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Posts posted by steph

  1. Just curious,


    What is the combat formula you use in your game. For  me the easy and fasted way is This:

    11+ (OCV-DCV)= your roll


    EX 11+ OCV 5 - DCV 5 = roll 11-

    EX 11+ OCV 6 - DCV 5 = roll 12-

    EX 11 + OCV 4 - DCV 6 = roll  9-





  2. Hi


    I am confused with attack powers purchased with the constant advantage.

    A mage has a spell  built with RKA 1 pip (constant and penetrating ) . The mage (speed 3) use is phase on segment 12 and attack a enemy with that spell. On segment 3 he is attacked by an archer . The mage aborts is phase 4 to dodge and the abort was a success . On segment 4 The mage do nothing because he abort is phase but if he pay the endurance the spell in question  remain effective ? Making a abort affect attack powers who was bought with constant ?


    Hope I am clear

    Hope one day Hero gonna be translate in french ;)




    From your examples, above, you typically wouldn't be able to shift CSL's AND Dodge; most GM's would make you choose to EITHER shift the CSL's OR Dodge. You also cannot teleport/run/swim/fly out of the way, but you CAN use teleport/running/swimming/flight for a Dive for Cover maneuver in order to get out of the way.



    Even if Shift CSL is a 0 Phase action ?

  4. Hi guys, I have some small questions with the principle of abortion to defend.

    1- When I use the more conventional methods such as block, dodge, dive for cover, the person who aborts got completely  a full phase to act ? 


    EX: I aborted to dodge a sword attack.  I take a 0 Phase action to put all my CSL with all blade in my dcv, and the dodge give me 3 to my dcv right ?


    but i know a dodge take a half  phase to do. With my another half phase can i do somethings else in the phase before the dodge ? like moving or draw a shield etc etc


    2- when I use power for abort . I remain confused about what is legal or not. 

    Legal or not?

    a) Teleport for abort

    B) desolification for abort

    c) Barrier to abort

    d) Dispel a power attack for defense

    etc etc


    and my question is do you impose restriction to one who abort with powers or the rules already impose some restriction ?


    Hope i am clear english not my first language







  5. Hey guys. Yesterday a friend of mind in our fantasy game make a multiple attack (3 attacks ). Two strike sword and haymaker with is sword. He call this at segment 12. He resolve is two strike at 12 and the haymaker at 1. I was confused and i dont like opening the book in a game so i let him do it. Is it legal ? To use haymaker in a multiple attack. Haymaker is already a full phase action.


    Ty guys in advance for your time and again excuse my english.



  6. A important thing: a bigger title not necessary mean bigger power or more money. sometime a Duke can be more powerful than a King and a Vicount can be more rich than a count or duke. Always depend of the noble and is military power, money, the richess of is land and how he exploit the land etc etc.


    Excuse my english not my first language.




    I've always thought that Marquis was less than the count

    Well a Marquis is like a count with more military power. Basically the castle and land of the Marquis is at a frontier of another kingdom. The Marquis don't have to wait the order of the King or Duke to proceed to a military maneuver.


    And I thought a Baronet was smaller than a Baron.

    Any idea of roughly the land size would be? I know it would vary of course but something to visualize.

    Your right my mistake Baron is bigger than a Baronet.

  8. Insidious Call of the Necromancer: (Total: 49 Active Cost, 10 Real Cost) Severe Transform 1d6-1, Reduced Negation (2), Alternate Combat Value (uses OCV against DMCV; +1/4), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Resistant Power Defense; +1/2), Sticky (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Invisible to [two Sense Groups], effects of Power are Inobvious to target; +1 1/4) (49 Active Points); Damage Over Time, Lock out (cannot be applied multiple times) (17-32 damage increments, damage occurs every 1 Day, can be negated by 3 days of fasting and ritual purification; -3), Conditional Power Target must be wounded by the Necromancer or an undead minion ((That is, at the time the curse is cast, the target must be down STUN or BOD due to an attack); -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) (Real Cost: 10)


    The necromancer knowing this curse may use it on someone that has been harmed by the necromancer or their minions (if the damage has been healed or recovered, the curse has no effect.) Over the course of a month it will gradually, invisibly, turn the victim into a Human-seeming ghoul compelled to seek out and serve the cursing necromancer, or any necromancer or powerful undead if the necromancer is no more. Anyone with at least 5 pts of Resistant Power Defense is totally immune, lesser amounts of Resistant Power Defense slow the working of the curse.


    Lucius Alexander


    The palindromedary runs out and gets Resistant Power Defense

    OK but for a transform power a regular power defense is ok. Why make it resistant  ?



  9. Hello to you guys. It is written in the rules that defense power can be bought with ' resistant ' ' Can you give me examples of attacks or they would be required to have purchased power defense with ' ' resistant ' ' ?


    Thank in advance and excuse my english not my first language.



  10. Hey guys i am confused….


    One of the player in our fantasy campaign are un sorcerer who mixte two form of magic:(Necromancy and shadow magic). He want to create a spell who  compound (Mental Blast and Drain body) Mental Blast is a OMCV Attack and Drain is a OCV attack. What Happens with is attack roll,  He have to roll two attacks with is spell ? how build this ?




    TY in advance



  11. Hi everyone and happy holiday... . I have a face questioning the legitimacy of a spell that one of my players wants to create . He wants to make a spell that would allow it to attack an opponent  by imitating the injury of another person . For example. The mage sees a person on the battlefield was wounded for - 8 body and a broken arm , it take that situation and replicates the same situation on a another target . It uses transform to do this …It is legal ? How to build that kind of spell ?


    Clone wounded  spell:

    Transform 8d6 : Major, Healed by magical and normal healing, (Transform a normal person into a replica of a wounded person in the LOS area ) 

    AC 80

    - Gesture -1\4,

    - incantation -1\4

    - concentration 1\2DCV -1\4

    - Extra time: Full Phase -1\2

    - Conditionnel : Must have a example of wounded person in LOS of the caster. -1

    real cost 25


    Hope i am clear 



  12. hey guys just want to know for your fantasy game, if rolemaster inspire your campaign  in a way or other. Personally the healing system of rolemaster is very flavorous (is it a word in english ?) and i use it a lot. Another example, anecdote etc etc are welcome.


    Steph the bad english man ;)


  13. Yesterday we played a long Fantasy Game. We had a long battle and we did not use figures or hex map. With a good description of the premises and notes during the fight everything was perfect . The idea is that everything stays in the head without project into a kind of board game .



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