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MitchellS last won the day on May 25 2005

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  1. Re: Double The Hero Excitement!
  2. Re: Comic Book powers that don't work as well in gaming True, but you and I are not Nexus, who feels the powers he listed are problematic and require fiat in superhero games. The fact that you and I feel differently about it then he does doesn't change the fact of how he feels about it. So while he might feel it's a fiat issue for Hero you and I can see it as nothing more then a design challenge [and for some games, like M&M, it's as common as water and not even a design challenge].
  3. Re: Comic Book powers that don't work as well in gaming
  4. Re: Comic Book powers that don't work as well in gaming My point above was that the commonality or problems caused by certain powers [as in the original list Nexus provided] are really based on the game system you're playing and your gaming experience with various systems. The problems aren't universal to all game systems [each game system will have its own problems]. For example, if you've only ever played Champions in your life then the concept of an auto-hit power can seem quite alien to you because Hero doesn't really have one [and only added AE Accurate with 5e]. M&M has well over a dozen auto-hit powers and auto-hitting is nothing more then an advantage you can add to any power. If you've always gamed with auto-hit then you don't really see it as a problem with people having it. If you've never gamed with auto-hit it can seem quite daunting to you when someone wants it. It's more about individual gaming experiences then saying X is a problem in superhero games.
  5. Re: Comic Book powers that don't work as well in gaming I personally haven't had any problems with any of the powers you've listed above. Basically every example power you listed is a power in M&M that anyone could buy so they are seen much more often in my M&M games then they probably are in a standard Champs game. The real issue to me is the interaction between the players and gm. Some gms really hate to lose, and some players really hate to lose, so you end up with gms who craft detailed enoounters to defeat the players and players who are always looking for the easy win. I try to stress genre over just winning and losing. The superhero genre's one of the few where you constantly have the same reoccuring foes so the definitive win or loss isn't as important as the story itself, IMO. Generally the interesting foes are going to find ways to work around your 'ultimate' power so while your time stop might work once or twice eventually your rogue's gallery is going to find a way around it. That's what makes fights against all the absolute heroes interesting.
  6. Re: Conversion of M&M Archetypes as HDC files
  7. Re: Conversion of M&M Archetypes as HDC files My game system preferences have no bearing on how each system's rules work. As I showed above, speed has no bearing on time penalties. I was working with in the Hero rules. I thought the stated purpose of the templates were to try and convert M&M players to Champions. As an M&M player going from flying 500 mph to flying 60 mph will take some getting used to, but's probably livable. Going from being able to do mundane things superquick [10x faster then everyone else] to doing them normally is probably livable too. Going from being able to bounce tank shells to, at times, taking stun damage from 2d6 rka bullets will be much harder to swallow. Going from being able to crush tanks and military submarines into a ball in a single round to not being able to crush a chevy caprice into a ball in 1 phase is a big change that many non-picky people might sqawk at. That's a valid argument. Of course I had no intention of using it. I was just curious how it was being used. If I feel like putting the time into it I might offer up some 350 pt examples of my own.
  8. Re: Conversion of M&M Archetypes as HDC files Saying a character should have a higher characteristic solely for potential time penalty rolls seems stupid to me. Ideally quickness in M&M should be simulated with penalty skill levels for time related actions. It shouldn't be simulated with more dex and speed as listed above because those things have no bearing on the time the GM will assign for those actions. If it takes 5 min to defuse a bomb it doesn't matter if the 6 speed or the 4 speed character is doing it. What matters is which one has the higher roll and which one can take the bigger time penalty. I don't feel the archetype example I've seen above accurately represents the M&M character it states it is emulating. The Hero character above is just a brick named "paragon" but has little resemblance to the M&M archetype of the same name, IMO.
  9. Re: Conversion of M&M Archetypes as HDC files Combat and movement was not what I was referring to. In M&M the paragon could clean his house 10x faster then an average person or hero. He could type his story times times faster then the average person or hero. He could disassemble a car 10x faster then the average person or hero, etc. A character's speed has no bearing on how long it takes to do a timed job.
  10. Re: Conversion of M&M Archetypes as HDC files If all you are wanting are base archetypes then Champions already provides them [as well as a random character generator]. If you're trying to bring M&M players to Champs then the archetypes should, at least, be similar in design rather just in spirit, IMO. Otherwise the M&M player's going to ask why his M&M character can fly 500 mph as a full move while his Champs character's flying 60 mph, why the Champs character doesn't have harden defenses, why the Champs character can't do things 10x quicker then a normal person, etc. Themes are fine. I was just under the impression that the files were more about converting M&M to Hero then just converting themes.
  11. Re: Free Super Stuff
  12. Re: Conversion of M&M Archetypes as HDC files
  13. Re: Free Super Stuff There's some fun stuff in there. I'd guess the Hero Hooks would be the most useful and least mechanical of all of the pdfs there for Hero players [it's not linked to any one game system]. I think at least 1, maybe 2, of the adventures there were done by Sketchpad so you can probably find the Hero version of them by searching this forum.
  14. Re: Conversion of M&M Archetypes as HDC files
  15. Re: Conversion of M&M Archetypes as HDC files Most of what you'd call roleplaying disadvantages are called complications in M&M. This covers hunted, psych lims, dnpcs, etc. Complications earn you the hero points used during play. M&M also has a drawback system for the disads which have a game mechanics use such as vulnerabilities, susceptibilities, accidental change, etc. Those two things make up what a Hero player would call disads.
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