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Johnny Cache

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  1. I don't see how to post vids like y'all do, but check these out: “Ghost Riders In The Sky” low bass singer cover by Geoff Castellucci. DJ Cummerbund - Play That Funky Music Rammstein "Super Mario Bros.": minor key
  2. Thank you for the quick reply, Simon. I shall strive to be equally methodical in this reply. I tried to do it as a template, but I couldn't get it to work. It seems that one can only have one template entry per XMLID and duplicates override the first. Unless I'm doing something wrong? The problem with that is that you can't put a List into a Framework or another List. And I did check to make sure my mod took care of any issues with having potentially three levels of Modifiers. Sorry, I didn't want to make my initial post too long. Here's what I have so far: - IF_MODIFIERS ... /IF_MODIFIERS: You may want a header and/or footer to your list of modifiers. - MODIFIER_TEXT - MODIFIER_TEXT_NOVAL - MODIFIER_VALUE - MODIFIERS_COUNT - ADVANTAGES ... /ADVANTAGES: Like the MODIFIERS ... /MODIFIERS tag, but only the positive ones - ADVANTAGE_TEXT - ADVANTAGE_TEXT_NOVAL - ADVANTAGE_VALUE - LIMITATIONS ... /LIMITATIONS: Like the MODIFIERS ... /MODIFIERS tag, but only the negative ones - LIMITATION_TEXT - LIMITATION_TEXT_NOVAL - LIMITATION_VALUE - IF_ADDERS ... /IF_ADDERS - PARENTID: Helpful if you make an interactive webpage sheet w/Javascript - COLOR - LEVELS - REAL_COST - REAL_ITEM_COST (w/o Framework) As a fan of the KISS principle, I do respect your opinion. I just find it useful in tweaking the cost of a Multipower slot. (Would adding a limitation bring the cost of that new slot down? Could I remove a limitation without the slot costing more?) OK, thanks. I'll post it in the Downloads section soon. 🙂 In summary: - If there's anything you *would* like to keep of my version, I'd be happy to back the rest of the stuff out and send you that. - As for the other mods: I would like to make them available, but -- The .java file is well beyond the upload limit, and -- More importantly, I would only want those that bought the Official version of Hero Designer to get it. Might you consider offering my version as a "fork" to your customers? Failing that, could I post the changed source code (which would only be useful to those that bought the official source)?
  3. Hi, I hope this is the right place to post this! I bought the source code for Hero Designer some time ago (on another account; I forgot I had this one. D'oh!) Anyway, I finally taught myself enough Java to add some new features to the software, and now I'd like to donate my version back to Hero Games. Can some Admin tell me how to properly do this? The things I've added include: Added in all the new Powers from APG2 Added the ability to give Common Modifiers to Compound Powers Added a few new tags Added "Slot Cost" to items within Multipowers; Changed "Real Cost" to show cost before MP divisor Wrote a .reg file so one can double-click on a .hdc file to open it in Hero Designer I also cleaned up the deprecated code and moved all the temporary files to the system temp directory. Hope to hear from someone soon!
  4. You could preview the character in HTML format, then print it to PDF from your browser.
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