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  1. The most powerful superman I can rember is the one where braniac sent sups 2 million years into the future and Super man AGED 2million years. At the ripe old age of 2million, super man fought off giant garbage collecting robots who were about to throw out the old earth. Split planet earth in half (so as to regenerate the surface top soil???) used his super lungs to inhale an entire atmosphere from another planet and breath it onto the earth. Collect alien animals and proto humanoids from other planets to repopulate the earth. Again doing all this while having aged 2 million years...
  2. I am trying to make a character with a wide specrtrum detect. Or perhapes a multipower of detects? that can find life forms, energy readings, radiation levels, levels of toxicity in water etc... The thing is this is a fairly open ended number of detects. Would a variable power pool be in order for something like this?
  3. Damage Negation says it works against AVAD. So say I have 6 levels of Negation, my opponent has a 3d6 NND attack and I do not otherwise have the defence for the NND. Do I take the 3d6 nnd attack or does my Negation handle it?
  4. That was Jean Grey in the Xmen. Cyclopes and Wolverine were hot for her. Eventually she rage quite the game though...
  5. Russell



    a speedster.
  6. Ok, my bad.. So much for my off the cuff theory of comic book morality and capital punishment in America...
  7. Vondy, in the silver and golden age there was not capital punishment in America. 1977 i think they bought it back so for most of Batman and Superman they would not have turned the bad guys over to the death house. In the early 80's you started seeing characters similar to the Punisher...Who in 1974 was a villain, by the mid 80s was a hero with his own comic series.
  8. America has moved so dramatically to the right that any hero with a code against killing can be considered "liberal". Capital punishment and stand your ground are actual laws in much of the USA. Daredevil was a liberal, he would catch bad guys in hero id and make sure they had proper representation pro bono in his secret ID as a lawyer. As far as actually getting involved in politics hero's don't do that much.
  9. 350pt 5th edition character. I understand this may be an actual hero or comic book, i took the idea from an old Astro City reference years ago... Would love some feedback. MPH (The Motor City Super Super Hero).HTML
  10. Cool concept Phobia is my vote for best name.
  11. That sounds like a cool idea.
  12. Rebar, I had not intended it that way. He can manifest his hands behind barriers but then he is feeling around blind with them. I suppose technically his TK touch sense comes off his body and thus might be interpreted as coming off his TK hands as well, but that was not the intent and I think it would be abusive. Frankly until you just mentioned it it never occurred to me. Taking a couple of standard 15pt hunteds would be WAYYY less inconvenient than his blindness.
  13. Normal Touch is semi discriminatory and semi targeting. Rules are a bit vague about targeting, you can make a perception roll to reduce blindness penalties. I paid for targeting just to make it clean and to not have to take a 1/2 phase perception roll every time i wanted to throw a punch.. I would be willing to bet that Eddies blindness affects him in just about every single adventure he goes on. Not many complications I can think of are as crippling to a character without rendering him unplayable. Paid for 360 degree ranged touch in this version (I had mistakenly thought he could get 360 for free with basic touch) as well as a TK assisted super leap which was in Eddie's original write up. EdwardBlack.hdc
  14. Rebar, He is definitely seriously disabled.. He cant see through glass, cant read normal print, cant see color, can't drive any vehicle with a windshield, can't use a computer, cant watch TV or movies, Desolidifed villains are invisible to him, etc etc... His ranged sense of touch is overwhelmed by the same things that touch would be so most damage shield characters get a DCV bonus vs him... A GM may quibble about how disadvantaging it is, but it's pretty major. Alot more major than most complications.
  15. I have just recently made Gemini, I think they make a pretty good super. Posted in downloads...
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