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About Lethosos

  • Birthday 10/02/1978

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Lethosos's Achievements

  1. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? Rules-wise, variant races are merely basic stats with a minor alteration to them, IMO. Or at least that's how I see things with the various races beyond the eight in Eight Sages. For example, there's only one difference between the Dragon-kin and, say, a civilization of snake-men that rule an Ageypt-like society. Both are serpentine, and could, if inclined to do so, "hybridize" without any problems whatsoever. The only question is what their "blessing" is from their deities, so to speak. I see no issue if someone wants to be unique, I just request that they use a basic template of one of the main races and don't be absurd with the alterations. Too many racial offshoots causes too many issues, and I'd rather not make further paperwork than neccesary.
  2. Re: [For Fun] The Rouge Gallery Name Game. You do realize that you're asking me to invent a supervillan name that has ALL of those in it? Because I will try it. Oh, yes I will...
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  4. Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff? I'll probably do it like a painting--start with some rough ideas, possibilities, then go back and start fleshing it out further, and further. (Of course, too much detail is bad for the painting--you want to make the person see what they should see, not every hair on the hero's head. )
  5. Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff? I hear you. I think that's what's keeping me from actually working on Eight Sages--the thought of fleshing out the lands of the Empire of Jade is pretty daunting, since it's roughly the same area as China/Mongolia and some of Indo-China. Oh well.
  6. Re: Ben 10: Omniverse Judging from the vid, I note a few interesting things... --First off, we can see that he does retain all the previous aliens he's gained since in UF/UA. As if TerraSpin, Cannonbolt, Water Hazzard, and Humongosaur (look closely for this one) isn't obvious enough. I think that we can avoid most of the write-ups for them if we reffered to the previous ones for the time being. --Secondly, 10-year Ben gains some of the forms that 17-year Ben will get before then. Feedback will be the first of his new forms for this series. I guess I'm sorta pleased that he won't be left stagnating during the "transition" between Ben 10 and UF in terms of getting new forms. Still not quite sold on the new style, however--I think the nicely shaded/proportionate style (even with some minor changes, re: Ripjaws) that we've run through with so far seems to have become embedded as THE Ben 10 style for me.
  7. Lethosos


    Re: Skald Okay, back from Origins. How so, QM? All I'm doing is putting up to see if there's any problems or issues with it that I may have missed. Also, I found another one to add to that list--Gjall, which will be a simple STUN Only Blast, Cone shaped. Based on Heimdall's own horn. I'll add that to the master list later.
  8. Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff? I'd love to see your material on the Vulkarings--I have an interest in that sort of culture. Given that real-world Brittanica was "colonized" by a number of Vikings that later became the Saxons (I think, must re-read some history again,) some insight in the people would be fun.
  9. Lethosos


    So I'm sitting here and writing up a character for a game, to help shake loose some rust. Then I thought, how would other folks handle the spirit-bond END management for my character? So I figure I'd throw up some of what I've put down for my super-mage and see if someone can see the holes in the setup that I can't. Basic idea is that he can create spirit tools/entities from his own spirit END reserve and when dismissed, the END used is returned to the reserve. So there's a set limit on how much he can spin out of his own ether, but there's no reason why only he can use them, either. (This is to help cover various situations, such as the use of Skidbladnir to carry multiple people at a time. I'm still thinking about the setup for that, but I don't need additional sheets beyond the combined ones for the wolves and ravens.) The theme I'm aiming for is a Nordic feel; they aren't actually true legendary items/beasts but rather are inspired creations based on them. (Hence, Draupnir doesn't drop eight identical gold rings a day; it's just a spell that allows eight seperate, limited visual/tactile illusions at the same time.) Point cost totals for the spirit-beasts are not final; I have yet to give them a second go-through. I also have a fifth that I'm choosing to leave off unless I get GM approval as it is a dangerous last-resort item in question. Cost Power 21 Reserves of the Spirit-Bond: Endurance Reserve (80 END, 5 REC) Reserve: (24 Active Points); REC: (4 Active Points); Limited Recovery (Recovers full value of END when dismissing a linked spirit entity; -2) 38 Will of the Spirit-Bond: Multipower, 200-point reserve, (200 Active Points); all slots Increased Endurance Cost (x10 END; -4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4) 1f 1) Skoll (Wolf of the Sun): Summon 100-point Spirit-Beast, Loyal (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x10 END; -4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4) 1f 2) Hati (Wolf of the Moon): Summon 100-point Spirit-Beast, Loyal (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x10 END; -4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4) 1f 3) Hugin (Raven of Thought): Summon 30-point Spirit-Beast, Loyal (+1/2) (9 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x10 END; -4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4) 1f 4) Mugin (Raven of Memory): Summon 30-point Spirit-Beast, Loyal (+1/2) (9 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x10 END; -4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4) 40 Tools of the Spirit-Bond: Multipower, 60-point reserve, Usable By Other (+0), Recipient must remain within Line of Sight of Grantor (60 Active Points); Perceivable (-1/2) 3f 1) Gungir (Spear of Odin): Blast 8d6 (40 Active Points); Gestures (Throwing the spear; -1/4), Beam (-1/4) 5f 2) Gleipnir (Fetters of Fenrir): Entangle 4d6, 7 PD/7 ED (Dismissable) (60 Active Points); Gestures (Throw the fetters; -1/4) 2f 3) Skidbladnir (Ship of Njord): Flight 20m, x4 Noncombat (25 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2) 1f 4) Ellida (Ship of Ageir): Swimming +20m (24m total) (x4 Noncombat) (15 Active Points); Surface Only (-1), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2) 1f 5) Draupnir (Ring of Wealth): Sight and Touch Groups Images (15 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work in Very Common Circumstances (Only to Create "Weath"; -1), Difficult to Alter simple changes take a Full Phase (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), 8 Recoverable Charges (-0) 2f 6) Valgrind (Door of the Slain): Barrier 10 PD/10 ED, 10 BODY (up to 5m long, 5m tall, and 1/2m thick), Dismissable (56 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Costs Endurance (to maintain; -1/2), Cannot Englobe (-1/4) 1f 7) Brisagemen (Necklace of Charm): +3/+3d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters) (9 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2)
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I believe he purposely showed the public his "campaign staff" before doing a little "mudslinging".
  11. Re: The Zodiac There is a way to make him viable--just make each "form" be a Compound Power and stick them into a Multipower framework.
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... At least he's not studying camel spiders. (Yes, I know they're pueso-scorpions, but they're larger than huntsmen spiders. And that's saying a lot.)
  13. Re: Give me a head with Hair! I realized that there's a really useful template look that you can use to make a male hair-based hero... do you know of those lion-haired kabuki dancers? They're considered to be very manly and frightnening in aspect. I actually think that combining that and a white armor suit (with a stylized "makeup" mask) would be a really nice look for such a theme. Just... stay away from Kabukiman. Okay? There's schlock, and then there's Troma films.
  14. Re: Adonis and his ladies (New Mastermind and henchwomen) The Twisted Kaiju Theater forums--I moderate there. It's the fandom portal for the comic at http://www.neomonsterisland.com
  15. Re: Adonis and his ladies (New Mastermind and henchwomen) Reccomendation: make Gun Bunny blonde. The inspiration for her came from a little Army lady who loved her guns that used to frequent the TKT forums--in fact, she's AFAIK still on FurAffinity as Dustbunny. We haven't heard of her or her husband for a coupla years--she did some artwork for the cheesecake sections. Anyways, I do like Gun Moll--perhaps I can try my own version some day.
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