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Everything posted by tombrown803

  1. Where's the beef?: Wendy's, where else!
  2. entangles normally use OCV against DCV, so the first part is taken care of without you needing to do anything. Yes, you can take the advantages "takes no damage from normal attacks" and "works against EGO not STR"
  3. If the desolidification or invisibility are Inherent you would need to use Transform, because Dispel, Drain, and Surpress wouldn't work on them
  4. But what if the book is the someone else's business?
  5. Danger Sense would only work if they meant you immediate harm. if they are only watching you Danger Sense wouldn't trigger
  6. At least the payment didn't also include a couple decades of interest
  7. a bear, a wolf, and a bird, why does that sound like the start of a bad joke?
  8. Yep, he's going to spend all his time on destroying the universe
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