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  1. @Legendsmiths Any updates? Is there a publicly available roadmap? Thanks!
  2. @Legendsmiths Is there a road map so I know what features to expect with each version? Thanks!
  3. It's like the old song says: 99 Bugs In The Code 99 Bugs You take one down, upload to git 137 Bugs in the code!
  4. As for automation, there should be some included. Minimal, like an attack card in the chat that combines an attack roll (and what DCV it hits) and the effect.
  5. A big one that I already added to the main site is killing attacks. It should handle, as in just roll for, five basic effects: standard (body & stun, seems to be working) killing (body plus stun multiplier) stun only (only stun damage) body only (only count the body damage normally) effect (add up the dice like stun) Right now it only handles #1 fully, #3, #4, and #5 accidentally, and #2 not at all. When setting up a power, I need a little dropdown to say what kind of effect the power/equipment has.
  6. The issue system now working! Unlesh the testers!
  7. The first round of issues was found and sent as PM.
  8. Installing is not the problem. The issue is being able to report bugs. The site: https://www.uberwald.me/gitea/uberwald/fvtt-hero-system-6/issues/ is the issue. When I'm logged in to uberwald.me I get a 404 error. When I log out of the uberwald.me site and go back to that page, it displays normally, but then I can't submit any issues. This is regardless if I'm running foundry or not, in a browser or not.
  9. It's obvious there are some issues with their git hosting. I suggest you transfer the code base anywhere else.
  10. @Legendsmiths Same problem. Cleared the browser, restarted, same problem.
  11. @Legendsmiths When going to https://www.uberwald.me/gitea/uberwald/fvtt-hero-system-6/raw/branch/master/changelog.md, I'm getting a 404 error. I'm logged in with an account. When I log out, I can see the page. When logged out, and going to https://www.uberwald.me/gitea/uberwald/fvtt-hero-system-6/issues/new it asks you to log in, I do and get a 404 error. www.uberwald.me is a self-hosted service. It requires wherever it's installed to be running 24/7 and be properly configured. I strongly suggest you use a standard git service, like github.com.
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