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Xavier Onassiss

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Everything posted by Xavier Onassiss

  1. What's Up Doctor Strange (starring Barbara Streisand and Benedict Cumberbatch)
  2. It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad Max The Tobacco Road Warrior Beyond Thunder... uh... I got nothin' The Fury Road Less Traveled
  3. Coming soon to your FLGS: Volo's Guide to Hatchimals!
  4. Not to worry Old Man. They come in different sizes. You can also choose the data plan that's right for you.
  5. That's the old model. The new miniaturized ones will fit in your ****. And they play a lot more songs.
  6. Hmph. When I first saw this link, I thought it said "Negative Attitude." And I was like, science reporting is really going down the tubes these days....
  7. Escher's Staircase violates the laws of physics, so of course it's illegal. Occam's Cordless Electric is also illegal in some jurisdictions where bad jokes will get you locked up. The salad shooter is based on a true story that I made up.
  8. A salad shooter used for russian roulette by terminally depressed vegans.
  9. Yeah, I deactivated my account on Wednesday morning. Facebook has been dead to me all week! Edited to add: my last post was Tuesday evening. Something about "unfriending the entire country." I wasn't kidding.
  10. I'd suggest using the rules for Resource Points, and put some limitations on the Equipment pool to reflect how the technology works. The printer needs a blueprint for the item to be printed. Creating one from scratch requires a skill roll and considerable time. Raw materials are needed: for example, if the design calls for tungsten carbide and you don't have any, you're out of luck. There may be limits on tolerances and material strengths: the gun stock is easier to make than the barrel, for example.
  11. http://gizmodo.com/facebook-thinks-everyone-is-dead-1788877146
  12. Lots and lots of E.S. Postumus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWXEK3tu-GY
  13. Obviously, this is a trap designed to capture Kate Upton in zero gravity. In a bikini. I will donate many character points to this endeavor.
  14. And then there's this guy.... (Warning: graphic depictions of humorous violence. Or violent humor. Whatever, it's bloody hilarious. No, really... I warned you.)
  15. Apparently there are Fails, Epics Fails, And Forklift Fails.
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