d avance stef

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